Loser's game on Fighting Spirit. Berserker top right, Guemchi bottom right. Standard start from both? Yep, there's the one gate.
floating rax catches the proxy robo
looks like GuemChi is OMEKIM today
Nothing significant happening except proxy robotics at 12:00 outside Iris's base. It's about to be scouted by floating barracks, which is unfortunate! Iris sees the robotics support bay nearing completion. Guemchi gets devastated by mines as he enters Iris's base. Single Vulture penetrates Guemchi's plateau and causes minor economic pain. After dealing with it, Guemchi places his Nexus, Iris already has it on the way. Iris has a wraith but it doesn't engage the shuttle. Dropship coming to Guemchi's base. It is repelled by a bunch of dragoons. Dropship is saved by mines on Guemchi's bridge. nothing much is coming of this Shuttle Reaver.
Command Center floats and lands at the natural. With siege tech nominal, Guemchi focuses on development. Tank drop hastily disposes of the hidden tech and leaves via same dropship before goons can scramble up the ramp.
Iris prepares to take his third. Arbiter Tribunal is complete. Guemchi has 8 gates and is getting a fresh robo, starts on his 4th base at 7 o clock. Extremely passive game, both players heading for 200/200. Vults engage zealot-dragoon at the completing 7 o clock base, everything is wiped out except 2 goons. Guemchi is retaking map control. Wraith bops shuttle. Looks like a recall is seconds away.
Recall in the unmined part of Iris's main. Snipes the starport, then manages to take down 6 supply depots while sustaining siege tank fire. Guemchi's ground forces stream northward, just in time to deny vultures their path out. Arbiter recalls right on top of a bunch of mines at Iris's 3 o clock. Lone cannon goes down at 7 and all the probes are wiped out at both bases. That is a ton of economic damage and exactly what Iris needed.
Double Armory. Recall at the 3 o clock, this time very successful. All SCVs are wiped out, Dragoons spill up the ramp to solidify position, chased off by superior tank force. Two stargates, tons of gateways. New recall at the 12 o clock wipes the expansion out. This is a very messy macro battle. Both players have mined out their mains and keep losing a ton of workers. Gumechi clumping up for a recall, lands in Iris's main.
waiting for iris to die off right now lol.
Science Vessel on standby to help out. Dragoons glitching out in the corner not attacking anything. Iris seems to be noticeably behind as Guemchi Spirit Tosses his way up the ramp to the 3 o clock. The Command Center is destroyed, a Stasis prevents Iris from responding. With a large tank force he spills towards Guemchi's natural. Guemchi takes a ton of damage. Arbiter stasis on central tank forces and Science Vessels. More Stasis! The entire tank force is dead or stasis'd. Vultures run in to try and make a good trade as the Stasis runs out. Science Vessel Dmatrix on the tanks.
Iris seems far behind, but Guemchi has little incentive to attack. Assault on the 12 o clock as Iris GGs. Guemchi has a second chance against Larva.
can guemchi overcome his wall of fighting larva?
Guemchi and Larva Game 1 on Circuit Breakers. overpool from Larva, both players scout in the right direction. Guemchi bodyblocks Larva for a while, drops a Pylon and forces Larva to expand at the mineral only til his lings show up. Forge FE from Guemchi.
Heroic probe dodging zerglings inGuemchi's base. First zealot is coming to join it. Stargate as soon as core is complete, Spire as soon as Lair is complete.
Zerglings meet face to face with the FE wall and stand back. Citadel after Stargate. Three mining bases for Larva, only one gas. Hydra den in the natch wall, evo chamber at mineral-only.
No sign of a templar archives. Scourge see the build. After they leave, Guemchi starts the Archives.
Zealots and corsairs only on the field, against a ton of hydras and lings. Guemchi pulls way back, no engagement yet. Corsairs hunt overlords while the hydras attempt to bust the FE wall.
Not sure what the hell G-chizzle is doing...