orion has random sets of scourge running around
defiler den going up now, not many lurkling out, 12 is finally running with both geysers, 3 groups of mm and 3 tanks or so, no wait six tanks? one vessel?
make that zero vessel, scourge fucking caught it, zerg getting ready for backstAB HERE WE GOOOO DROPSHIP OUT, NEW BUNKER BUILDING orion retreats as boxer is too fucking ownage and saw that from a mile away
gosu tank control kills a few lurkers, dropship loading and heading out, probably to 12
main army of MMtank makes a stand outside of zerg nat, nice positioning snipes sunkens, here goes dropship..... runs right over a defiler and lings and scourge are so close =O but zerg not paying attention didn't send scourge after LOLOLOL here goes dropship to 12, most sunjkens are dead but SWARM ARRIVES RIGHT IN TIME
sunken + lurker repel drop for the most part =O
terran still fighting in swarm, dropship dies to scourge
mm/tank still raping because zerg didn't really have much NATURAL HATCH GOES DOWN 2ez 2ez
orion attempts to flank from behind but boxer is right there, mm proceed again but lurkers stop from advancing into main
lurker/muta/ling force in middle stopping some reinforcements
still has like 1 group of mm + 6 tanks at zerg nat though, sets out a nice spread of tanks hahahaha
defiler consuming shit, new CC starting at 9, MASS FIREBAT/MEDIC FIGHTS IN SWARM BUT GETS PLAGUED, mutacrackling kills nice tank formation
vessel dodges a scourge and charges 3 lurkers on open ground with 12 mm raping
six barracks now, new cc floating to mineral only expo, second port?? is that what that is
MM kill drone going for expo at 3
more mm roaming around middle, headed to twelve, but four lurkers and lings and defiler OH PLAGUE wow
2 sunks and lurker now at 12, mm kill the sunken in the back and take position behind minerals to snipe drones OH AND they find a spot out of range of lurker to kill hatch, repositioning lurker oh more reinfrocemetsn OH HATCHERY DI;AJEW DIES OH MUTA/LURKER KILL MM AS IT DIES
orion looks perfect early mid game but then breaks down after boxer pushes out
cc finally landed at terran mineral only exp, double ups still going i can't see ups, tanks take nice position overlooking middle from cliff hehehe, SCOURGE CHASE VESSEL but most die and only one hits thanks to mm
ULTRA SWARM LING SCOURGE ALL OVER MIDDLE this zerg has nice defiler control with swarm/plague WOw
FIVE LURKERS RUN IN FOR COUNTER BUT RIGHT PAST MM THAT SEE IT TANK/MM/VESSEL STILL IN MIDDLE, lurkers burrow and kill mm folowing it (at terran's mineral only)
irradiates go off and ultras are doomed!11, more mm come to kill lurkers with vessel/scannnn
zulu you're crazy boxer has been owning entire game <3
9 apparently was denied from terran and drone was sent to replace but drone died too
a couple vessels die to scourge.... swarm/ultra in middle but terran still has control over game GO BOXER w00t with nice mm control
zerg is so lost
mm just run into zerg nat behind minerals and rape drones
hilariously targetting hatchery that might die OMGGGG OMG IT DIED RIGHT BEFORE CRACKLINGS KILLED RINES nice job boxer
12 is back up with nydus canal and drones being transferred and sunken and ultra cavern BUT MM run in with transfererd drones and rape shit four vessels hovering over ultra/defiler/ling raping them all with irrad, try to counter terran but totally denied, zerg types out GG
boxer 4 lyfe
how am i crazy, zerg was doing good until boxer pushed out
uh i wouldn't really call zerg's play perfect, i always felt boxer was in control =\
he pulls off a CC before rines comfortably so they're about even i guess if not slight adv to boxer, then his first group of MM go out and deny 12 for a little bit also kill a bunch of mutas which do basically zero damage
using the minerals as a wall delayed mutaling from raping that group for a good bit too
i mean anyone could have played like orion at the beginning too... all he did before boxer moved out was make some drones, 3hatch muta that did zero damage, late third base
then boxer moves out, zerg looks for backstab opportunity but doesn't wait long enough or shows lings too early or something so he is forced back ;O and rest is boxer gosu army running around killing shit
that's how i saw it at least heh
the mutas killed that group of rines which was plenty damage. There's wasnt any advantage disadvantage that early but orion switched to lurkers really fast and got hive in very good time. It was very good tech timing and massing by him but he just messed up vs that 1st push, if he killed that without losing his nat which he should've done with swarm then he could've expoed again and would've been in very good shape
the minerals didnt delay orion, lack of mutas did. It's not as easy as it looks to muta to lurker switch and tech that well while getting enough drones at the same time. anyways think what you want i'll only get more angry as i type more
ok i see you're point better now, you're right he shouldn't have lost nat hatch like that heh also if it was because he had a lack of mutas wouldn't that indicate he wasn't playing perfectly then =\\
i don't know why you're getting angry
anyhow next game starting
i'm assuming boxer vs orion continuation? boxer on the left at 11, orion on the right at 1
IGNORE THAT, it's a TvT, one on top left one top right
maybe this is boxer vs dongrae??
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Boxer T vs Dongrae T, Blitz X
who is who??? is this the fabled 1-hour game draw?!?!
purple terran top right went 2-fact... vults
yellow terran top left went 1-fact cc and now port with wraith (also made vult first)
bunker+tank at expo
VULTURES try to run in like six+ except are totally denied purple starts nat cc
purple landed rax in yellow base and built 4 rines but wraith flies over and sees it, stops the marines from doing much damage, vults try to run in to yellow cc but yellow still ready
Netherlands19125 Posts
Killing 10 rines 2 meds while losing 5 mutas 8 lings in the process doesn't seem like advantage to me. That combined with 0 base damage and actually LOSING his mutas in addition to not doing any structural damage to the economy seems like a shitty deal. Especially since his gas heavy investment gains him nothing.
I was surprised though that the T missed the hidden drone @ 12. Every zerg always hides it at exactly the same spot (maybe 2). So that was a tad sloppy imho. Could have bought himself another min at least of no 4 gas zerg.
For the rest the zerg played "ok" except the shitty muta harass imho only because the terran did.. err nothing? The second Boxer moved out the zerg buckled under any pressure at all. Just his swarm usage and plague usage was really commendable, nice work there but. Winning the move but losing the game.
I won't even start on how he had 1-2 ultras 12 lings and a defiler on HOLD POSITION under a swarm and just missed 12 mnm moving right along next to the swarm into his nat to kill all his drones, and then due to sweet micro even killing the hatchery, more lings, a defiler and almost an ultry due to gosy medic/mineral wall. Blocking your own ultra with your defilers isn't genius control either.
Imho the zerg never ever had a shot. Only reason he looked good for 3 min was cause theres was nothing from his opponent to make him look bad.
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Marine owning a raith lol.
purple must be boxer hahaha who else builds marines inside opponents base edit: nevermind i stand corrected, yellow is boxer, dropship fake was good hahahaah yellow dropship goes in while also sending vults at nat cc omg purple is unprepared for that but responds quickly
u gotta skate8152 Posts
Netherlands19125 Posts
Haha fake drop, best -.-.