-Too many bases
-Too easy to secure third and fourth with one choke point
-Island maps (I'm sorry but I don't think in 2023 people really want to play island maps, myself included. Maybe in a super casual setting or with clan mates etc)
-Too much of a high ground choke advantage outside a natural to enable easy contains (This is playable to an extent of course, but if you're playing a better player it makes the game a little too one sided I believe)
-Too many breakable structures (A personal preference)
-Maps that are remakes of old maps that still hold a lot of play or competitive value for today's meta in their original form
It's tough to pick only 6 of course, as I was blown away with having so many choices.
EDIT: Top 6 in order
1. Neo Luna - A very slight update to one of my favorite and most nostalgic maps. I put a lot of play time into Luna back in the day. The updates make it keep its original feel yet allow for a more standard play style (Better sim city and mineral placements)
2. Blue Violet - I like the simplicity, open middle (good for newer players) yet difficulty in obtaining a 4th expansion. This one is potentially a little on the tougher side for newer folk but I enjoyed the layout and feel of the map in the games I played on it.
3. Neverland - Seems like a good update of one of my older favorites, Longinus. Starting positions are slightly changed, mineral placement on the expansions seems more updated, and the 4th base doesn't seem as easy to hold which will make for faster paced game play (Low ground and open to a back choke instead of one ramp entrance defended by the third base mineral only area)
4. Nyxeos Gaia was always a pretty awesome map and reminds me of a good era of BW. This takes the map and makes it a little more standard looking but I think that that sometimes is appealing to newer players. I like the light and dark side thing (it's been done before) but still an interesting take on it. The 4th base location is a little harder to defend, still siege-able from the low ground but not as easily defended.
5. Paranoid Android 1.01 - The original map reminds me of when I was young and tried to "compete" in WCG USA. They had it set up like a ladder basically, and I would try to play the worst players I could to make my stats look good. Of course, that doesn't prove anything especially with strong players out there in USA. However I did end up winning a 30gb Samsung Mp3 player with audio recording capabilities from a random "lottery" e-ticket from being in there -- Anyway, this map seems awesome for a 2v2 map as well as a 1v1 map. The original was pretty interesting and definitely fitting of the name, and I think this one keeps the theme of that while remaining fresh.
6. Winter Solstice - A snow map. I actually never have minded playing on snow maps Tau Cross was another one from my past that I played a lot of. Back then I never really analyzed the positional imbalances on that map but I have seen some crazy macro games on there. Obviously Zerg is a beast on this map and that's just part of the game I think. I like the updates made personally while basically retaining the starting positions and middle of the map. A modern take on a classic.
Anyway, I played a good portion of these maps on pub games on US West. Some were just noobs who didn't know better and joined because they don't know one map from another, but some were pretty decent games.
EDIT: Ordered for voting process, sorry.
7. Huntress
8. Sand Storm
9. Halcyon
10. Speachless
11. The Lost TempleS
12. The Downfall Of Moon
13. Jungle Book
14. Abyss
15. Paradiso
Great job everyone.