39489 Posts
07-05-14 (Monday) 18:00 Korea Time Shinhan Bank Proleague 2007 OnGameNet
STX vs Air Force</center>
Ever)T(Sheis (T) < Python > fOru (P) HwaSin (T) < Shin Peaks of Baekdu > MuMyung (Z) Siz)KaL (P)/InteR.Calm (Z) < Vampire > H.O.T-Forever (Z)/Qoo)Sunny (T) TheStC[GnH] (52Layla[GnH]) (T) < Nemesis > Clon (Z) Ace Match < Monty Hall >
+ Show Spoiler [results] + Ever)T(Sheis (T) > fOru (P) HwaSin (T) > MuMyung (Z) Siz)KaL (P)/InteR.Calm (Z) < H.O.T-Forever (Z)/Qoo)Sunny (T) TheStC[GnH] (T) > Clon (Z)
STX 3-1 Air Force STX Soul wins
ForU... can he really show a good game today? I hope so, been a while.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
this could goto ace is foru and the 2v2 pull through
looking forward to ACE owning!!
Melbourne5338 Posts
MuMyung please find some way to win.
wow ForU lost a lot of weight/hair :D
39489 Posts
Dongrae vs Silent_control
SC at 9 - yellow dongrae at ... shit stream stopped.... ok he's at 2.
edit: sry wrong thread TT
ForU seemed to be doing ok, but he couldn't keep it up, and when he won the first big battle he couldn't use it to push in, it was a fake... He seems to be losing now.
Braavos36370 Posts
macro difference too much =P
old school can't keep up
if you sent like Sheis back to 2002 he'd be winning starleagues haha
Oh well.. Sheis had some creative play that game. No ebay, totally called the reaver.
short summary: Sheis fast expanded, ForU went for a safe goon/ob to reaver build. ForU didn't try to reaver harass because Sheis had secured both mineral lines quite well. ForU killed Sheis' first timing push with about 8 goons left, but 2 tanks on the cliff prevented him from doing any damage and he didn't expand a 2nd time which he should've done. Then Sheis' economic advantage kicked in and he just stomped Foru's goon/speedlot force with ease.
Edit: oops dunno why i put Zeus everywhere, sorry for that
On May 14 2007 03:00 InFiNitY[pG] wrote: short summary: Sheis fast expanded, Zeus went for a safe goon/ob to reaver build. Zeus didn't try to reaver harass because Sheis had secured both mineral lines quite well. Zeus killed Sheis' first timing push with about 8 goons left, but 2 tanks on the cliff prevented him from doing any damage and he didn't expand a 2nd time which he should've done. Then Sheis' economic advantage kicked in and he just stomped Foru's goon/speedlot force with ease. You should however change all that ZeuS to ForU :-)
Now for the REAL excitement: Mumyung vs. Hwasin.
I'd have loved to see game1 of BoxeR vs Sheis instead, I'm sure Sheis really wants a rematch after that Superfight 4 game, though from that interview he gave a month back he seemed to consider that game as a 'level-up' for him even if it was a loss, learned alot from it. Those two have to play again sometime. Honestly from all the new progamer names showing lately the only one I like is Sheis, all those go.go, flash, TT blah blah can kiss his ass :-)
haha GO AIRFORCE, mumyung up next, he's been a beast in proleague.
All underage pls stop watching: rape coming