Graphics by c3rberUsWelcome Mid-Rank Players!
Hello, Everyone! It's been a while since the 'Amateur StarLeague' brand has been in commission, but it is coming back in full force with a team league!
This league is the successor of the popular DRTL and is for D and C ranks players ONLY! It is a team league designed to promote a fun environment for lower ranked Brood War players to grow and strengthen their skill on a weekly basis. It also presents a unique opportunity for these players to compete against others of a similar skill level.
Due to the decreasing player pool, the Amateur TeamLeague organization and staff want to make playing in this league as easy as possible. The approach is designed to allow players to play their matches at the times most convenient to them within a given week. Each player is only required to play one game a week. More on this further down:
- Tournament format is subject to change depending on the amount of players and also their ranks. All D and C ranks players are encouraged to sign up.
- Teams will play a Bo5 every week with line-up submitted by the team captain. You may not play the same player twice in the same week.
- Each team is given one week to play their matches. Players are responsible for communicating with their opponent to set up a convenient time to play their match.
- Line-ups will be posted in this thread every Saturday at the same time. Teams have until the following Friday 03:59 GMT (+00:00) to play all of their matches and submit replays. After all replays are acquired, team captains will submit line-ups for the following week.
- Teams will play a round robin format which means each team will play each other at least once (depending on how many teams register)
- All matches must be played + Show Spoiler +
it's just one game a week per person, guys... or determined (W.O.). The league will use a point system to determine rankings. 1 point for every game won. Example: + Show Spoiler + The Cats MeoW vs Team asdfjkl; Jaedong <Demian> FlaSh OpenCanTuna <Match Point> CarrotTAWP basement.dweller <La Mancha> CaliforniaLiving TenFour <Othello> TinFoil CopyCat <Heartbeat> Teeth[shield]
Team The Cats MeoW receive 4 points . Team Team asdfjkl; receive 1 point.
- Number of weeks determined by the amount of teams/players signed up.
- The top 4 teams at the end of the round robin matches move onto the playoffs. Example: + Show Spoiler +
- Sign ups will last until November 5th and the first weeks line up will be posted November 6th.
- All players are subject to administrative discretion.
- This league is for D and C ranks players only using the iCCup ladder ranking system.
- Anti-hack must be used in order to play in this league. I suggest mca64launcher.
- Don't cheat.
- Don't smurf, there's no point. + Show Spoiler +
We will all shame you if you are A+ player farming low ranks. You'd just be ruining the fun for everyone >,>
- All replays must be sent to theamateurstarleague@gmail.com. Each player is responsible for sending his/her replay.
- Team Captains must send line ups.
- Captains do not have to be D/C ranks. Obviously they can't play in the league, but they can help organize/coach players.
- Coaches are allowed and encouraged. Once again, they do not have to be D/C ranks.
- Unplayable lag cases are handled on a case-to-case basis.
- Players that reach B- during any point of the League are allowed to remain in the league (It's about that improvement!)
- There are no substitutions in this league for any match. You have a week to play your match. If your opponent is consistently dodging you or you have trouble getting in touch with them, PM Shimy and the situation will be handled with his discretion. Failure to do so may result in a W.O.
- Teams must have at least 5 players
- Teams may add players during the course of the league.
Sign Ups/Team Registration
Sign ups will last until Thursday, November 5th 03:59 GMT (+00:00).
To Sign up as an individual: Post the following in this thread:
Name: Race(define if Race Picker): Max iCCup Rank: Country:
To Sign up as a full team/partial team:
Post the above in this thread for EACH OF YOUR PLAYERS.
Teams and free agents will be listed in the post below.
Interested in Helping or Casting?
Shoot me a PM
Is it C- max old iCCup or new? Most players from DRTL would be above C rank now.
Oh ya ladder point inflation is a problem, and sticking to old ranks might be confusing. I for one haven't been playing in the new system and I don't know how good C rank is, but of course we should use the equivalent of the old system since it's the level of play that is important, not their rank
you realize that you picked colloseum 1 and not colloseum 2, HBR 1 and not HBR 2.1, matchpoint 1.1 and not matchpoint 1.3? (dont remember the differences in othello, bluestorm, la mancha, so i cant tell it)
On October 15 2015 19:18 Bakuryu wrote: you realize that you picked colloseum 1 and not colloseum 2, HBR 1 and not HBR 2.1, matchpoint 1.1 and not matchpoint 1.3? (dont remember the differences in othello, bluestorm, la mancha, so i cant tell it) I think he is simply linking to the prominent Liquipedia images at the top of every map page.
On October 15 2015 15:39 Sero wrote: Is it C- max old iCCup or new? Most players from DRTL would be above C rank now. Because I'm trying to gather the largest player pool possible, it's either. With the new ladder ranking system, it's difficult to judge a persons skill. I want as many people to play as possible, so if several C ranked players want to sign up(new and old iccup), I'll adjust the format in a way it wouldn't be a slaughter for D rankers.
EDIT: This being said, teams who have played in previous DRTL I highly encourage to sign up for this. If ranks are an issue, we'll edit the format to fit the situation.
On October 15 2015 19:18 Bakuryu wrote: you realize that you picked colloseum 1 and not colloseum 2, HBR 1 and not HBR 2.1, matchpoint 1.1 and not matchpoint 1.3? (dont remember the differences in othello, bluestorm, la mancha, so i cant tell it) Yeah, I just picked the first image that came up. I'll fix it.
EDIT: Obviously, the tournament will use the most up to date versions of each map.
Name: EmptyCup (for purposes of skill verification, I previously played on iCCup as "Aiur8_chobo") Race: Protoss Max iCCup Rank: D Country: my location is Korea
Thank you so much for this, Shimy! Let us all meet in glorious battle!
this looks sweet! However me and the guys i play with regulary are all above C- in the new system. Where exactly do you do draw the line? I Imagine that i would be allowed to play with my Acc, Season 36, but is this guy out with C+ 58 to 48 this season?
On October 15 2015 23:29 Cele wrote:this looks sweet! However me and the guys i play with regulary are all above C- in the new system. Where exactly do you do draw the line? I Imagine that i would be allowed to play with my Acc, Season 36, but is this guy out with C+ 58 to 48 this season?
Attention players!
This is a good example of one of these "grey area" cases in the league. The organization will allow both Cele and Fischei to play in the league.
Even though both are above the C- cap, both have done so after the new iCCup ladder ranking system + Show Spoiler +and with so-so records. no offense. .
Depending on how many of these cases arise, tournament format is subject to change to allow a more fair play field.
Keep signing up! ^^
Name:Stardom[eMg] Race(define if Race Picker): Terran Max iCCup Rank: C- in old system but haven't laddered recently due to playing LoL and being in College. Country: USA
Edit: Registration cancelled
after reading about all the exceptions above, I think we should also make an exception to let ninazerg from Team Despa.
I do know that she isn't a D ranker nor a C- but she has made a lot of contributions to the community of D rankers. She often gives advice on the TL Strat subforum to us D rank noobs, she has posted detailed and in-depth strategy guides, and entertained a lot of us with her sarcastic wit and satire in her blogs.
She is not a D ranker but she is definitely a part of our community.
And if people aren't satisfied and think it'll be too one-sided, we could also ask her to offrace to keep things even.
And if the D / C- rankers still object they should just try practicing harder and stop being greedy bastards.
Sign me up as a free agent.
Name: LMaster Race(define if Race Picker): ( v ) Max iCCup Rank: D+ Country: USA
Possible captain if neccessary.
On October 16 2015 05:05 L_Master wrote:Sign me up as a free agent. Name: LMaster Race(define if Race Picker):  (  v  ) Max iCCup Rank: D+ Country: USA Possible captain if neccessary. Zerg?
On October 16 2015 03:35 JieXian wrote: after reading about all the exceptions above, I think we should also make an exception to let ninazerg from Team Despa.
I do know that she isn't a D ranker nor a C- but she has made a lot of contributions to the community of D rankers. She often gives advice on the TL Strat subforum to us D rank noobs, she has posted detailed and in-depth strategy guides, and entertained a lot of us with her sarcastic wit and satire in her blogs.
She is not a D ranker but she is definitely a part of our community.
And if people aren't satisfied and think it'll be too one-sided, we could also ask her to offrace to keep things even.
And if the D / C- rankers still object they should just try practicing harder and stop being greedy bastards.
I'm all for it! Nina can play.
EDIT: Are you planning on signing up Team Despa?
On October 16 2015 05:05 L_Master wrote:Sign me up as a free agent. Name: LMaster Race(define if Race Picker):  (  v  ) Max iCCup Rank: D+ Country: USA Possible captain if neccessary.
Any chance at getting TAKK together?