Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
I was starting to wonder where this was.
United States 10328 Posts
I laughed out loud at "I seriously just woke up"
Finally an LR thread! Take your time you have 8 minutes!
Great start to 2012. Get home from epic nye drink up and now kick back with bw.
dang i just finished making one, cheers though!
Predictions: Flash>Stork Stats>Jangbi Action<Juni Wooki<Reality Flash (dressed up as suny)>Stork (dressed up as Brave)
very glad to see this up, was worried i'd be alone watching this on nye haha
If we don't get Flash vs Stork or Flash vs Jangbi I'm going to flip.
On January 01 2012 11:56 red4ce wrote: If we don't get Flash vs Stork or Flash vs Jangbi I'm going to flip.
Yeah I am going to cartwheel too.
I was worried that there were no live report thread so I was making my own
United States 7639 Posts
Stork > Flash plzplzplzzzz :3
Hahaha yea been waiting for this GO stork go jangbi go khan!!!
On January 01 2012 11:50 Hyde wrote: UNDER CONSTRUCTION I seriously just woke up
One of this day I am going to make my own LR ^_^
Woah the stadium seems tight packed! Edit: Stork looks surprisingly pissed.
gogogogog i was worried about the LR thread =P
I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
EsportsTV stream is on time.
HYDE dont you dare make a poster with Stats and Flash.
As long as Stork and Flash both win, I don't care about the rest. Ideally, I want Samsung to win so that they will maintain their ranking.
On January 01 2012 12:03 iLoveKT wrote: HYDE dont you dare make a poster with Stats and Flash.
Why ? O.o
FlaSh > Stork. it's obvious.
If Khan wins, ACE move up to fourth place O_O
Lol Nanashin: SKT: they probably wish you a happy new year ^^
Reach does not look amused!
RorO, Shine and Flash winning would make me happy.
On January 01 2012 12:02 Xiphos wrote: Woah the stadium seems tight packed! Edit: Stork looks surprisingly pissed.
Probably pissed about that loss to Kal. Revenge time!
Was Shine sitting next to Stork? How upsetting and awkward that must be.
On January 01 2012 12:06 Xiphos wrote: ACtion vs Roro
ZvZ NOoooooooooooooooo
Action vs Roro!!
let's get this junk started.
2012 started with a ZvZ! Roro vs Action
Mafia zerg chances of winning 50/50
damn roro is cute, no homo
It's evident that Action was sent to snipe. Either classic Jan or a smart anti. I highly suspect the first.
On January 01 2012 11:52 flamewheel wrote: AMERICA
ahahaha! Good one there so early in the morning/year
MafiaZerg < Roro Btw. Why Action is called "mafiazerg" ?
United States 10328 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:04 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:03 iLoveKT wrote: HYDE dont you dare make a poster with Stats and Flash.
Why ? O.o
after the FBB debacle hehe
United States 13143 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:07 maximuspita wrote: Was Shine sitting next to Stork? How upsetting and awkward that must be.
Not at all? I think Shine is supposed to be a pretty nice guy.'s strange. Action lost weight but his cheeks are puffier than usual.
that's a very good picture of stork
Glasses Stork!!! Oh my god, so much better!
Stork / Jangbi vs Flash would be super incredible btw.
Beautiful Song Byun Goo portrait WITH glasses. Get a hint, Stork.
is this 9pool for both of them? 12pool for both of them?
United States 13143 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:12 o[twist] wrote: is this 9pool for both of them? 12pool for both of them?
9, I think.
On January 01 2012 12:12 Elyvilon wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:12 o[twist] wrote: is this 9pool for both of them? 12pool for both of them?
9, I think.
that's what it looked like to me based on drone count
Both players went 9 pool gas but Action's lair is faster.
On January 01 2012 12:10 Megash wrote: MafiaZerg < Roro Btw. Why Action is called "mafiazerg" ?
Because he has that Gangster look.... So yeah mafia indeed to the core.
United States 13143 Posts
Roro going speed first, action going lair first
both building up ling armies, roro's is chilling at the entrance to his main blocking it off, action's is dancing around. now a brief encounter and then a retreat edit: sorry, switch those players around
Well, the minimap is...interesting.
action wins the ling battle and roro is now slightly on the defensive in terms of ling count. action's spire is up, roro's still building
action's lings simply got into roro's base and he has a 20 to 11 supply advantage. this is over
roro dead after ligns killed bunch of drones
It is not even Stork's turn yet and his sexiness is already being hyped. =) Why so sexy, Stork? (Oh. It is because of the glasses.)
51341 Posts
most awkward applause ever
roro is down to two lings. he got a few lings into action's base but action cleared them with more lings and with mutas. supply 20 to 10 favoring action. gg from roro
Australia 14568 Posts
Poll: Recommend Set 1? No (27)
If you have nothing better to do (5)
Yes (1)
33 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Set 1?
(Vote ): Yes (Vote ): No (Vote ): If you have nothing better to do
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Action wins
United States 5018 Posts
ouch. Coming home and seeing Roro lose EVERY zergling battle, like 7 in a row.
Fuck man that Overlord going the wrong direction really screwed Roro over.
An actual coin flip would have been more exciting than that game.
United States 10053 Posts
Roro lost every zergling battle then ran into some scourge
Not really that exciting of a game, but still decent display of skill. 5.5/10. Mafiosooooooo
Wait so happy new year, we are going to drop a huge TV on your butt. Is that the message from OGN?
On January 01 2012 12:16 GTR wrote: most awkward applause ever
It's a given seeing how it was meant to be KT hype.
Action with superior ling control overpowers Roro and Roro taps out . It's good to see action destroying my anti team
Australia 14568 Posts
Anyone know the song currently playing on Nanashin's stream?
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On January 01 2012 12:20 Hyde wrote: Anyone know the song currently playing on Nanashin's stream?
the scrolling title seems to say Leessang - The Girl Who Can't Break Up and the Boy Who Can't Leave i like the music video lol
Australia 14568 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:21 o[twist] wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:20 Hyde wrote: Anyone know the song currently playing on Nanashin's stream?
the scrolling title seems to say Leessang - The Girl Who Can't Break Up and the Boy Who Can't Leave
ahh I didn't see that, thank you
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
By the way hyde, did you make the banner using paint ? Edit : forgot to say that january looks SoO beautiful
Woohoo Flash got the weekly MVP.
Investigator Pudge providing the reward.
lol i have both roro and action on my anti team... f
Australia 14568 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:22 Sawamura wrote: By the way hyde, did you make the banner using paint ?
Edit : forgot to say that january looks
SoO beautiful
Nope, would've taken longer if I had done it with paint
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Flash got dat weekly MVP ^^
On January 01 2012 12:18 poisui wrote: An actual coin flip would have been more exciting than that game.
Have fun.
Thank you so much to the streamers and the LRs and the OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you guys!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
may i ask what build they used?
Those Nate weekly signs always make me feel so awkward when the player holds them up. Even if there was no prize money, they should put some sort of monetary amount behind it. Just to show an incentive, or excitement... Flash is like... wut.
On January 01 2012 12:22 Hyde wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:21 o[twist] wrote: On January 01 2012 12:20 Hyde wrote: Anyone know the song currently playing on Nanashin's stream?
the scrolling title seems to say Leessang - The Girl Who Can't Break Up and the Boy Who Can't Leave
ahh I didn't see that, thank you
no problem whatsoever
On January 01 2012 12:13 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:10 Megash wrote: MafiaZerg < Roro Btw. Why Action is called "mafiazerg" ?
Because he has that Gangster look....
So yeah mafia indeed to the core.
Just tune in the first PL match in 2012. Fuck Yeah Mafia Action!!
ahhh the guy whose name i can never get.
would anyone wanna skype some english to explain to me what is going on? pm me
The wooookiIIIIIIII !!!!!!
Oh intesresting Jangbi vs Wooki rematch
oh thats disappointing... well stork vs flash then...
looks like we still have a good chance for stork v. flash or at least v. stats
I can forgive the intro for 2012. Then its back to unbridled hatred.
United States 7639 Posts
Mirror mirror on the wall How many mirrors will we get today? Go jangbang! :D
wow no wonder i didnt recognize wooki he lost weight! yikes!
Eh. I think Hoejja would have been a better choice for KT. With Roro having already played it was almost a certainty that a protoss would be coming out for this map.
I would like to consume Jangbi
"How can you eat this when it's so well made?" LOL
Oh damn, I knew taking that extra hour would bite me in the ass Whats happened so far guys?
this is actually the first time i noticed the players are now using widescreen monitors instead of their old school CRT ones with the green dots on the side??
oh guys in the meantime I hope someone will make the STX vs T8 LR can't leve everything to Hyde you know and I really can't either...
On January 01 2012 12:31 Taekwon wrote: I would like to consume Jangbi
me too o;
seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
On January 01 2012 12:31 mnesthes wrote: wtf Actionwon?
2012 bro, not 2011.
The Wooki is finally unleashed!
On January 01 2012 12:31 X10A wrote: Oh damn, I knew taking that extra hour would bite me in the ass Whats happened so far guys?
Roro forgot his ling micro at home.
WTF Action won?! Kay Wooki is finally played, 3 weeks after I traded him Go kick his ass Jangbi
gas and gate up for both players, jangbi's probe sees core going up for wooki. wooki has a zeal in his probe line to prevent manner pylon. wooki has a probe jogging around jangbi's base as well
On January 01 2012 12:32 BLinD-RawR wrote: 2012 bro, not 2011.
Chewbacca with a sneaky DT expand
dt and expansion at once? wuuut
On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
overreaction? o: i've heard that they hide their faces because they don't want their parents knowing they're skipping out on studies.
On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
I like sHy korean girls :D
wooki's nat nex is going up as well as a citadel. jangbi has started his nexus too now along with second and third gates.
Jangbi taking his nat And adding 2 gates, 3 total Wooki going to get the scout in, or start to mine out the back minerals I guess that works too Wooki getting his 2nd gate, expo and a templar archives
forge going up, templar archives up, 2gate for wooki robo facility going up for jangbi who is walking around with some dragoons
Wooki doing bisu build jangbi can overcome tis.
C'mon c'mon c'mon Obs obs obs Jangbi. Don't lose to DTssssss...
United States 13143 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:34 gulati wrote: dt and expansion at once? wuuut
DTs can give you map control to get your expo up
On January 01 2012 12:34 mnesthes wrote: Chewbacca with a sneaky DT expand
I remember something about him looking up to Bisu a lot and shit. Seriously if KT grows its own Bisu out of him my esports what a team we'll be.
DT moving out for Wooki Obs isn't done yet though Warping in Two DT's are out Obserbatory is DONE, obs has to warp in though DT is in the main, sees all and has taking out 5 probes so far
On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
its part of their culture ._.
way too much economic damage; jangbi way behind right now
darku out. jangbi has some zealots chilling blocking his ramp to his nat and an observatory going up. two darkus now and the first one kills a blocking dragoon and gets through. half a dozen probes die after fleeing the natural to get to the main, one darku having followed.
First obs is out, but the DT is still in mian Picks off another probe Jangbi's one obs is forcing him to choose between probes and his nexus The nexus is down to yellow health, but the DT gets warded away The DT in the main gets taken down aswell 4 gates total for Wooki, and he has a forge spinning
wookie toying with jangbi really well
woo Wooki way ahead what with the earlier expo + harass.
wooki backdooring on the right through the mineral patches with a darku now
On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
Control. Your. Hormones.
On January 01 2012 12:35 BLinD-RawR wrote: I remember something about him looking up to Bisu a lot and shit. Seriously if KT grows its own Bisu out of him my esports what a team we'll be.
So in other word bisu 2.0 ?
hes not able to glitch the DT through poor guy.
lmao DT trying to glitch but fails
triple fail mineral jump haha Really nice use of goons to glitch the scarab out
LOLOLOLOLO commentators making me die inside right now
Japan 11285 Posts
wooki failing to backdoor as he got a mineral with his probe. wtf is he thinking
lol what a fail. cant glitch shit through if you have minerals in your mouth.
Jangbi has mined out the back door on the right side of his main, Wooki going to try some DT glitching shenanigans Doesn't seem to be working After two attempts, he can't get through, 3rd and still nothing, 4th and we're up to 6 Probe is setup at the 2 oclock, Jangbi's probe making a spotter pylon Shuttle out for Jangbi Jangbi at reaver tech, and adding a citadel
edit: damn my stream is late
TheMarine sounded like he was about to have a heart attack there... fail reeeboooooooooooo~~ ;((
reaver drop in wooki's main! but a very successful probe escape with dragoons blocking the path of the scarab and it blows up harming nobody! looks like Jangbi's reaver is not yet stork's reaver
On January 01 2012 12:38 Taekwon wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
Control. Your. Hormones.
The poor guy is probably virgin for life. ="(
On January 01 2012 12:38 Taekwon wrote: The comedy duo give up.
Reaver drops, DUD scarab >< 6 gates for Wooki Jangib still trying to get that shot off, and he's only on 3 gates still Archives coming up for him too, just as I say that, Jangbi adds 3 gates Jangbi drops the reaver, takes out 3 probes
On January 01 2012 12:39 BLinD-RawR wrote: YYYYYYYYYYES DAT SCARAB FAIL !!!!!
how can you be rooting against jangabang? (
Dat shuttle/reaver micro!!:O
jangbi going to 6gate; wooki already there another reaver drop. this one is more successful and a single dragoon is forced to sit aroudn attacking the reaver. it dies but more arrive to keep the shuttle away. dt back in jangbi's main and it is killing a few probes, gets about 3
On January 01 2012 12:40 gulati wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:39 BLinD-RawR wrote: YYYYYYYYYYES DAT SCARAB FAIL !!!!!
how can you be rooting against jangabang?
because kt is playing today
WHOA ht drop for wooki kills a dozen probes in two storms!
Wooki drops a DT into the main of Jangbi One, two, Jangbi with a good reaction time pulling after 2 kills DT falls back to the temples, but is going to get taken out HT dropped gets 15 kills off two storms Jangbi down ~25 supply
oh jesus, jangbi got jangbied
On January 01 2012 12:40 gulati wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:39 BLinD-RawR wrote: YYYYYYYYYYES DAT SCARAB FAIL !!!!!
how can you be rooting against jangabang?
KT4lyf against anyone else i'd root for Jangbi.
Jangbi just got Jangbang'd
dat storm Jangbi is fucked
OMG jangbi getting stormed
Storm drop -> Very effective.
in jangbi's nat there. first storm hit a shuttle and a few probes, next one hit near the refinery and got around ten more
jangbi is getting shat on this game omfg i feel terrible for him right now~~
THAT STORMMMM jangbi had pulled away from the first storm but sent the probes back a half second too early and they all get caught by storm #2
Everything going right for Wooki and wrong for Jangbi ^_^
jangbi's ribo harass attempt denied by goons again.
wooki's obs dies before the war lol
Jangbi flying around with his speed shuttle 25 supply lead for Wooki Jangbi adding forge Wooki expanding to 6 oclock Jangbi trying to harass, but 3 goons block Wooki blocking 2 oclock with a pylon
wooki making a third down at 6:00 supply suggests an advantage of between twenty and thirty for wooki
holy shit wooki blocks another shuttle harass...WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD?????????? MANTOSS HOW DID YOU EACH HIM?????
Big battle in the center Storms are helping Wooki keep map control +1 attack for Wooki, nothing for Jangbi Two reavers, getting microed well at the 6 oclock Big army engagement Jangbi's army gets split through the pathing
On January 01 2012 12:42 BLinD-RawR wrote: holy shit wooki blocks another shuttle harass...WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD?????????? MANTOSS HOW DID YOU EACH HIM?????
Teaching him the manly way of playing protosss of course.
successful reaver drop for jangbi at 6 but wooki chooses this time to engage jangbi's army and he has the advantage. zealots and a few well-placed storms bring psi to 150 for wooki and 100 for jangbi as wooki clears the reaver drop and controls the space near the center of the map
jangbi losing a reaver to a fucking PHOTON???
Omg its been a while a cannon kills a reaver with a speed up shuttle about it.
Jangbang's micro so good but not enuff
Hey, this team KT, they also have this player... Flash was it?... he's kind of good. YEAH.
Australia 14568 Posts
Poll: Recommend Set 2? Yes (17)
No (15)
If you have nothing better to do (4)
36 total votes
Your vote: Recommend Set 2?
(Vote ): Yes (Vote ): No (Vote ): If you have nothing better to do
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Two reavers dropped at 6 again Nothing major happening there though Jangbi critically has no storms Reaver and shuttle both get taken out Jangbi gg's out WTF Wooki why do you come out after I trade you.
reaver harass at wooki's 3rd once again unsuccessful. wooki's doing a pretty good job of denying harass. oh snap -- army engagement in centre into gg
big engagement; storms from wooki and none from jangbi. jangbi types out.
JangBi gg's, wp by wooki!!
United States 13143 Posts
Well this isn't going well.
hectic micro but wooki has too much.
Reach next, PLEASE KT Another Reach vs Stork would be nice
Jangbi is getting pwned by storms wow
damn the jangbanger got manhandled
Oh what was that Jangbi...
fml just got the stream working and kt is 2-0
you know why jangbang lost? it's because sayle interrupted his fangirl orgy two weeks ago
On January 01 2012 12:43 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:42 BLinD-RawR wrote: holy shit wooki blocks another shuttle harass...WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD?????????? MANTOSS HOW DID YOU EACH HIM?????
Teaching him the manly way of playing protosss of course.
? Reach would've let the harrass in and just dodged them all flawlessly.
Just woke up and what's going on? Somehow we're up 2-0 after sending out the team's two worst players.
That was some good play by Wooki!
KT's first 3-0 of the season incoming? Would be the perfect way to start off 2012.
please be flash vs stork now
JangBi. Okay KT, up 2-0. With still Flash and Stats left to play, you've got this. Therefore, send out Reach.
ok. thats enough of that. gg. jangbi just got treated like a lamb to a lion in that. horrific play and control by jangbi. absolutely baffled that his control was that poor. you simply cannot lose a reaver to a cannon, and moreso, you cant dodge a storm, and then eat another full one 2 seconds later at the cost of 30 probes. meh.
On January 01 2012 12:39 poisui wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:38 Taekwon wrote: On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
Control. Your. Hormones.
The poor guy is probably virgin for life. ="(
lolol i guarantee ive had more sex than you
btw, now its stork vs flash for sure
Probably stork for Khan now...
flash vs stork, make it happen january
On January 01 2012 12:45 GDbushido wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:39 poisui wrote: On January 01 2012 12:38 Taekwon wrote: On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
Control. Your. Hormones.
The poor guy is probably virgin for life. ="(
i guarantee ive had more sex than you
epenis has been wielded
On January 01 2012 12:45 fabiano wrote: btw, now its stork vs flash for sure
Pretty sure coach is going to send Hoejja to bait Stork.
On January 01 2012 12:45 FuRong wrote: Just woke up and what's going on? Somehow we're up 2-0 after sending out the team's two worst players.
Wooki > CH and Hoejja
Australia 14568 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:45 zeehar wrote: you know why jangbang lost? it's because sayle interrupted his fangirl orgy two weeks ago
hahahahaha, the guy is still frustrated
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
any chance of avoiding a sweep; must be stork. i see stats as a good choice for kt. why use flash if there's no need yo~?
Stork vs Flash/Stats next...
kt might troll with stats
Predicting Stork vs Hoejja. Khan has to send out Stork while KT can just keep Flash in reserve to crush a lesser player.
On January 01 2012 12:45 Kanil wrote: JangBi.
Okay KT, up 2-0. With still Flash and Stats left to play, you've got this. Therefore, send out Reach.
hyde poster man. whoever's present loses. if KT sends out flash, stats or hoejja, they will lose, if khan sends out stork/turn at the same time, the universe will implode
And now Flash will finish the job
United States 7639 Posts
Oh Jangbi, you break my heart so much. ;~; Please no return of the paewang
On January 01 2012 12:45 GDbushido wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:39 poisui wrote: On January 01 2012 12:38 Taekwon wrote: On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
Control. Your. Hormones.
The poor guy is probably virgin for life. ="(
i guarantee ive had more sex than you
okay alpha male
Sending in the terminator now would be a wise choice Coach lee ...
On January 01 2012 12:47 kdong90 wrote: kt might roll with stats
fixed. fuck yeah!
United States 13143 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:47 kdong90 wrote: kt might troll with stats
how is sending out stats trolling?
On January 01 2012 12:45 GDbushido wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:39 poisui wrote: On January 01 2012 12:38 Taekwon wrote: On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
Control. Your. Hormones.
The poor guy is probably virgin for life. ="(
i guarantee ive had more sex than you
I once had sex with Carmen Electra. You cannot disprove this claim, therefore, it happened. Worship me!+ Show Spoiler +
On January 01 2012 12:46 stork4ever wrote: send reach, for auir
as fan service
Stats is 3-2 against stork.
On January 01 2012 12:45 zeehar wrote: you know why jangbang lost? it's because sayle interrupted his fangirl orgy two weeks ago
ROFL my brain is honestly thinking that that possibility is not too farfetched from the truth. the stare of deathhhhhh
United States 10053 Posts
GOGOGOG REACH!!! DO IT FOR ME KT!!! lmao how did wookie beat jangbi... -.-
by the way: i want to fuck that girl on this commercial. hard. without a condom.
On January 01 2012 12:48 InTheFade wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:45 GDbushido wrote: On January 01 2012 12:39 poisui wrote: On January 01 2012 12:38 Taekwon wrote: On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
Control. Your. Hormones.
The poor guy is probably virgin for life. ="(
i guarantee ive had more sex than you
I once had sex with Carmen Electra. You cannot disprove this claim, therefore, it happened. Worship me!
+ Show Spoiler + LAWL.
oh what's all this then! erm, happy new year and stuff! (already 2 games done eh, man khan get your stuff together, jangbannggg :o)
Reach out next vs Stork Or Reach vs Turn/Reality I just want a Manly game
On January 01 2012 12:48 gulati wrote: by the way: i want to fuck that girl on this commercial. hard. without a condom.
you mean anime eyes girl? by all means go.
United States 13143 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:48 FlaShFTW wrote: GOGOGOG REACH!!! DO IT FOR ME KT!!! lmao how did wookie beat jangbi... -.-
BO win and good play.
these girls look darn cute, like candies
On January 01 2012 12:48 InTheFade wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:45 GDbushido wrote: On January 01 2012 12:39 poisui wrote: On January 01 2012 12:38 Taekwon wrote: On January 01 2012 12:32 GDbushido wrote: seriously, wtf is up with korean girls being so shy about being on camera? YOURE FUCKING HOT GET OVER IT
Control. Your. Hormones.
The poor guy is probably virgin for life. ="(
i guarantee ive had more sex than you
I once had sex with Carmen Electra. You cannot disprove this claim, therefore, it happened. Worship me!
+ Show Spoiler + oh snap, he's got you there man.
On January 01 2012 12:49 BLinD-RawR wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:48 gulati wrote: by the way: i want to fuck that girl on this commercial. hard. without a condom.
you mean anime eyes girl?
by all means go.
dude its dat skirtttt
also there is always weird stuff going down in KT threads, what's all this intercoursery o.O
On January 01 2012 12:47 saltywet wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:45 Kanil wrote: JangBi.
Okay KT, up 2-0. With still Flash and Stats left to play, you've got this. Therefore, send out Reach.
hyde poster man. whoever's present loses. if KT sends out flash, stats or hoejja, they will lose, if khan sends out stork/turn at the same time, the universe will implode
And Khan pretty much has to send out Stork now, to avoid losing. Therefore Reach will MANCRUSH some face. My strategy still makes sense!
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:49 Shurayuki wrote: also there is always weird stuff going down in KT threads, what's all this intercoursery o.O
I have no idea. w.e. it is i will not take part in it.
this thread is way too horny right now
On January 01 2012 12:48 gulati wrote: by the way: i want to fuck that girl on this commercial. hard. without a condom.
And get your STD on her? No please.
On January 01 2012 12:49 Shurayuki wrote: also there is always weird stuff going down in KT threads, what's all this intercoursery o.O
Raging hormones man it's that time of age .
i guess KT will get its first 3-0 of the season
Trolluary should send shine for some all-in shenanigans.
On January 01 2012 12:47 saltywet wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:45 Kanil wrote: JangBi.
Okay KT, up 2-0. With still Flash and Stats left to play, you've got this. Therefore, send out Reach.
hyde poster man. whoever's present loses. if KT sends out flash, stats or hoejja, they will lose, if khan sends out stork/turn at the same time, the universe will implode
is that a thing now? hyde you better use your newly earned power for the wellbeing of humanity and by that i mean make frickin skt win :o
On January 01 2012 12:50 ZoW wrote: this thread is way too horny right now
new years eve LOL.
Really not sure January would or even should send Stork... Usually she really sends out players linearly but... hopefully she'll smarten up.. she really doesnt have many other options but I'd risk Brave or Juni for stats predict... outcome depends on whether KT coach is smart enough to play along for Chain reaction or just straight up assume stork will be send out KT coach is not going to send flash 3rd set
On January 01 2012 12:50 ZoW wrote: this thread is way too horny right now
i have less than an hour before i see jaedong. please forgive me hyung
On January 01 2012 12:50 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:49 Shurayuki wrote: also there is always weird stuff going down in KT threads, what's all this intercoursery o.O
Raging hormones man it's that time of age .
some people hit that stage of life on the 1st of jan.
I have a question, a bit offtopic though... is this kind of music/girl band big in south korea?
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:51 Taekwon wrote: Really not sure January would or even should send Stork... Usually she really sends out players linearly but... hopefully she'll smarten up.. she really doesnt have many other options but I'd risk Brave or Juni for stats predict... outcome depends on whether KT coach is smart enough to play along for Chain reaction or just straight up assume stork will be send out KT coach is not going to send flash 3rd set
just play reach T.T please????
On January 01 2012 12:51 Celloist wrote: I have a question, a bit offtopic though... is this kind of music/girl band big in south korea?
Bigger than the MSL, unfortunately.
jangbi loses -> thread turns into discussion about sex
On January 01 2012 12:51 FlaShFTW wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:51 Taekwon wrote: Really not sure January would or even should send Stork... Usually she really sends out players linearly but... hopefully she'll smarten up.. she really doesnt have many other options but I'd risk Brave or Juni for stats predict... outcome depends on whether KT coach is smart enough to play along for Chain reaction or just straight up assume stork will be send out KT coach is not going to send flash 3rd set
just play reach T.T please????
that would be way cool, do it, it's a special day
On January 01 2012 12:51 Kanil wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:51 Celloist wrote: I have a question, a bit offtopic though... is this kind of music/girl band big in south korea?
Bigger than the MSL, unfortunately.
msl died because of kpop ......
internets are so funny. jackass can call me a virgin and its hilarious but any attempt to deny him and im the asshole. w/e
On January 01 2012 12:51 FlaShFTW wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:51 Taekwon wrote: Really not sure January would or even should send Stork... Usually she really sends out players linearly but... hopefully she'll smarten up.. she really doesnt have many other options but I'd risk Brave or Juni for stats predict... outcome depends on whether KT coach is smart enough to play along for Chain reaction or just straight up assume stork will be send out KT coach is not going to send flash 3rd set
just play reach T.T please????
I fully condone this and deem it appropriate for the New Years.
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:52 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:51 Kanil wrote: On January 01 2012 12:51 Celloist wrote: I have a question, a bit offtopic though... is this kind of music/girl band big in south korea?
Bigger than the MSL, unfortunately.
msl died because of kpop ......
that we shall never forgive kpop for...
i would send brave now i think kt would send hoejja, then stork vs flash on jade
On January 01 2012 12:52 mnesthes wrote: jangbi loses -> thread turns into discussion about sex
if he had won it would be a discussion about how to have sex with him.
On January 01 2012 12:53 BLinD-RawR wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:52 mnesthes wrote: jangbi loses -> thread turns into discussion about sex
if he had won it would be a discussion about how to have sex with him.
or perhaps 2 pages of jangbang
On January 01 2012 12:53 KenNage wrote: i would send brave now i think kt would send hoejja, then stork vs flash on jade
if KT sends Hoejja against brave, I'm sure Hoejja will win.
what are they saying in the interviews?
if i were a fangirl, i'd probably do him... just sayin.
On January 01 2012 12:53 FlaShFTW wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:52 Sawamura wrote: On January 01 2012 12:51 Kanil wrote: On January 01 2012 12:51 Celloist wrote: I have a question, a bit offtopic though... is this kind of music/girl band big in south korea?
Bigger than the MSL, unfortunately.
msl died because of kpop ......
that we shall never forgive kpop for...
On January 01 2012 12:53 KenNage wrote: i would send brave now i think kt would send hoejja, then stork vs flash on jade
Why the hell would you send a P against hoejja, reality would be a way better pick
I stayed up to watch flash play, please don't disappoint my young heart. :[
that DT was like 'nah, not sunny on that other side'
Coach leee send in the mantoss !
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:54 BLinD-RawR wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:53 KenNage wrote: i would send brave now i think kt would send hoejja, then stork vs flash on jade
if KT sends Hoejja against brave, I'm sure Hoejja will win.
dont say that. we still need reachhhhhhhh...
"Usually i'd get pretty pissed about that dark templar/ probe tricking but since i was so ahead, it was ok"
United States 13143 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:52 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:51 Kanil wrote: On January 01 2012 12:51 Celloist wrote: I have a question, a bit offtopic though... is this kind of music/girl band big in south korea?
Bigger than the MSL, unfortunately.
msl died because of kpop ......
I suspect msl would've stopped, kpop or no. MBC was having so much trouble getting sponsors.
that scarab blocking was clutch, I still get nerdchills looking at it
On January 01 2012 12:54 Sawamura wrote: Coach leee send in the mantoss !
hahaha brilliant
Another reason why the world is going to end: BW gets 1k viewers, Artosis trolling gets over 6k T_T
On January 01 2012 12:52 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:51 Kanil wrote: On January 01 2012 12:51 Celloist wrote: I have a question, a bit offtopic though... is this kind of music/girl band big in south korea?
Bigger than the MSL, unfortunately.
msl died because of kpop ......
oh c'mon, i read that so often and i don't buy it. if anything kpop drew so many to bw events in the first place, just because mbc makes a shitton of money off kpop and quit their bw stuff over it, is still solely SCs fault :{ but wait this is no time to be reasonable, KPOP! I'M COMING FOR YOUSE! I KNOW WHERE YOUR CAR IS PARKED YO
OSL Champ looks forward without remorse seeking his grand future.
Cannot compute... storm god lost to storm drop...
On January 01 2012 12:54 Sawamura wrote: + Show Spoiler + Coach leee send in the mantoss !
dude duuuuudee haha :o
God damn this fucking song.
..... and hydra comes out. with his buffoonish as fuck song. cockdick.
On January 01 2012 12:55 MrMercuG wrote: Another reason why the world is going to end: BW gets 1k viewers, Artosis trolling gets over 6k T_T
who cares? 1000 BW viewers > 6000 viewers.
Slightly like CH a bit more due to WH.
This is seriously unmanly music. I am so disappointed right now.
MANTOSS? MANTOSS? MANTOSS? ... KT, I hate you. What are you sending CH? TT We need Reach vs P Stork up
KT sacrificing CH to
On January 01 2012 12:56 HighTemper wrote: Cannot compute... storm god lost to storm drop...
Maybe he hasn't been offering good sacrificed to the storm gods lately hence the storm back fired on the jangbi.
geez this is some major trollface from kt
United States 10053 Posts
Crazy hydra for KT (music = autolose) STORKUUUU for khan (his music is... meh)
WOOO atleast i get my storkuuuuuuu
what is this trolling by Coach Lee?
Australia 14568 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:50 Shurayuki wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:47 saltywet wrote: On January 01 2012 12:45 Kanil wrote: JangBi.
Okay KT, up 2-0. With still Flash and Stats left to play, you've got this. Therefore, send out Reach.
hyde poster man. whoever's present loses. if KT sends out flash, stats or hoejja, they will lose, if khan sends out stork/turn at the same time, the universe will implode
is that a thing now? hyde you better use your newly earned power for the wellbeing of humanity
and by that i mean make frickin skt win :o
If that's the case I won't add any SKT players in the poster so that we'll win whoever we send out
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
this should be good. pvz!
Crazy-Hydra vs Stork told you guys Coach ain't gonna waste Flash today
Crazy-Hydra's music always disappoints me. It is Crazy-Hydra vs Stork.
Lol, I can just imagine CH winning with some absurd strat and coming out triumphant with Woo Hoo blaring. Almost FBH worthy. Almost.
Flash next GG 3-1 KT.........
Stork, just go kill this scrub hydra Trolling us with unmanly music I need to hear Reach's choice of music, it will be manly no matter what
since this guy doesnt specialise in zvp, i think stork should be good
Stork is going to roll him over. (Please don't get another 0:3)
On January 01 2012 12:56 Kanil wrote: This is seriously unmanly music. I am so disappointed right now.
you dissin japanese music you gettin in trouble boi!
first non-mirror of this match. go galaxy tablet/mobile phone app boy!!!~
lol january, stork? really? i guess she prefers to loose 3-1 than to risk it for the 2-2 :/
stork vs Z situation got bad for khan
United States 10053 Posts
Chain Reaction is the map. CH in green at 3 Stork in OJ at 9
no jangbi/stork v god? disappointing. only other disappointment would be if we have to sit through a 40 minute flash vs reality to get this series done.
iu, seungah, yura, taeyeon, hyosung, lizzy, suji, sojin, jia, ji eun, eunji, soya, younha, jiyeon, fiestar, sinb, jung myung hoon godtier. BW FOREVERR
United States 13143 Posts
Well, this is unfortunate. Stork will probably win, but then Samsung has no one left who has a reasonable chance of taking down Flash.
On January 01 2012 12:57 Legatus Lanius wrote: since this guy doesnt specialise in zvp, i think stork should be good
stork should be good because stork is stork
Stork orange toss 9 oclock NoobHydra green zerg 3 oclock
by the way, did stork get glasses? lasik? its fucking weird seeing him without glasses...
if CH wins over stork what will samsung khan fan's do ?
hoping for a flash vs reality match go stork!
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:58 Jackal03 wrote: stork vs Z situation got bad for khan
Stork is doing pretty well vs Z this SPL.... right?
On January 01 2012 12:50 Shurayuki wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:47 saltywet wrote: On January 01 2012 12:45 Kanil wrote: JangBi.
Okay KT, up 2-0. With still Flash and Stats left to play, you've got this. Therefore, send out Reach.
hyde poster man. whoever's present loses. if KT sends out flash, stats or hoejja, they will lose, if khan sends out stork/turn at the same time, the universe will implode
is that a thing now? hyde you better use your newly earned power for the wellbeing of humanity
and by that i mean make frickin skt win :o
konadora prediction curse was terrible enough asdf
Well, i guess January is confident that Reality has a good chance against Flash.
Predicting a pretty crazy hydra all-in.
On January 01 2012 12:57 Hyde wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:50 Shurayuki wrote: On January 01 2012 12:47 saltywet wrote: On January 01 2012 12:45 Kanil wrote: JangBi.
Okay KT, up 2-0. With still Flash and Stats left to play, you've got this. Therefore, send out Reach.
hyde poster man. whoever's present loses. if KT sends out flash, stats or hoejja, they will lose, if khan sends out stork/turn at the same time, the universe will implode
is that a thing now? hyde you better use your newly earned power for the wellbeing of humanity
and by that i mean make frickin skt win :o
If that's the case I won't add any SKT players in the poster so that we'll win whoever we send out
But we all know no banner is truly a banner if Bisu isn't on it ;D I don't believe it, there is some other witchcraft at work, did somebody see mustaju carrying Wicca books around lately? Gotta investigate.
On January 01 2012 12:59 kingalexxx wrote: Predicting a pretty crazy hydra all-in.
i see what you did there
United States 13143 Posts
On January 01 2012 12:58 Sawamura wrote: if CH wins over stork what will samsung khan fan's do ?
be vaguely unhappy shit happens sometimes
On January 01 2012 12:58 ZoW wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:50 Shurayuki wrote: On January 01 2012 12:47 saltywet wrote: On January 01 2012 12:45 Kanil wrote: JangBi.
Okay KT, up 2-0. With still Flash and Stats left to play, you've got this. Therefore, send out Reach.
hyde poster man. whoever's present loses. if KT sends out flash, stats or hoejja, they will lose, if khan sends out stork/turn at the same time, the universe will implode
is that a thing now? hyde you better use your newly earned power for the wellbeing of humanity
and by that i mean make frickin skt win :o
konadora prediction curse was terrible enough asdf
That was a beautiful day.
United States 10053 Posts
hydra going for an overpool and scouting in the right direc-- oh wait.
On January 01 2012 12:58 soujiro_ wrote: hoping for a flash vs reality match go stork!
Flash's godlike play is unreal though.
On January 01 2012 12:58 FlaShFTW wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:58 Jackal03 wrote: stork vs Z situation got bad for khan
Stork is doing pretty well vs Z this SPL.... right?
yes, he's doing good vs Z in this round
United States 10053 Posts
stork just going for forge first, no bs nexus first.
NoobHydra going for pool first Gets his expo denied Stork with the man probe, but decides to be merciful and let the hatchery plant down Nexus before cannon
On January 01 2012 13:00 Jackal03 wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:58 FlaShFTW wrote: On January 01 2012 12:58 Jackal03 wrote: stork vs Z situation got bad for khan
Stork is doing pretty well vs Z this SPL.... right?
yes, he's doing good vs Z in this round
time for some 5pools i say ;D or inbase hatches, CH does that...
What the fuck.... don't tell me Khan's going to start losing like shit now = (
why do i have a feeling CH is going to do some 2 hatch lurker drop build on stork
United States 10053 Posts
stork being gay with the probe blocking the expo of ch for a bit. nex first for stork and 2 cannons follow
Stork vs Z. This looks bad for Khan
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:00 Shurayuki wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:00 Jackal03 wrote: On January 01 2012 12:58 FlaShFTW wrote: On January 01 2012 12:58 Jackal03 wrote: stork vs Z situation got bad for khan
Stork is doing pretty well vs Z this SPL.... right?
yes, he's doing good vs Z in this round
time for some 5pools i say ;D
or inbase hatches, CH does that...
no that's zero.
Lings streaming towards Stork's main No, decide to pull back 2 cannons warping in Gas being taken by CH
United States 10053 Posts
CH taking 1 o clock. stork's nexus is up.
lings run to opponents base with bad intentions
United States 10053 Posts
stork's gas is up but not mining from it??? does a probe glitch to sneak out the backdoor.
CH expanding to the 12.5 it looks like Stork's nexus is up and running now Stork going to mine up the back minerals by the temple, nope, going to slip out a probe and expand? No I think hes just oging to scout
I really still don't get KT's unnatural faith in CH...
United States 10053 Posts
ooohhhh looks like 3 hatch hydra all in from CH!!!
On January 01 2012 13:02 Taekwon wrote: I really still don't get KT's unnatural faith in CH...
He probably does well in practice or something.
Hydra den is up now I sense an all in, No lair off 2 hatcheries, unless theres one at 12.5 Probe scout being denied
On January 01 2012 13:02 Taekwon wrote: I really still don't get KT's unnatural faith in CH...
He beat Calm lol
United States 10053 Posts
robo coming up fors stork but hes not gonna be ready for this!!!
If CH wins and KT goes 3-0, KT finishes round 1 in 2nd place. Go Crazy-Hydra!
no more gasses, going all in. HOLDDD THE FORT
United States 10053 Posts
hydra arriving at storks front now! stork pulling probes. STORK HOLDS STORK HOLDS
Japan 11285 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:03 gulati wrote: 3 hatch hydra all-in??
Yup. I hope stork survives
On January 01 2012 13:01 FlaShFTW wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:00 Shurayuki wrote: On January 01 2012 13:00 Jackal03 wrote: On January 01 2012 12:58 FlaShFTW wrote: On January 01 2012 12:58 Jackal03 wrote: stork vs Z situation got bad for khan
Stork is doing pretty well vs Z this SPL.... right?
yes, he's doing good vs Z in this round
time for some 5pools i say ;D
or inbase hatches, CH does that...
no that's zero.
b but you know, that time against know... you probably just erased it from your memory ;P+ Show Spoiler +
United States 10053 Posts
mass ling frrom CH!!! Stork looks to be at the lose!!!
51341 Posts
United States 10053 Posts
god, stork aways loses to this all ins
On January 01 2012 13:03 saltywet wrote: typical, KT zerg
uh huh.
So I go to the washroom, and Noobhydra decides to all in Stargate and robotics are up Reaver should be coming out , but Stork gg's I hate you NoobHydra, never win again
I hate seeing Stork lose
Hah, good start for Khan this year.
who needs flash and stats?
United States 13143 Posts
daaaaaaaaaaammmmnnnnnnnnn eh, good for you kt, good for you ;P
Worst. Series. Ever. Absolutely awful games.
oh man Stork is visibly upset
well that wasn't very fun. but KT's first 3-0 of the season! GG
Ch channelling the kwanro in side of him...
Australia 14568 Posts
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Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On January 01 2012 13:04 GTR wrote: stork just got kwanro'd.
kwanrolled* but fuck.. shit games... all of em
Wow Stork lost, that has to suck for Khan.
Got excited when I saw this was on. Not so much anymore
whoa kahn, you make me a sand panda
On January 01 2012 12:59 kingalexxx wrote: Predicting a pretty crazy hydra all-in.
called it.
United States 10053 Posts
Stork looks pissed at fk right now
I just thinking to myself please stork don't get killed by hydras and he gets killed by hydras
On January 01 2012 13:05 kuroshiroi wrote: Worst. Series. Ever. Absolutely awful games.
Game 2 was pretty good.
OMG Crazy-Hydra beats stork! WUT
Stork looked like he was gonna punch the monitor there
2nd time ch wins and they dont play the music, why is that? to no ofend to other player or? oo;
OGN again refuses to play C-H's music after he wins. Do they think it's too humiliating?
KT 3-0 Starting 2012 off pretty nicely
Wow...I'm in shock (but in a good way).
hahaha KT won without Flash.
On January 01 2012 13:05 gulati wrote: kwanrolled*
but fuck..
shit games... all of em
no, no, no kwanro does all ins in spectacular and unparalleled fashion.
after some time practising with shine one would suppose stork should know hot to stop 3hh
Australia 14568 Posts
please vote on these as well, thanksPoll: Recommend Final Set? Yes (16)
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Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Japan 11285 Posts
FUCK, STORK, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Well, this is disappointing...
...was that like one of the fastest 3-0's of all time? holy shit that honestly felt like it started only 35 minutes ago
United States 10053 Posts
nice new years eve present for me with 1 hour left. what place is KT in now?
i allready dislike 2012. nice.
On January 01 2012 13:05 BLinD-RawR wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:05 kuroshiroi wrote: Worst. Series. Ever. Absolutely awful games.
Game 2 was pretty good.
Not really... was disappointed at jangbi
didn't need our top2... too ez
i was hoping for kt flash
On January 01 2012 13:06 gulati wrote: ...was that like one of the fastest 3-0's of all time? holy shit that honestly felt like it started only 35 minutes ago
Your probably right about that
oh my is that the hydra all in build? or did he do a different variation? i want to learn that build :D
Aww man, poor stork ;_; Hopefully better STX vs T8 games. Shouldn't be that hard to top this.
FlaSh is like: how did this go so ez?
On January 01 2012 13:05 reincremate wrote: well that wasn't very fun. but KT's first 3-0 of the season! GG
It was ok. A win is a win is win.
hahaha i just cam back to see KT 3:0 Khan without Stats and Flash, nice way to start 2012 - and KT IS ALONE #2 NOW :D
....WTF just happened.....KT won 3-0 and without using FLash and agaisnt jangbi and stork OMG IT REALLY IS 2012
On January 01 2012 13:05 kuroshiroi wrote: Worst. Series. Ever. Absolutely awful games.
On January 01 2012 13:05 HighTemper wrote: -_________________________-
Happy birthday BOTH OF YOU!
lol KT's 2nd rate lineup just made a joke out of Khan. And this is their 2nd 0-3 in a row.
in all seriousness, the games weren't great, but who cares? kt won >_< stx vs t8 should be fun.
I don't think anyone but Flash is amused. oh and reach. reach is always amused.
Typical ZvStork everyone always all-ins him
On January 01 2012 13:06 soujiro_ wrote: after some time practising with shine one would suppose stork should know hot to stop 3hh
hahahaha i lol'ed, true!
On January 01 2012 13:06 kdong90 wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:05 BLinD-RawR wrote: On January 01 2012 13:05 kuroshiroi wrote: Worst. Series. Ever. Absolutely awful games.
Game 2 was pretty good.
Not really... was disappointed at jangbi
SO? just because the player you were rooting for lost does not mean it was a bad game.
United States 7639 Posts
My heart is torn into little shreds. T______T Stork... Khan... I don't even understand his this could have happened. MORE CANNONS
zergs sure love allining stork...T_T
wowza.. quick series.. :o XD
"Hollydays... time for well deserved rest ^_^ my teammates got this"
On January 01 2012 13:07 hypercube wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:05 reincremate wrote: well that wasn't very fun. but KT's first 3-0 of the season! GG
It was ok. A win is a win is win.
hey that's totally my line, i made it up ! :o
Why didn't you play Reach out, to smash Stork in an amazing manly game, now some stupid allin >< Reach needs some love too His last game was what last SWL?
On January 01 2012 13:07 hypercube wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:05 reincremate wrote: well that wasn't very fun. but KT's first 3-0 of the season! GG
It was ok.
A win is a win is win. not to the fans.
cant believe I stayed up for this...
On January 01 2012 13:07 RezChi wrote: Typical ZvStork everyone always all-ins him
if that's a weakness in his game every opponent should be exploiting it.
On the bright side I can watch STX dismantle T8 quicker!
On January 01 2012 13:07 mnesthes wrote: lol KT's 2nd rate lineup just made a joke out of Khan. And this is their 2nd 0-3 in a row.
well this is not an excuse, but mafia won a coin-flip, stork got all-in'd which was yet another coin-flip, and jangbi... well.. no excuse can pardon that. only real loss was jangbi. which was pathetic.
On January 01 2012 13:07 hypercube wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:05 reincremate wrote: well that wasn't very fun. but KT's first 3-0 of the season! GG
It was ok. A win is a win is win.
I only meant game 3. Game 2 was entertaining, as one-sided as it was.
United States 23455 Posts
Cool winning without Stats/Flash. KT ends the round 4-3 and tied for 2nd with SKT at 4-3 (+4) after starting off 0-3. Khan finishes Round One in 4th.
On January 01 2012 13:07 BLinD-RawR wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:06 kdong90 wrote: On January 01 2012 13:05 BLinD-RawR wrote: On January 01 2012 13:05 kuroshiroi wrote: Worst. Series. Ever. Absolutely awful games.
Game 2 was pretty good.
Not really... was disappointed at jangbi
just because the player you were rooting for lost does not mean it was a bad game.
I guess I'm just disappointed in general. I expected a close 3-2 match with Flash and Stork and Jangbi playing brilliant games (hell, Stats and Turn too) and we got this.
that last game was queer as folk
Stork would have fended it off had those probes been 60hp SCVs...
samsung flash and stats didnt need to play to win 3-0 and no mantoss.................
First 3-0 of the season for kt , Happy days ahead ^_^
On January 01 2012 13:08 gulati wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:07 mnesthes wrote: lol KT's 2nd rate lineup just made a joke out of Khan. And this is their 2nd 0-3 in a row.
well this is not an excuse, but mafia won a coin-flip, stork got all-in'd which was yet another coin-flip, and jangbi... well.. no excuse can pardon that.
only real loss was jangbi. which was pathetic., the irony is mafia wasn't a coinflip and jangbi's was.
On January 01 2012 13:07 Kiett wrote: My heart is torn into little shreds. T______T Stork... Khan... I don't even understand his this could have happened. MORE CANNONS
see! you big KT meanies! now you made her cry! *steps on her toe so she cries* SEEEEEEEEEEEEE?!
On January 01 2012 13:09 mnesthes wrote: Stork would have fended it off had those probes been 60hp SCVs...
terran imba
United States 13143 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:07 BLinD-RawR wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:06 kdong90 wrote: On January 01 2012 13:05 BLinD-RawR wrote: On January 01 2012 13:05 kuroshiroi wrote: Worst. Series. Ever. Absolutely awful games.
Game 2 was pretty good.
Not really... was disappointed at jangbi
just because the player you were rooting for lost does not mean it was a bad game.
The game was mediocre. Wooki got an early advantage with those DTs and rode it to victory. The lead never changed hands, and no really extraordinary plays happened. Wooki definitely played well, but the game just wasn't that exciting.
United States 10053 Posts
I'm so sad no mantoss
KT in second. LOL sup SKT1?
United States 11390 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:05 Kanil wrote: OGN again refuses to play C-H's music after he wins. Do they think it's too humiliating?
They didn't play IU when Zero beat Leta either.
3-0 means kt moves into 2nd place after starting 0-3 lol.
and just like that KT jumps back up to 2nd. typical KT style.
i dont get why stork scouted for proxy hatch in 11 and then went cross with the probe , why not to check the ch third? that makes no sense to me D:
lololol KT's at 2nd place, talk about losing first 3 matches in a row
On January 01 2012 13:08 Fionn wrote: Cool winning without Stats/Flash. KT ends the round 4-3 and tied for 2nd with SKT at 4-3 (+4) after starting off 0-3. Khan finishes Round One in 4th.
Nope, SKT is at +3 leaving KT all alone at #2 :D
On January 01 2012 13:10 Taekwon wrote: WDF KT > STX?!! really thought STX stood a chance in the long run? lol
On January 01 2012 13:09 Shurayuki wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:07 Kiett wrote: My heart is torn into little shreds. T______T Stork... Khan... I don't even understand his this could have happened. MORE CANNONS
see! you big KT meanies! now you made her cry!
*steps on her toe so she cries*
-__- you are the one who is evil , I don't step on girl's toe like you .
This cements that KT is utilitarian. No mercy for the fans. On both sides.
Can the protoss scout this all in in time if the sair goes straight to the main?
On January 01 2012 13:08 GDbushido wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:07 hypercube wrote: On January 01 2012 13:05 reincremate wrote: well that wasn't very fun. but KT's first 3-0 of the season! GG
It was ok.
A win is a win is win. not to the fans.
I don't care about quality as long as my team wins. I'm shallow like that.
road from rank 8 to rank 2 in first round , this is KT for u :D
Nevertheless, Stork did really well defending the first wave (until he ran out of units to defend with). Stork's micro can never be underestimated. I still remember the game where he defended a 4 or 5 pool with a single cannon and a probe drill. Does anyone remember who he played against?
what a shitty start of 2012...
God the tears in this thread are tasty. Khan's three best players lost to KT's three "worst" players. Time for Khan to regroup. And KT to get drunk.
hyde make STX vs T8 plz?!
On January 01 2012 13:07 BLinD-RawR wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:06 kdong90 wrote: On January 01 2012 13:05 BLinD-RawR wrote: On January 01 2012 13:05 kuroshiroi wrote: Worst. Series. Ever. Absolutely awful games.
Game 2 was pretty good.
Not really... was disappointed at jangbi
just because the player you were rooting for lost does not mean it was a bad game.
Your right, I don't mean to argue with you but all I was trying to point out at was if jangbi had played a bit better then it would have ended up as a better game. I'm not trying to say it was horrible game.
Australia 14568 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:12 Taekwon wrote: hyde make STX vs T8 plz?!
okay, starting now
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Just woke up. Trolluary happened?
On January 01 2012 13:12 Taekwon wrote: hyde make STX vs T8 plz?!
i concur w thread yet and i want ppl to talk to since i'll be sad and alone with my chinese food~~
On January 01 2012 13:12 sinistral wrote: Just woke up. Trolluary happened?
2012 happened.
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:12 sinistral wrote: Just woke up. Trolluary happened?
yes sir :D
On January 01 2012 13:12 Hyde wrote: okay, starting now
live report bonjwa !!!!
On January 01 2012 13:12 sinistral wrote: Just woke up. Trolluary happened?
Actually, trolluary DIDN'T happen. She sent out her three best players.
I actually should start making LR threads for STX...
On January 01 2012 13:13 mnesthes wrote: 2012 happened.
the end is upon us indeed Flash wins 3rd PL gold, world ends, somebody on TL called it :o
On January 01 2012 13:13 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:12 Hyde wrote: On January 01 2012 13:12 Taekwon wrote: hyde make STX vs T8 plz?!
okay, starting now
live report bonjwa !!!!
i wish i was smart enough to make LR threads or atleast motivated enough. thank god for ppl like hyde~
United States 10328 Posts
Theres another one today right?
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:14 Shurayuki wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:13 mnesthes wrote: On January 01 2012 13:12 sinistral wrote: Just woke up. Trolluary happened?
2012 happened.
the end is upon us indeed
Flash wins 3rd PL gold, world ends, somebody on TL called it :o
oh dude i called that like 1 year ago. whenever flash does something amazing something BW related bad happens.
On January 01 2012 12:02 Lightwip wrote: I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
This did not occur, therefore my mood has worsened slightly.
On January 01 2012 13:14 ]343[ wrote: wait lol ... wow
pretty much sums up the content of this thread. including sexual banter towards jangbi at one point which went up in a flame of glory when he lost a reaver to a fucking photon cannon
On January 01 2012 13:14 gulati wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:13 Sawamura wrote: On January 01 2012 13:12 Hyde wrote: On January 01 2012 13:12 Taekwon wrote: hyde make STX vs T8 plz?!
okay, starting now
live report bonjwa !!!!
i wish i was smart enough to make LR threads
or atleast motivated enough. thank god for ppl like hyde~
I'm still here you know...sigh...On January 01 2012 13:14 Lightwip wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:02 Lightwip wrote: I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
This did not occur, therefore my mood has worsened slightly.
disappointment is a part of life...
On January 01 2012 13:14 Taekwon wrote: I actually should start making LR threads for STX...
damn, I didn't realize there wasn't a thread yet. Everyone's either hungover or out partying depending on timezone I guess.
On January 01 2012 13:14 Lightwip wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:02 Lightwip wrote: I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
This did not occur, therefore my mood has worsened slightly.
The team that you didn't wish to win even rose to 2nd place after this win.
On January 01 2012 13:11 InTheFade wrote: God the tears in this thread are tasty. Khan's three best players lost to KT's three "worst" players. Time for Khan to regroup. And KT to get drunk.
Barracks? Anyppi?
On January 01 2012 13:14 Lightwip wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 12:02 Lightwip wrote: I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
This did not occur, therefore my mood has worsened slightly.
Quite so old friend, let's 'ave a nice cup'o tea and straig'en our monocles then, shall we. I think in this new year we should all keep a nice british way of understatement, most indeededlyOn January 01 2012 13:16 X10A wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:11 InTheFade wrote: God the tears in this thread are tasty. Khan's three best players lost to KT's three "worst" players. Time for Khan to regroup. And KT to get drunk.
Barracks? Anyppi?
psh, he put it in quotes, it's almost fine (of course KT has an armada of way worse players)
oh c'mon dp, you're too slow TL ;P
On January 01 2012 13:16 X10A wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:11 InTheFade wrote: God the tears in this thread are tasty. Khan's three best players lost to KT's three "worst" players. Time for Khan to regroup. And KT to get drunk.
Barracks? Anyppi?
To be accurate it was Khan's 2 best players and Roro against KT's worst player, a rookie and a subaverage zerg.
United States 10053 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:16 X10A wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:11 InTheFade wrote: God the tears in this thread are tasty. Khan's three best players lost to KT's three "worst" players. Time for Khan to regroup. And KT to get drunk.
Barracks? Anyppi?
Rax and anyppi are practice players. they don't really play games. unlike the 3 players that played today, who actually play.
When is the next T1 game btw?
On January 01 2012 13:18 Celloist wrote: When is the next T1 game btw?
2 days v CJ edit: that'll be the best game of this season foshoyo~
On January 01 2012 13:19 gulati wrote: 2 days v CJ
edit: that'll be the best game of this season foshoyo~
Didn't that just happen yesterday or was it the day before?
Is there a mistake under banner image about the time? 1st, December? or 1st, Jan?
On January 01 2012 13:17 Shurayuki wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:14 Lightwip wrote: On January 01 2012 12:02 Lightwip wrote: I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
This did not occur, therefore my mood has worsened slightly.
Quite so old friend, let's 'ave a nice cup'o tea and straig'en our monocles then, shall we.
I think in this new year we should all keep a nice british way of understatement, most indeededly
I say, that is a splendid idea.
Khan is just so vulnerable to Zergs I can't imagine why other teams don't just send out a full Zerg lineup (I remember last year's SKTzergs vs Khan and it was a massacre like this one). With Roro around you'd have thought they'd improve. Sigh. This is why Stork is always considered the least of the TBLS. He's so easy to snipe with a Zerg.
United States 7639 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:26 Lightwip wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:17 Shurayuki wrote: On January 01 2012 13:14 Lightwip wrote: On January 01 2012 12:02 Lightwip wrote: I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
This did not occur, therefore my mood has worsened slightly.
Quite so old friend, let's 'ave a nice cup'o tea and straig'en our monocles then, shall we.
I think in this new year we should all keep a nice british way of understatement, most indeededly
I say, that is a splendid idea.
Allow me to partake as well, good chaps.
Ah, I was so happy when KT was 0-3. I remember when I first got into PL. KT Flash and Jaedong Oz used to provide me with so much entertainment. Reading the disappointment and mockery on TL was the best.
Where dat snitch at? 36923 Posts
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!?!!??!?!?!?!?! KT 3:0 SK??!?!?!?!? Not that it's really shocking but I NEVER expected it because of the Jangbang...... Damn..... not even Flash was needed tonight Oo
Erm... they should have continued playing set 4 and 5. KT 5 - 0 Khan
On January 01 2012 13:24 kdong90 wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:19 gulati wrote: On January 01 2012 13:18 Celloist wrote: When is the next T1 game btw?
2 days v CJ
edit: that'll be the best game of this season foshoyo~
Didn't that just happen yesterday or was it the day before?
It's a new round, so not surprising to play a team which has been played with recently.
Where dat snitch at? 36923 Posts
On January 01 2012 13:32 Kiett wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:26 Lightwip wrote: On January 01 2012 13:17 Shurayuki wrote: On January 01 2012 13:14 Lightwip wrote: On January 01 2012 12:02 Lightwip wrote: I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
This did not occur, therefore my mood has worsened slightly.
Quite so old friend, let's 'ave a nice cup'o tea and straig'en our monocles then, shall we.
I think in this new year we should all keep a nice british way of understatement, most indeededly
I say, that is a splendid idea.
Allow me to partake as well, good chaps.
Cheers to you gentlemen!
wrong thread
On January 01 2012 13:35 Seeker wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:32 Kiett wrote: On January 01 2012 13:26 Lightwip wrote: On January 01 2012 13:17 Shurayuki wrote: On January 01 2012 13:14 Lightwip wrote: On January 01 2012 12:02 Lightwip wrote: I am hoping that the team that I wish to win will win.
This did not occur, therefore my mood has worsened slightly.
Quite so old friend, let's 'ave a nice cup'o tea and straig'en our monocles then, shall we.
I think in this new year we should all keep a nice british way of understatement, most indeededly
I say, that is a splendid idea.
Allow me to partake as well, good chaps.
Cheers to you gentlemen!
A fine lady she be! How dareth he insult her like that, i call fisticuffs fine sir!On January 01 2012 13:34 sinistral wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:24 kdong90 wrote: On January 01 2012 13:19 gulati wrote: On January 01 2012 13:18 Celloist wrote: When is the next T1 game btw?
2 days v CJ
edit: that'll be the best game of this season foshoyo~
Didn't that just happen yesterday or was it the day before?
It's a new round, so not surprising to play a team which has been played with recently.
yeah think of it like the champions league where they play the 2nd sets in reverse order, so they end up facing each other immediately again
This was overall a disappointing match, mainly because it seemed so easy for KT they should have fielded Mind, looks like they could sure afford it.
KT making a serious surge.
whaaaaatT? kt won WITHOUT flash or stats? What is this world coming to???
Man, I saw Jangbi and Stork in the lineup and thought Khan had it for sure.
Haha when I saw the lineups I thought for sure KT lost 0-3. Yay! KTRollin'
Wow at this rate Flash will never lose. He's got 1 game per week vs a scrub. Does he even need to practice?
On January 01 2012 14:45 Savant wrote: Wow at this rate Flash will never lose. He's got 1 game per week vs a scrub. Does he even need to practice?
He plays starcraft even when he is sleeping ..... He is on a different level .On January 01 2012 13:33 domane wrote: Ah, I was so happy when KT was 0-3. I remember when I first got into PL. KT Flash and Jaedong Oz used to provide me with so much entertainment. Reading the disappointment and mockery on TL was the best.
I dislike people calling my team KT FLASh and KT lolster -_- makes it seem that my team only depend on flash to win's game and the other players are just fillers .
Wow....what the hell? Khan fielded their best three and lost to KT's lesser players
Toadily unexpected results O.O
KT 3-0 without Flash... wow.
KT rollin', Samsung rolled. What an interesting end to round 1.
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE TT khan u were supposed to destroy the kt rolster!
What the fuck. Sk dropping the ball hardddd
that was really unexpected. sad i didn't see flash
On January 01 2012 17:05 Oreo7 wrote: WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE TT
khan u were
supposed to destroy the kt rolster!
Supposed but it didn't happen the power of the ROLLSTER .
Hmm... interesting how Khan has gone on to lose 2 matches since they cheesed Team 8 out of a victory.
On January 01 2012 18:27 Ryo wrote: Hmm... interesting how Khan has gone on to lose 2 matches since they cheesed Team 8 out of a victory.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Who needs Flash when you have #1 zerg Action
Hong Kong 20321 Posts
lOL ACTION DOES SOMETHING? and crazy hydra too1?! MADNESS.
On January 01 2012 18:48 alffla wrote: lOL ACTION DOES SOMETHING? and crazy hydra too1?! MADNESS.
its 2012.
Ahaha no Flash or Stats get dunked on.
They finally played P7GAB, yay
United Kingdom 3685 Posts
Khan gets rolled both matches since I got Stork/Jangbi's autographs ;; Could I be the one to blame T_T
On January 01 2012 20:10 Sayle wrote: Khan gets rolled both matches since I got Stork/Jangbi's autographs ;; Could I be the one to blame T_T
Nope no one's blaming you sayle .
Yup Expected these exact results already.
On January 01 2012 20:57 Black[CAT] wrote: Yup
Expected these exact results already.
Oh really, you must be some kind of Liquibetting champion then.
On January 01 2012 13:34 TdX wrote: Erm... they should have continued playing set 4 and 5. KT 5 - 0 Khan
Rofl, just realised how huge a possibility this could have been.
On January 01 2012 20:21 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 20:10 Sayle wrote: Khan gets rolled both matches since I got Stork/Jangbi's autographs ;; Could I be the one to blame T_T
Nope no one's blaming you sayle
i already did tho...On January 01 2012 12:45 zeehar wrote: you know why jangbang lost? it's because sayle interrupted his fangirl orgy two weeks ago
KT congrats.
What is the world coming to.. Stork and jangbi losing to crazy hydra and wooki.. Team 8 losing to STX.. Bloody bad way for the year to start
Ace, then this, I'm surprised there are still Khan fans alive that didn't drink themselves to death on new years eve.
On January 01 2012 18:27 Ryo wrote: Hmm... interesting how Khan has gone on to lose 2 matches since they cheesed Team 8 out of a victory.
In any case team 8 has to start winning matches or the chance of them getting sponsored will be slim.. Is team 8 last in the table right now?
Ouch, most unexpected result of the year for sure.
I saw lineups and thought oh shit did we just get 3-0'd without playing our 3 tp players? and then i saw overall results, what the.. GOnna watch the games now..
Kt played like the champions they are.
United States 7639 Posts
On January 01 2012 18:27 Ryo wrote: Hmm... interesting how Khan has gone on to lose 2 matches since they cheesed Team 8 out of a victory.
Stork didn't cheese... How is that fair to him T___T
Thanks for the fast Vods, nice NYE present!
On January 01 2012 23:20 endy wrote: Ouch, most unexpected result of the year for sure.
haha I see what you did there. only 365 days left to prove worse.
I demand Crazy Hydra's intro music is played whenever he wins!
Only legitmate loss here is by Roro, lost to Action's superior Zergling movements. Then game two was a Build Order loss by JangBi, it was 3 Gate vs 2 Gate Dark Templar Rush. Game three was Crazy-Hydra going for a Lair-less cheese which Stork was able to defend the first wave but ran out of stuff to deal with the rest. Tough luck.
I hope this is just bad luck. Roro getting out played by Action was just a huge disappointment. Damn it Roro why is your ZvZ so bad.
On January 02 2012 02:15 gen.Sun wrote: I hope this is just bad luck. Roro getting out played by Action was just a huge disappointment. Damn it Roro why is your ZvZ so bad.
Whenever you watch a professional game live, always notice the pre-game facial expression of the players. Two players enters their respective booth, the one with the more comfortable look nearly always end up winning. The moment that Action had that smug face on, I knew that Roro was in trouble.
This was the worst proleague match I've ever seen. A unepic ZvZ, a PvP with DT's and a successful ZvP hydra allin. Plus, the fact that I was waiting for a epic Flash TvP made things a lot worse.
Nice to see Action finally winning something.
On January 01 2012 13:14 FlaShFTW wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:14 Shurayuki wrote: On January 01 2012 13:13 mnesthes wrote: On January 01 2012 13:12 sinistral wrote: Just woke up. Trolluary happened?
2012 happened.
the end is upon us indeed
Flash wins 3rd PL gold, world ends, somebody on TL called it :o
oh dude i called that like 1 year ago. whenever flash does something amazing something BW related bad happens.
Flash is doing "something amazing" every year,so whenever something bad happens to BW you can say that`s because of Flash
No! Can't believe that we went 0-3.
United States 10053 Posts
On January 02 2012 03:55 Vuk_91 wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:14 FlaShFTW wrote: On January 01 2012 13:14 Shurayuki wrote: On January 01 2012 13:13 mnesthes wrote: On January 01 2012 13:12 sinistral wrote: Just woke up. Trolluary happened?
2012 happened.
the end is upon us indeed
Flash wins 3rd PL gold, world ends, somebody on TL called it :o
oh dude i called that like 1 year ago. whenever flash does something amazing something BW related bad happens.
Flash is doing "something amazing" every year,so whenever something bad happens to BW you can say that`s because of Flash
Yeah well i guess xD
This result would be much less disappointing if Khan had won just a single game.
On January 02 2012 05:58 Lightwip wrote: This result would be much less disappointing if Khan had won just a single game.
I thought that you wanted us to win. Good games today and a big crowd.
On January 02 2012 06:45 Amanebak wrote: Show nested quote + On January 02 2012 05:58 Lightwip wrote: This result would be much less disappointing if Khan had won just a single game.
I thought that you wanted us to win.
Good games today and a big crowd.
It would take quite an odd turn of events for me to ever want KT or Flash to win anything.
United States 7639 Posts
On January 02 2012 06:45 Amanebak wrote: Show nested quote + On January 02 2012 05:58 Lightwip wrote: This result would be much less disappointing if Khan had won just a single game.
I thought that you wanted us to win.
Good games today and a big crowd.
Well you have to realize that if khan had won one game, KTand SKT would be tied, and if khan had won 2 games, KT would be 3rd while SKT would be 2nd. So even ignoring our feelings toward either team, we'd still root against KT for the sake of SKT's round 1 standings ^_^
Russian Federation 3209 Posts
Damn, I am really sad, that Flash was not playing,
Bisu,Best,Stork,Jangbi and Flash, Fantasy, Leta, Light and Jaedong, Hydra, Zero, Soulkey assemble in ACE now!
On January 01 2012 13:29 Caladbolg wrote: With Roro around you'd have thought they'd improve. Sigh. This is why Stork is always considered the least of the TBLS.
He's so easy to snipe with a Zerg.
Stork has a winning record against all of TBLS except flash where he is down one game.
On January 02 2012 09:29 stork4ever wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:29 Caladbolg wrote: With Roro around you'd have thought they'd improve. Sigh. This is why Stork is always considered the least of the TBLS.
He's so easy to snipe with a Zerg.
Stork has a winning record against all of TBLS except flash where he is down one game.
Plus that was a really good Zergling movement by C-H when he was locating them everywhere to deny Probe scouting.... Stork is 5-2....since the start of the PL which is the same as Jaedong's reccord and better than Bisu's!
United States 7639 Posts
On January 02 2012 09:29 stork4ever wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:29 Caladbolg wrote: With Roro around you'd have thought they'd improve. Sigh. This is why Stork is always considered the least of the TBLS.
He's so easy to snipe with a Zerg.
Stork has a winning record against all of TBLS except flash where he is down one game.
In standard leagues, Stork is actually positive against flash as well (10-9). Even if you count the GOM matches, they're still dead even.
lolwad unbelievable... a KT game without Stats or Flash?? and winning??? this must be a dream..
guys its the hyde banner, notice all players who are on the banner lost
On January 02 2012 10:15 saltywet wrote: guys its the hyde banner, notice all players who are on the banner lost
Wat? Turn didn't even get send out....
On January 02 2012 10:20 Xiphos wrote: Show nested quote + On January 02 2012 10:15 saltywet wrote: guys its the hyde banner, notice all players who are on the banner lost
Wat? Turn didn't even get send out....
all the players (who were sent out) who are on the banner
On January 02 2012 10:20 Xiphos wrote: Show nested quote + On January 02 2012 10:15 saltywet wrote: guys its the hyde banner, notice all players who are on the banner lost
Wat? Turn didn't even get send out....
Neither did Flash, Stats or Hoejja. So it's safe to say that none of the players on the banner got any wins for their team yesterday.On January 02 2012 10:44 Elroi wrote: Show nested quote + On January 02 2012 09:35 Xiphos wrote: On January 02 2012 09:29 stork4ever wrote: On January 01 2012 13:29 Caladbolg wrote: With Roro around you'd have thought they'd improve. Sigh. This is why Stork is always considered the least of the TBLS.
He's so easy to snipe with a Zerg.
Stork has a winning record against all of TBLS except flash where he is down one game.
Plus that was a really good Zergling movement by C-H when he was locating them everywhere to deny Probe scouting....
Stork is 5-2....since the start of the PL which is the same as Jaedong's reccord and better than Bisu's!
The fact that he gets this amount of shit from losing one silly game showes that he is a great player.
Stork obviously is great, but his PvZ is really weak compared to, say, Bisu. He keeps losing to hydra busts. But then again everyone has weak PvZ compared to Bisu.
On January 02 2012 09:35 Xiphos wrote: Show nested quote + On January 02 2012 09:29 stork4ever wrote: On January 01 2012 13:29 Caladbolg wrote: With Roro around you'd have thought they'd improve. Sigh. This is why Stork is always considered the least of the TBLS.
He's so easy to snipe with a Zerg.
Stork has a winning record against all of TBLS except flash where he is down one game.
Plus that was a really good Zergling movement by C-H when he was locating them everywhere to deny Probe scouting....
Stork is 5-2....since the start of the PL which is the same as Jaedong's reccord and better than Bisu's!
The fact that he gets this amount of shit from losing one silly game shows that he is a great player.
On January 02 2012 10:44 Elroi wrote: Show nested quote + On January 02 2012 09:35 Xiphos wrote: On January 02 2012 09:29 stork4ever wrote: On January 01 2012 13:29 Caladbolg wrote: With Roro around you'd have thought they'd improve. Sigh. This is why Stork is always considered the least of the TBLS.
He's so easy to snipe with a Zerg.
Stork has a winning record against all of TBLS except flash where he is down one game.
Plus that was a really good Zergling movement by C-H when he was locating them everywhere to deny Probe scouting....
Stork is 5-2....since the start of the PL which is the same as Jaedong's reccord and better than Bisu's!
The fact that he gets this amount of shit from losing one silly game shows that he is a great player.
Bottom line is Stork needs a better vZ practice partner--he needs someone who trains exclusively to snipe his PvZ, rather than training against people who emulate other teams' leading Zergs.
On January 01 2012 13:17 mnesthes wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:16 X10A wrote: On January 01 2012 13:11 InTheFade wrote: God the tears in this thread are tasty. Khan's three best players lost to KT's three "worst" players. Time for Khan to regroup. And KT to get drunk.
Barracks? Anyppi?
To be accurate it was Khan's 2 best players and Roro against KT's worst player, a rookie and a subaverage zerg.
roro is easily khans third best player
On January 02 2012 17:22 Iplaythings wrote: Show nested quote + On January 01 2012 13:17 mnesthes wrote: On January 01 2012 13:16 X10A wrote: On January 01 2012 13:11 InTheFade wrote: God the tears in this thread are tasty. Khan's three best players lost to KT's three "worst" players. Time for Khan to regroup. And KT to get drunk.
Barracks? Anyppi?
To be accurate it was Khan's 2 best players and Roro against KT's worst player, a rookie and a subaverage zerg.
roro is easily khans third best player
What about Brave and Turn =/
On January 02 2012 17:26 mnesthes wrote: Show nested quote + On January 02 2012 17:22 Iplaythings wrote: On January 01 2012 13:17 mnesthes wrote: On January 01 2012 13:16 X10A wrote: On January 01 2012 13:11 InTheFade wrote: God the tears in this thread are tasty. Khan's three best players lost to KT's three "worst" players. Time for Khan to regroup. And KT to get drunk.
Barracks? Anyppi?
To be accurate it was Khan's 2 best players and Roro against KT's worst player, a rookie and a subaverage zerg.
roro is easily khans third best player
What about Brave and Turn =/
Turn seems to be consistently unstable (like Action but in another fashion.. and less so) I don't know about brave though.. His play seems to be so.. plain, I've watched a good amount of braves games but noone of them are memorable to me (could be wrong) just seems like the average protoss who plays a solid style while simply not being as good as jangbi or stork.. I mean roro is like the light of zerg, the invisible zerg(pretty good but noone notices him, hence why he destroys anti teams while making people think he isn't that good)