Australia 14568 Posts
It was made, just needed someone to host it I think you should make an exception today of using MSpaint banners, I know they're tradition, but Blind Rawr went to a lot of trouble making those banners and I think you should use them ^_^ Also thanks for making the LR thread and I will do a back flip if Ace wins this
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
i was waiting for someone to make this thread, thanks and GO ACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On November 30 2011 14:07 Hyde wrote: It was made, just needed someone to host it I think you should make an exception today of using MSpaint banners, I know they're tradition, but Blind Rawr went to a lot of trouble making those banners and I think you should use them ^_^
Also thanks for making the LR thread
and I will do a back flip if Ace wins this
well shit ill copy this
OMG its today. Crap. I have to go to sleep in 5 min... :<
I hope ggaemo doesnt play..or gets squashed... GO EFFORT!!! And CJ..please play Where -.-...kthx
United States 7639 Posts
PLEASE CJ don't 3-0 again. I really want to watch some of this. Hoping for long long games. Don't really care who wins, as long as it's 3-2 and I can get back in time from class to watch it lol
I like CJ... But... It's Ace Ace fighting! Would be SOOOO awesome if Ace is 2-0! They'd be in 1st place!
Iris Piano FBH plz <3 My FPL needs MOAR!
On November 30 2011 14:28 Yxes2211 wrote: EffOrt and
Snow are on the same team O.o
Whoops put the wrong name. Had Effort on my brain.
One of the more exciting match-ups so far. ACE beat KT in their opening match, proving they can work magic and take everyone by surprise. Though CJ has a lot of good players and are the favorites, I'm not counting out ACE by no means. It's gonna be fun to watch.
I corrected it. I was looking for Effort for a place in the lineup lol.
GOGO ACE! PianO, ggaemo and fbh played such a beautiful aggressive style the last time, really looking forward to it. Berserker Terran makes his whole team go berserk rrrrrrraahhhhhh
piano vs effort should be sick =))) and in game 5 canata vs skyhigh gogo
CJ is very strong, but they have a lot of players with weak matchups. sKyHigh is almost autoloss against non terran. Snow is very good PvT but except his performance against JD in PDPop MSL a year ago his PvZ seems bad, and is PvP is always sub par. Hydra is a beast ZvZ and ZvP but his ZvT is so so, and he already lost against Iris last time he played ACE. On the other hand Horang2 seems to have greatly improved in other matchups than PvP, and Leta has always been solid in every matchup. And we always have the unknown factor from space, EffOrt. CJ should take this thanks to their very good coach who should be able to get favorable matchups. If the coach fails, we could definitely see Snow < great or Kal Hydra < Iris or PianO or firebathero Leta < Kal or firebathero or M18M (very good PvT sniper haha)sKyHigh < ggaemo etc.
Thanks for the thread. A few weeks ago when they gave us the schedule I remember that everything was planned to be on weekends. No we have PL nearly everyday, perhaps I missunderstood the schedule, but I'm very happy to have been surprised yesterday, and again today, with some PL <3
One of the rare times I'll get to catch a weekday proleague match live. Hooray for holidays.
does anyone know if Kal can play today? i know it's been asked a lot but there hasn't been any real news about him.. sorry, I'm obsessed with fpl
firebathero and EffOrt gotta win for my FPL team.
It feels like this will be both teams trying to snipe each other. So that will be whoever hits their match-ups more but i feel like CJ will win with more good players all-around
I want to echo my confidence from the Liquibet thread:There's no way. If Ace win's this I'll replicate Leta's PDPop ceremony be pretty surprised.
On November 30 2011 14:50 DyEnasTy wrote: firebathero and EffOrt gotta win for my FPL team.
Kal, then Leta, then firebathero, then Effort, then one other Ace guy gotta win for my FPL team
leta, effort, fbh, great win and dont meet each other. Thanks !
Still, being Ace fan takes priority. I'll gladly take Ace 3-0 roflstomp even if it might mean lesser points.
even tho i think cj will win, goooooooooo ace 3-2 plz i wanna see a lot of bw today :3
Gogo Ace! 2nd favorite team after Team 8.
CJ 3-0 Can't believe I didn't choose them for my FPL, they are super stacked this season.
What do we want???? - A HYPE POLL When do we want it??? - Soon please CJ, please play Effort, the audience itches to see more effort action
yay, more effort to watch
CJ 3-0. Please play Movie.
On November 30 2011 14:40 MountainDewJunkie wrote: Piano vs any Z, please.
This. His game against Hoejja was glorious. I'd also like to see Kal in action.
Who is going to stream tonight?
Nobody in their right minds should ever root against ACE. That said, Air force Hwaiting~!!! ^_^
Someone should make a poll asking what people think of Effort's new hairstyle. Personally, I want the old Effort back.
Really nice banners BLinD-RawR. CJ is the favourite but anything could happen tonight.
Yea I would be insanely impressed if Ace can pull this off! BTW anyone know when Kal can make his appearance on Ace? An in form Kal can take down anyone
On November 30 2011 15:23 DarkMatter_ wrote: Someone should make a poll asking what people think of Effort's new hairstyle. Personally, I want the old Effort back.
Agree on that. He looks like a mix of Bert and Ernest from Sesame street. Effort :+ Show Spoiler + Bert and Ernie (put some eyebrows on the left guy and compare with the picture above) :+ Show Spoiler + e: lol that "I <3 CJ" in first pic and "L<3VE" in the second is pure coincidence !
Denmark 2980 Posts
Thanks to Xsebt ! Dude you rock
It's the blonde white guy in the audience!
if ace wins it's gonna be epic
Lets go its CJ time. Hope for 3-0 CJ
Have i ever said i love you?
Hoping for lots of non-mirrors and 5 games.
United States 23455 Posts
First game will be Snow vs. Piano.Book it.
Netherlands 45349 Posts
ACE FIGHTING who am I kidding, Entus will destroy them -.-.
United States 23455 Posts
김정우(Z) vs 변형태(T) Are the korean names off twitter
United States 23455 Posts
Looks like Effort vs. Piano maybe?
Effort vs Iris (?) then?
On November 30 2011 16:06 Gao Xi wrote: 김정우(Z) vs 변형태(T) Are the korean names off twitter
EffOrt vs Iris
Holy Shit. Just tune in and my favorite Zerg already! EFFOooRTTTTT!!
rats! my guess was off lol
Effort vs Iris, sick! We're off to a perfect start, ladies and gentlemen.
United States 23455 Posts
wtf is going on with effort's hair...
Iris is up against Iris. should be a great match.
I dont know who to cheer for. Current CJ vs ex-CJ. Oh man. >.<
absolutely nuts matchup i love it
Iris vs Effort. OooOoOOoooOOooo!! ACE fighting!
i still dont see kal sitting by ace.. am i blind?
I want them both to win T_T
effort vs iris O_O former teammates.
effort on my team and iris on my anti :3
Netherlands 45349 Posts
IRIS FIGHTING, I hope this match resembles his play against GGplay, never forget!.
nice, made it back just in time to watch effort play
On November 30 2011 16:09 slappy wrote: i still dont see kal sitting by ace.. am i blind?
Boot camp IIRC.
On November 30 2011 16:09 Kralic wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:09 slappy wrote: i still dont see kal sitting by ace.. am i blind?
Boot camp IIRC.
Yeah, i would believe so too.
On November 30 2011 16:09 slappy wrote: i still dont see kal sitting by ace.. am i blind?
According to what I read in the FPL thread, he can't play because he's still in bootcamp/basic training or something like that. efb
United States 23455 Posts
I like how STX is being lifted up by a crane. All the dead weight can't fly like the rest of the logos.
Netherlands 45349 Posts
good god just tuning in...EFFORT~!~!~!~...iris...~!~!~!
Fast fac. Mech right away?
lol, chogoling glitched through backdoor and kills the scv thats making the fac <3
starport + rax + armory valks?
Shit Effort starting off? I'm late to the dance. X-X
Valks are so common these days. Cool isn't it?
oh GOD valks vs lurkers ahahahahahahahaha
looks like valks really popular theses days XD
On November 30 2011 16:17 Sawamura wrote: live report anyone ?
My hands are really tired. Anyone else want to call it?
Uh, do something with those valks, Iris?
Lurkers have broken down the psi disruptor, killing depots in Iris's back now. A stop lurker + some zerglings killed a few MnM
Here comes a dropship to 10.
I'll admit, I'm a little drunk. But I'm so happy right now. Effort vs. Iris. It's so beautiful. God I love BW!!!
United States 23455 Posts
Effort looks less like an alien now and more like Spike from Cowboy Bebop.
drop at 10.5 snipes nydus at 10.5 gets cleaned up soon after
Dropship heads to top left (effort's 3rd gas), kills the nydus canal and the drones. Zerglings clean it up. Effort getting defilers
On November 30 2011 16:19 xxpack09 wrote: Lurkers have broken down the psi disruptor, killing depots in Iris's back now. A stop lurker + some zerglings killed a few MnM
more live report <3
On November 30 2011 16:16 wrote: Valks are so common these days. Cool isn't it?
I find it kind of weird/interesting...wonder if it's a metagame switch or something.
nydas is up no units get there. ovie goes down. Hatch about to go down scourge chase the dropship without units away. Hive is up for Effort. Iris moves out with tank and MM.
Dropship takes down the nydus + ovie but nothing else, promptly cleaned by choboling.
That hatch could've been taken out had the marines focused on it and not gone after that one overlord lol.
Iris pushing out a bit, transitioning into mech
Scourged. That Valk lived too long!
4 facts up for Iris. Effort prepares to flank with ling defiler and lurker
Effort engaging the push. Gets a few tanks and a bunch of MM
Iris holds and moves out with a small force to take out ten again. nydas back up and ds is casted on his MM they die to lings.
I love glad he's back on the scene
Defiler + lings deflect Iris's attack on top left Vulture drop in the main does very little damage Lurkers are denying Iris's mineral only
vultures try to run in effort's main but effort is right on it with lings/lurkers. Gets 0 drones.
On November 30 2011 16:20 Fionn wrote: Effort looks less like an alien now and more like Spike from Cowboy Bebop.
haha ye
swarm protecting the lurkers from siege!
Iris moves back out with a dozen vultures places mines all over the map.
Vultures flailing around in Effort's base, killing zerglings. Observer showing how Iris' 3rd is still blocked by a defilu and 2 lurkers. Iris working on it with 2 tanks though. Dark swarm keeps him in bay.
Dat dark swarm timing! Effort put it up right as the first siege tank shot was about to land 0_0
Lurker defiler denying the exp at 7 like forever.
Effort continues to harass with lurkers protected by ds to force Iris to protect his main.
lurkers still denying iris' 3rd while effort has so many bases up
Effort up to 4 gas, Iris finally secures his mineral only
lurkers finally gets cleaned up at iris' 3rd and his cc lands
Vultures roaming around the map, accomplishing nothing. Just droppin' mines. Iris now able to take the long-awaited expo.
finally Iris manages to secure 7 from the 4 lurkers. he has it well defended now. moves out with ten tanks.
Vulture tank cleared the lurkers as the swarm runs out at 7. CC landed and operational.
Effort has 4 queens lmao.
lurkers continue to disorient the vulture harass.
Iris taking 9 o clock. He is on 4 bases now methinks
I appreciate more of live report than just queens comment -_-
8 or so queens? Iris has taken his third and a fourth at 9, preparing for a fifth at 6. both players macroing up
Iris expoing like a mofo, taking 9 and 6 Building a valk fleet
iris has his 4th and getting his 5th up
iris with +1 atk on his valks
Iris has 5 valks now too. vultures manage to finish off a few lurkers.
???? +1 attack , Battle cruiser operational incoming ?
no chance for overlords to get there.
effort tries to drop on 6 but it is taken care of fast with the valks.
Lurker/swarm drop denies 6 o clock for Iris
Queen can broodling walkirie ?
About 10 queens charging. 2 ovies that flew over Iris' fifth dying to valks, not being able to drop anything
Effort has like no army at all.
Effort has over 12 queens. huge lurker, hydra ling force for Effort. He tries to engage on the big tank force with DS!!!!
effort losing so many queens =(
Iris doing a great job killing queens, like 4-5 went down
Scourge can't kill Valks, center is being mined up. Iris looking good
Iris running on 6 factories and has a handful of valkyries patrolling. Effort tries to drop Iris' third but the ovies are intercepted by valkyries. Instead drops at 6oclock and forces cc life but is quyickly cleaned up Iris has mined up much of the left side of the map and has a strong defensive line Iris moves forward with his mech army, several queens intercepted by the valks and killed and effort loses some hydras
show this whippersnapper how to play YEEEEEEAAAA
valks deal with a few of the queens easily. Effort brings a dozen scourge out to find the valks. A few queens are saved as they manage to broodling a few tanks.
valks doing a pretty good job cleaning up queens
Flock of scourge go down to the valks, many queens dead
Looked like Effort had trouble with the spawn broodling micro :u
"Don't be distracted by the what if's, should'ves, and if onlys. The one thing you choose yourself - THAT is the truth of your universe." Fav T: Sea, Leta, Really Fav P: Free, Snow Fav Z: ZerO, GGplay, Jaedong, Neo.G_Soulkey
Effort sits on 7 bases Iris on 5 184 supply for Iris 154 for Effort edit: 190+ now with some powering. Queens broodlinging tanks but are taken out without doing all too much Some valks taken out by scourge Iris still has a solid presence on the map it seems
Netherlands 45349 Posts
man Iris playing like a beast.
Gotta question for y'all... I haven't followed BW faithfully for a year or more. Are queens standard in Zerg armies now?
Not worth it. Maybe only 4-5 tanks broodling'ed.
Here comes the big move by Iris on 12.
Queen/zergling/hydra/defiler DEMOLISHES Iris's agression in the top left
iris' attacking army gets annihilated
effort's too rich though, looks like he'll just play attrition and win
Cleaned up but still plenty of tanks for Iris
On November 30 2011 16:30 iamahydralisk wrote: Gotta question for y'all... I haven't followed BW faithfully for a year or more. Are queens standard in Zerg armies now?
Queens vs mech has become somewhat of a trend now.
O.O nooooo this isn't happening iris !!!!!!!!
vulture's raiding effort's 12 expo
On November 30 2011 16:30 iamahydralisk wrote: Gotta question for y'all... I haven't followed BW faithfully for a year or more. Are queens standard in Zerg armies now?
They are quite standard against mech after Soulkey and ZerO used them efficiently to snipe tanks.
Vultures kill all the drones at 12, but effort doesn't care. Streaming reinforcements into 9 LIKE A BOSS
Iris' army cleaned up, so does about half of Effort's but he's floating on 3000/1500 resources. Effort putting pressure on Iris' tank line near the SW corner of the map.
nice usage of DS, but it isn't enough. Effort is sending a big group of hydra ling to their death. Iris places mines by the hatch at 12. Effort is continuing to run ling, lurker with ds into Iris's line.
Iris' supply plummets as Effort takes on his push with a delicious flank. Tank line sitting alone at his 4th, zerglings taking some of them up before vults arrive to clean up
Effort's macro is crashing
Iris slowly pushing up the centre, seiges up outside the entrance to 11oclock Battle, both sides lose plenty of shit but reinforcements from the 4 or so hatches at the top left kill off Iris's attack force Effort counters to Iris nat with lurker ling
while effort successfully pushes into iris' 9 o'clock , then promptly stops the push o.O
Effort's 3k/2k bank just went way down..... cow mode engage maybe?
2,1k gas for Effort, should switch to ultras soon
Broodlings getting vulture kills is lulz
"Don't be distracted by the what if's, should'ves, and if onlys. The one thing you choose yourself - THAT is the truth of your universe." Fav T: Sea, Leta, Really Fav P: Free, Snow Fav Z: ZerO, GGplay, Jaedong, Neo.G_Soulkey
bunch of ultras coming. gas goes from 2k to 800.
iu, seungah, yura, taeyeon, hyosung, lizzy, suji, sojin, jia, ji eun, eunji, soya, younha, jiyeon, fiestar, sinb, jung myung hoon godtier. BW FOREVERR
Iris defends well, Effort needs more bases
Chogu lings streaming into 9 o'clock
Trains of ling non-stop. Now breaks 9!!!! COWS!!!
On November 30 2011 16:33 Itachii wrote: 2,1k gas for Effort, should switch to ultras soon
There comes the ultras!
lings storming into the base at 9
On November 30 2011 16:33 Scarecrow wrote: Iris defends well, Effort needs more bases
iris is dead
effort finally pushes into iris' 9 o clock base, iris comes and cleans up the attacking army
I so love this light unit fast zerg play ultra aggressive, Effort got sick multitasking !!!
Jesus this is like the most zerg game ever.
Effort relentlessly attacking Iris' 4th. Iris manages to hold on, still. Cows out.
iris really should have taken bottom right expansions when he had map control now he can't keep up in these trades
Counter gets some tanks but is ultimately repelled Hydra/queen attack on 6, loses all hydras but broodlings lots of tanks Ling runby into 9oclock! two siege tanks surrounded and kills, lings running amok Cleared up, some scvs went down but cc stayed landed Cows out, no sign of science vessels yet
Oh Effort you are such a showoff o;
On November 30 2011 16:34 Legatus Lanius wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:33 Scarecrow wrote: Iris defends well, Effort needs more bases
iris is dead
Don't count him out yet
Effort is really back! I love his playstyle.
I would recommend this game, regardless of what happens next.
Effort taking the ENTIRE bottom right, still constantly attacking
3-2 upg for Effort I think? Iris' mech army has 2-2 (or 3-3 which is more likely, stream quality. T_T Random cows wreaking havoc here and there before being cleaned up.
Iris with the vult pack go to work on 3... here comes the ovie drops from Effort with lings on the tanks!
well.. wasnt very doom worthy.. >_>
Overlord zergling bombs are devastatingly effective, Iris fighting hard but it's looking more and more futile
Ling drop @ inner 9 very effective. Kills 5 tanks!
Effort continuously knocking at Iris' tank line, which is slowly but surely thinning.
effort loses his 3 queens before he gets broodlings off =(
On the ball with Valks, daamn.
Iris needs to knock down some of Effort's expos
Too much shit going on lmao.
I'm so happy effort is out of retirement... I had no idea. <3
Effort passes Iris in supply, is taking the bottom right bases Big doomdrop at the 9, scvs flee and tanks kill the lings as they drop. Mining disrupted but little damage done Iris had added some golis and still has a handful of valks Effort has now got hatches morphing at the bottom right main and nat, as well as 3oclock and will soon be on 10 base if Iris doesnt do something
Valks.. not the answer to queens. >_<
Wow. Come home from work and i'm greeted by a late game effort vs iris tvz. Wonderful day
Tanks kill bottom right, but effort kills almost everything @ 9 o clock.... again
Effort taking the bottom right expansions. Iris gonna push in, doubt he will be able to hold on for long. A lot of tanks being killed by keens on the other side of the map while the aforementioned expos fall.
50 supply lead for effort as he cleans up iris' 9
Iris is slowly but steadily dying.
On November 30 2011 16:38 Smgzy wrote: I'm so happy effort is out of retirement... I had no idea. <3
It was announced earlier this year I think.
is effort actually just everywhere? holy crap
Effort with a solid attack that succeeds at break through, but Iris on the verge of defending it off. Iris destroys Effort's 5 o' clock base with tanks! Effort forces Iris to lift his 9 o' clock base. Many units for Effort!
not a single vessel all game for Iris TT
more broodlings. more and more broodlings. cows and lings hit iris hard.
This tank line is so gonna fall
Very tense game. Action non stop. I like it!
Iris's supply dropping like a rock (it's been steady for a while.... something must have mined out) edit: 6 mined out, Iris no longer has stable mining GG!1
effort rushes into iris' expo looking to end the game
Damn effort is a beast, some of the best vs Mech play i've ever seen
Insane game, looks like Effort's won now.
iris is exhausted, effort gawt this
Gosu macro from Effort!!! How many tanks broodling'ed in this game?
United Kingdom 16710 Posts
Damn effort...... So good.
Japan 11285 Posts
United States 4126 Posts
Great to see Effort back in shape :D
lol @ the amount of SCVs that were actually at that expo
I think the coach was right. Effort looks better than before.
Iris not mining and out of resources. This is over. Effort you are insane.
Pretty sick game Looks like EffOrt is in form :D
Iris kills the bottom right nat, huge queen fleet goes to the tanks outside 9 and takes out many many tanks. Some queens sniped but plenty survive to run home Lings follow up into the 9 and the cc is forced to lift. Effort looking really strong, queen/ultra/hydra/ling army is being constantly rebuilt and rallied to Iris nat choke Shittone of scvs not mining, Iris running out of resources
iris' income is basically gone and he lost the tank line. should see gg soon
"Don't be distracted by the what if's, should'ves, and if onlys. The one thing you choose yourself - THAT is the truth of your universe." Fav T: Sea, Leta, Really Fav P: Free, Snow Fav Z: ZerO, GGplay, Jaedong, Neo.G_Soulkey
Netherlands 45349 Posts
thats going to be game, man well played Iris regardless.
United States 13896 Posts
YES he's still got it! 20 minutes of slapping iris about the face with the preverbial raw steak and finally this is gonna end in EffOrt's favor.
Huge attack takes out Iris' tank line in the middle, cows and choboling now up in his natural. Queens killing some tanks further on the right. He barely stabilizes before another wave of Effort's units hits him Totally out of minerals though
EffOrt really gosu :< GoGo CJ!
Effort so got this now. the lead is huge.
Long distance mining lol.
Effort still got it. More points for me
Good game by Effi, pretty solid, though Iris didn't play it to all his strengths
gg Iris finally ggs Effort :D
that was the greatest game so far this season
Effort destroying SPL. 2-0 in pl so far. Lets hope for 10-0
United States 5018 Posts
Lategame zerg too imbalanced.
Nooooo iris :C wai hurt my fantasy like thisss
noooooooooooo iris Nevertheless, pretty good effort there buddy. Don't get so beaten up.
For the longest time, I was looking at the supply count and thinking "HOW IS EFFORT DOWN IN SUPPY?!" And then I realized I have the names mixed. lol Well that's gg.
Lolololol @ EffOrt's dance
No more mining and Iris runs out of cash. gg Effort wins
United States 23455 Posts
CJ Entus is becoming the team of ceremonies. What has Leta done to the -_-?
GG Effort gosu ceremony also !
Hahahah,that dance took some real Effort X)
Netherlands 45349 Posts
Everyday Effort shufflin'
United Kingdom 16710 Posts
AHAHAHA Effort!!!!!!!!!! What a good game, I thought he was dead like 10 or so minutes before he won, but came through with some super macro at the end there
Effort with the dance, but no bow to the camera THIS BMING SCRUB
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On November 30 2011 16:41 Gao Xi wrote: Effort still got it. More points for me
and less for me ><
Modern TvZ late-game is insane.
GG Iris :/ sick play from Effort.
LOL the dance. GJ effort.
1000 zerglings died to win that game
Effort wtf? no need to be disgraceful against your former teammate...
Props to Iris for a beastly game.
Effort still so boss, can't wait for next OSL
queen play is the best play
On November 30 2011 16:42 KTF_CloaK wrote: Effort wtf? no need to be disgraceful against your former teammate...
Disgraceful? Excuse me? O_o
Australia 14568 Posts
Wow, caught the last 5 minutes of the game, seemed insane, need to rewatch that one when the VODs come out. On my way home I saw a double rainbow, I thought maybe it was a good sign for ACE. We'll see if it is. Glad effort won though, he's on my FPL
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Beautiful play by effort.
On November 30 2011 16:42 prototype. wrote: 1000 zerglings died to win that game
And 50 tanks broodling'ed!
iris didnt do that but he was behind from the lurker backdoor. he couldnt put any pressure on effort and effort could send whatever he wanted at iris until he broke
Effort looks scary. I feel bad for anyone who has to go through him.
EFFORT YOU FUCKING BOSS. I should jump and hurt myself for missing your game FUUU.
my fpl omfg yes effort you sexy beast
On November 30 2011 16:43 Golgotha wrote: iris didnt do that but he was behind from the lurker backdoor. he couldnt put any pressure on effort and effort could send whatever he wanted at iris until he broke
he didnt look too unhappy about it; pretty sure iris likes it via the backdoor
Effort not showing a lot of finesse that game, but he got the job done in the end.
Wow, looking like he was totally worth the 5 pts in FPL. Too bad it seemed like everyone thought the same though, so in the grand scheme of things it doesn't help you.
On November 30 2011 16:44 StarStruck wrote: Effort looks scary. I feel bad for anyone who has to go through him.
I really hope we get a Bo5 with Flash vs Effort again.
On November 30 2011 16:44 Legatus Lanius wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:43 Golgotha wrote: iris didnt do that but he was behind from the lurker backdoor. he couldnt put any pressure on effort and effort could send whatever he wanted at iris until he broke
he didnt look too unhappy about it; pretty sure iris likes it via the backdoor
what the hell dude? --- Definitly recommendable game.
On November 30 2011 16:44 Legatus Lanius wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:43 Golgotha wrote: iris didnt do that but he was behind from the lurker backdoor. he couldnt put any pressure on effort and effort could send whatever he wanted at iris until he broke
he didnt look too unhappy about it; pretty sure iris likes it via the backdoor
Effort really made a queen out of him.
United States 13896 Posts
So i'm reading this thread then "totobiscuuuuit" wtf?!?! lol commercial
On November 30 2011 16:45 Holgerius wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:44 StarStruck wrote: Effort looks scary. I feel bad for anyone who has to go through him.
I really hope we get a Bo5 with Flash vs Effort again.
Me too.
On November 30 2011 16:45 StarStruck wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:45 Holgerius wrote: On November 30 2011 16:44 StarStruck wrote: Effort looks scary. I feel bad for anyone who has to go through him.
I really hope we get a Bo5 with Flash vs Effort again.
Me too.
Yes plz
That commentator looks like an older version of Kal.
iris played really well. didn't love up to his ultra aggressive berserker moniker but solid terran play. did a good job dealing w/ effort delaying his 3rd for so long. i thought effort was gonna take it much earlier. effort was on fire! fantastic play. macrod his balls off. i expected more aggression with his defilers but he opted for a safe war of attrition. really good multi-tasking and micro.
On November 30 2011 16:45 p4NDemik wrote: So i'm reading this thread then "totobiscuuuuit" wtf?!?! lol commercial
TB casting bw. Make it happen!
Is anyone else hoping we see an EffOrt vs. Flash game this season? Cuz I would love to see it :D
On November 30 2011 16:45 StarStruck wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:45 Holgerius wrote: On November 30 2011 16:44 StarStruck wrote: Effort looks scary. I feel bad for anyone who has to go through him.
I really hope we get a Bo5 with Flash vs Effort again.
Me too.
Me 3.
effort looking good. a commentator was in awe with the fact that effort has come back in full swing already. this is gonna be tough for ace now.
Game 2 coming after the long replay.
On November 30 2011 16:44 DarkMatter_ wrote: Effort not showing a lot of finesse that game, but he got the job done in the end.
The finisher on 9'o clock was pretty sexy. I look away from the supply for like 30 seconds and effort is up like 30 supply from brooding all the tanks walking in a clump up to 9 and finishing off all the valks.
On November 30 2011 16:44 DarkMatter_ wrote: Effort not showing a lot of finesse that game, but he got the job done in the end.
I agree he didn't look that crisp in his play. But dat ling/queen/defiler flank at 11. I came... Beautiful!
I think he was showing off that game.
Effort is a beast! Also... BW > Staying awake in class tomorrow... Anyday. ^^
United States 23455 Posts
It's unfair to have Effort and Hydra back-to-back.
Oh boy.... HvZ.... poor ACE T_T another 3-0 incoming I feel
Australia 14568 Posts
Hydra vs Ggaemo Go Hydra! GGaemo is on my anit
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
who called the zvz? how'd you know? hydra gonna take out ggaemo. i'm rooting for ggaemo though for no other reason than i wanna see more games
Effort made my night, too bad I have to sleep now :/ GL to cj!!
On November 30 2011 16:45 StarStruck wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:44 Legatus Lanius wrote: On November 30 2011 16:43 Golgotha wrote: iris didnt do that but he was behind from the lurker backdoor. he couldnt put any pressure on effort and effort could send whatever he wanted at iris until he broke
he didnt look too unhappy about it; pretty sure iris likes it via the backdoor
Effort really made a queen out of him.
i feel like this is gonna be the pattern for CJ this season 1-2 Effort Hydra rape attack then cleanup left to another player
On November 30 2011 16:51 KamMoye wrote: who called the zvz? how'd you know? hydra gonna take out ggaemo. i'm rooting for ggaemo though for no other reason than i wanna see more games
CJ Twitter.
I really like the intro with all the teams :D. go hydra! then, ace for the 3-2 reverse!
hydra in yellow and ggaemo red
Australia 14568 Posts
Second match of the night Map is Outlier Hydra in yellow at 4 o'clock Ggaemo in red at 8 o'clock both overlords are headed in the correct direction
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Effort / Hydra Zerg combo -> The best one-two Zerg combo EVER!!! The Stars Zerg combo doesn't come close!
Beard man and handsome swede strike again!
On November 30 2011 16:52 february wrote: poor ggaemo
I dunno man. in the ACE v KT post interview, he said even against Flash he'd feel confident. This could go either way. I just hope it's a good game.
Australia 14568 Posts
The Beard is Back! That guy made a blog didn't he? Cameras giving a few more shots to cheerfuls meanwhile overlords are about to cross paths ggaemo getting his gas first
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Overgas the new trend for CJ ZvZ? Edit: Oh, that was ggaemo...
hydra going for hidden expo? o.o
Australia 14568 Posts
Overpool from Hydra, gas follows soon after 2 drones are headed to the mineral patch above the base, a drone skips over and heads to the 2 o'clock expansion pools are almost finished for both players
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Oh man,I would really like to be able to enjoy all the BW games,but I get so confused watching ZvZs and have no clue about openings.Other than watching scourge blow up a clump of mutas and watching the supply I never know when someone is ahead or not haha.
it's one of the trickier match-ups to lr that is for sure.
On November 30 2011 16:55 TheKefka wrote: Oh man,I would really like to be able to enjoy all the BW games,but I get so confused watching ZvZs and have no clue about openings.Other than watching scourge blow up a clump of mutas and watching the supply I never know when someone is ahead or not haha.
I watch ZvZ for the edge of your seat feeling, which is pretty much what you have described lol
On November 30 2011 16:55 TheKefka wrote: Oh man,I would really like to be able to enjoy all the BW games,but I get so confused watching ZvZs and have no clue about openings.Other than watching scourge blow up a clump of mutas and watching the supply I never know when someone is ahead or not haha.
Number of hatcheries Drone count Supply difference All matter a lot.
Australia 14568 Posts
ggaemo getting his Lair on, so is Hydra Overlords have reached enemy bases Hydra is getting some lings, he's sending them out, they're now inside ggaemo's base ggaemo adding a 2nd hatch inside his main, his lings are chasing hydra's lairs are finished, Hydra slamming down a spire, as does ggaemo
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Hydra gonna have that extra gas, not looking great for GGAEMO
this doesn't look good for ggaemo.
oh dear that extra gas
On November 30 2011 16:56 Xiphos wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 16:55 TheKefka wrote: Oh man,I would really like to be able to enjoy all the BW games,but I get so confused watching ZvZs and have no clue about openings.Other than watching scourge blow up a clump of mutas and watching the supply I never know when someone is ahead or not haha.
I watch ZvZ for the edge of your seat feeling, which is pretty much what you have described lol
Exactly. ZvZ is so tense. I'm always surprised by the people that don't enjoy ZvZ. Sure a BO7 ZvZ can be a little lacking in diversity but random ZvZ in proleague or whatever...good stuff.
Man... Hydra should have this with the extra gas...
Australia 14568 Posts
ggaemo has a handful of lings waiting at his ramp, meanwhile Hydra has retreated all hisl ings. Hydra taking his 2nd gas at the 2 o'clock expo spires are finished, eggs are formed as both players make mutas
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
He should have tried ling run-by. ;/
On November 30 2011 16:55 TheKefka wrote: Oh man,I would really like to be able to enjoy all the BW games,but I get so confused watching ZvZs and have no clue about openings.Other than watching scourge blow up a clump of mutas and watching the supply I never know when someone is ahead or not haha.
People mostly either go 9 pool, 12 pool, or 12 hatch lol.
Australia 14568 Posts
hydra sending out a lone ling to try to gather some intel but it's taken out by ggaemo's lings before seeing anything significant mutas pop out, some scourge mixed in ggaemo attacking first! but he eats some scourge! now mutas are clumped toegher! looks like ggaemo is losing! HE LOSES ALL HIS MUTAS hydra on the attack now
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
perfect pick on the scourge ggaemo running back.. he's in terrible shape.
lol? wtf did ggaemo just did? XD
amazing micro from hydra, ggaemo getting decimated hydra just eats 2 scourges cause he doesnt give a f
Standard domination from Hydra
lol ggaemo always so expressive in the booth
Ah, shit. I hope it atleast doesn't turn into a 3-0. FBH now plox!
Hydra just outmicroed him soo hard holy shit. GG
Hydra is the muta king now. No doubt! GG
Australia 14568 Posts
Hydra now at ggaemo's main, scourge pop out but none of them make contact, now ggaemo is losing all his drones no defense in sight as Hydra rains over ggamo's main backstab with some lings but Hydra has a sunken there so his drones are safe gg as ggaemo types out
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
wow Hydra ZvZ muta micro is unparalleled at the moment
LoL,ZvZ manXD Nice work Hydra. A ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ from Hydra.
That.... was not pretty. =/
GG. that was terribad. it ended before it even took off.
On November 30 2011 16:59 HighTemper wrote: Hydra is the muta king now. No doubt! GG
In ZvZ. In ZvT, I still think it's JD.
God... EffOrt and Hydra is a crazy ass 1-2 punch man... lol JD needs to get in form! Crazy Zerg competition going on right now!
United States 5018 Posts
that was the most one-sided game of the season, not even close
Australia 14568 Posts
Hydra shrugging his shoulders as if he didn't know how he won lol 2-0 for CJ, will this be another quick 3-0
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
terrible match by ggaemo. there's a reason he was 8-14 v Z last year we prob looking at a longcommercial break
with effort back and hydra being hydra, CJ's got 2 great zergs in the lineup for the first time i remember
ZvZ is so ugly :/ Thats why I am racepicking -_-
did he just do sup son? i think he just did the sup son ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
United States 23455 Posts
CJ are the fun loving ceremony team this year. They're too happy.
i have a lot of Cj players on my fpl so its alright.
On November 30 2011 17:00 Yxes2211 wrote: God... EffOrt and Hydra is a crazy ass 1-2 punch man... lol
and after that theres leta, snow, horang2, stacked
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ too easy, hope fbh is out soon
i am so going to win FPL. These two guys... :p
Poll: Recommend set 2? No (37)
Yes (4)
Watch if you have the time. (3)
44 total votes
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(Vote ): Yes (Vote ): No (Vote ): Watch if you have the time.
Those scourge snipes were some of the most sick snipes I've ever seen. Probably most sick.
On November 30 2011 17:00 Fionn wrote: CJ are the fun loving ceremony team this year. They're too happy.
but they're so adorable so it fits!
I'm gonna guess FBH vs. Snow/Horang2 next
Horang2 now to finish this off.
Am i the only one to vote yes on that?
Russian Federation 4405 Posts
omg 2-0 already Ace, y u no put anyone except ggaemo? If there's Hydra highly expected from other side, u know that ggaemo has 0 chance against him... why??
On November 30 2011 17:01 StarStruck wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:00 Fionn wrote: CJ are the fun loving ceremony team this year. They're too happy.
but they're so adorable so it fits!
But what about the CJ face? -_-
On November 30 2011 17:02 bgx wrote: fbh to the rescue! pls
For ACE and for my FPL... can't afford to lose points for team picking ACE if I wanna be a contender.
On November 30 2011 17:02 Gao Xi wrote: Am i the only one to vote yes on that?
Most probably, since it was a onesided rape :/
yeah, the only high point (if you can even call it that) were the scourges getting picked. Terrible positioning, heh.
We get a possibility of 5 games and we get that shit. Sigh, at least Effort brought the flavor!
Probably voted yes, cause I like pure domination from CJ players
On November 30 2011 17:02 _Quasar_ wrote: omg 2-0 already Ace, y u no put anyone except ggaemo? If there's Hydra highly expected from other side, u know that ggaemo has 0 chance against him... why??
CJ's coach is too good. FBH or Piano could definitely beat Hydra, ggaemo should have been kept for anything else but a ZvZ.
On November 30 2011 17:02 rebdomine wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:01 StarStruck wrote: On November 30 2011 17:00 Fionn wrote: CJ are the fun loving ceremony team this year. They're too happy.
but they're so adorable so it fits!
But what about the CJ face? -_-
It became the banana dance face ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The problem is if they put FBH out now they still have 2 sets left they have to win without him.
Anyone know if Kal is in the lineup?
Fuck I sense 3-0 CJ coming again SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN THEM AS TEAM TT)T_)T)T)
On November 30 2011 17:07 RJGooner wrote: Anyone know if
Kal is in the lineup?
Nope, doing basic traning/boot camp apparently.
What was that on nanashin's stream before it turned back to PL
On November 30 2011 17:07 Grettin wrote: Next match according to twitter:
+ Show Spoiler + that would be so great.On November 30 2011 17:07 RJGooner wrote: Anyone know if
Kal is in the lineup?
boot camp iirc.
On November 30 2011 17:07 flamewheel wrote: Fuck I sense 3-0 CJ coming again SHOULD HAVE CHOSEN THEM AS TEAM TT)T_)T)T)
5 points for CJ was a great as 5 points for effort
wow ggaemo looks defeated ;_;
Hmmmm that doesn't look good at all for ACE... PianO is only good vs Z. Even if he wins this one, CJ still has Snow / Leta against FBH....
On November 30 2011 17:02 rebdomine wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:01 StarStruck wrote: On November 30 2011 17:00 Fionn wrote: CJ are the fun loving ceremony team this year. They're too happy.
but they're so adorable so it fits!
But what about the CJ face? -_-
I blame Leta and Horang2 for ruining it. Also new jackets, imagine doing CJ face while wearing bright yellow lol
hydra and his retardedly good zvz muta micro... Holy shit is that stuff riddicolous :o
HORANG2 YES <3 <3 gogogogogo 3-0 :D :D
Game 3 here we go horang2 versus PianO.
I'm afraid this will be fast 3-0.
Oh shit, Piano got a TvP. Looks like a 3-0.
piano actually has the better winrate listed... 3-3 while horang2 had 4-5 o.O Wonder when that is recorded from
Yea this will be a 3-0 I think.
ez 3-0 incoming ace is so boring to watch =/
Hey look!!! it's that beastly toss horang2. the guy who ate horang1.
dont worry folks, reverse sweep incoming+ Show Spoiler + just kidding, 3-0 for sure v.v
On November 30 2011 17:11 Grettin wrote: I'm afraid this will be fast 3-0.
;/ I wanted more games too, but oh well. Let's wait and see :X
Alright, Piano v Horang2. Piano started ACE's pull into reverse sweeping KT. Let's see if he can do it again.
On November 30 2011 17:11 Holgerius wrote: Oh shit, Piano got a TvP.
Looks like a 3-0.
You gotta belieeeeeeeeve
On November 30 2011 17:11 KamMoye wrote: ez 3-0 incoming ace is so boring to watch =/
Just need to get Kal and co to the line-up and shouldn't be.
Australia 14568 Posts
Third game and possibly final set of the night Map is chain reaction, can Piano set off a reverse sweep, probably not Piano at 3 o'clock in orange Horang2 in purple at 9 o'clock
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Is [3.33] a clan? Why does piano have that tag in his name
On November 30 2011 17:11 KenNage wrote: dont worry folks, reverse sweep incoming
+ Show Spoiler + just kidding, 3-0 for sure v.v
The 2nd part is what I thought when they played KT. And then Piano started the comeback. -.-
Horangee!! Let's go. Spawns @ 9. Piano @ 3
Rooting for Piano even though Horang is one adorable little fella'. More games is always good. ^^
On November 30 2011 17:12 xxpack09 wrote: Is [3.33] a clan? Why does piano have that tag in his name
It's a guild he's apart of.
On November 30 2011 17:11 KamMoye wrote: ez 3-0 incoming ace is so boring to watch =/
ACE is not boring to watch... Game 1 was amazing. Game 2 was a bad match up for ACE, ggaemo is almost as bad ZvZ as sKyHigh in non-TvT.
On November 30 2011 17:12 xxpack09 wrote: Is [3.33] a clan? Why does piano have that tag in his name
Yes [3.33] is a clan. All progamers have clans and teams. For example Sea is a member of the clan Shield.
Australia 14568 Posts
probe carefully places a pylon inside the main and heads out into the darkness spots the scv headed out of Piano's nat Piano taking his gas incase of a gas steal
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Australia 14568 Posts
gateway warping in, gas shortly afterwards probe is harassing the scv building the rax inside piano's main scv resumes construction on the refinery core warping in now
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Such an agressive probe : O edit: GETS THE KILL YEAH
All is lost. Atleast I have effort and horang2 in my FPL along with ggaemo.
*sigh* still no Movie. I wonder why they didn't send Snow out considering it was almost certain ACE would send a terran out next. I guess it doesn't really matter in the end, Horangee will finish the sweep.
PianO loses an SCV to Horang2's probe -_-
Australia 14568 Posts
probe continues to attack that scv, rax is finished, Piano starts a factory that probe goes after the scv and manages to KILL IT! ferocious probe marine pops out and escorts the probe out of the base
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 30 2011 17:15 RJGooner wrote: PianO loses an SCV to Horang2's probe -_-
4th dimension probe
Everything going wrong so far for PianO ;_;
Australia 14568 Posts
dragoon dismantles piano's scout scv before leaving the main 3 marines moving out along with an scv. They stop at the large ramp outside of the natural factory finished, machine shop being added Meanwhile Horang2 takes his natural, scv spots it before dying to two goons
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Australia 14568 Posts
marines are peppering a lone dragoon. robo is warping in. Piano has a lone vulture moving around the map. CC started at the natural 2 more gateways are added (3 in total), probes are transfered over the natural as the nexus finishes starport in the making inside Piano's main. Horang2 warping in a pylon at the back of his base to spot the destructible temple
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
And I was hoping for FBH to give me some fpl pts.. O.o
i hope great and kal can be decent for ace ggaemo sucks. iris is dope. m18m sucks. iris/fbh/great/kal is decent, if the latter two are decent. otherwise it's gonna be a long season (wasgreat even accepted?)
Australia 14568 Posts
observatory finished. Piano continuing to pump out some vultures. Control tower added to the starport observer is finished, it leads the way for goons to clear some mines looks like Piano is waiting for his dropship to arrive.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Where's the supply count gone?
PianO gets some vultures in and takes out a few probes
Vulture runby. Pretty good micro there.
On November 30 2011 17:19 StarStruck wrote: 5 probe kills
From vulture run-by, 2/4 make it to the main mineral line.
On November 30 2011 17:19 samiamquinn wrote: Where's the supply count gone?
It's still there? Or am i misunderstanding your post.
Australia 14568 Posts
vultures do a runby! 2 get into the main mineral line, Probes flee for their lives. dragoons chase after them but they're running all around the main. They almost spot the stargate warping in goons finally catch up to the vultures and wipe them out. 3rd factory in the making for Piano, he has a dropship at the top of the map moving over towards Horang2's side horang2 has 3 goons inside the main, don't know how effective the drop will be
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Australia 14568 Posts
dropship picking up some vultures. Fleet beacon! corsair! OMG CORSAIR IN PVT
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 30 2011 17:20 Grettin wrote: It's still there? Or am i misunderstanding your post.
It was gone earlier.
On November 30 2011 17:20 rebdomine wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:20 Grettin wrote: On November 30 2011 17:19 samiamquinn wrote: Where's the supply count gone?
It's still there? Or am i misunderstanding your post.
It was gone earlier.
Ah, makes sense.
Lone Corsair hunts down the dropship!!
Australia 14568 Posts
dropship taking some damage from the corsair, tank dropped along with vultures. mines are laid fleet beacon for dweb? drop has been dealt with armory being added at piano's natural
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
not new, corsairs have been used in PvT ever since... well... jangbi did it?
On November 30 2011 17:21 Selth wrote: CORSAIR?! FLEET BEACON?!?! WTF IS THIS.
wtfffff horang2 evven if you lose, you are awesome for trying this
dropship went bye bye. Tank dealt with by the last lot. vults get a few more probe kills.
Gotta be D-web. Considering he has 4 sairs now.
Why is he massing corsairs? I am confused.
Japan 11285 Posts
D-web? I would love to see this working.
Last time with d-web it was Shuttle on Flash.
yeah he's going d-web to take out the siege threat and kill with goons.
Australia 14568 Posts
goons marching out, they're lead by an observer which reveals all those dangerous mines. Piano making a single wraith, probably to counter those corsairs. despite the observer, horang2's goons manage to run into mines... Piano moving out 5 corsairs have been made Piano half way across the map, goons looking to engage! shuttle dropping zelaots SAIRS DWEB! TWO OF THEM
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
I think the corsair is for scouting purpose as well as dropship hunt. Then he'll build carriers. Just like Jangbi during last OSL finals actually. edit : nevermind, stupid delayed Chinese stream.
Totally demolishes the push, so pimp ^_^
Australia 14568 Posts
tanks forced to unsiege and move back! goons advancing and taking them out focus-fire style! Piano loses his tank army!
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
These game not even close TT
Great d-web timing as soon as the tanks siege!! Terran force evaporated!
horang2 What a fucking trooper
wow horang2 crushed that push soo fucking hard
D-web actually working. Blows my mind. Flash better watch out for Shuttle next time~
This has got to be the strangest season thus far.
A lot of tanks cleaned up
I guess Piano assumed carriers and timing pushed into a 2 base all in lol
hahah d-web against ace players is kind of cruel
On November 30 2011 17:23 kuroshiroi wrote: D-web actually working. Blows my mind. Flash better watch out for Shuttle next time~
I think Flash is probably smart enough not to attack into a dweb strategy when he has fewer tanks than the opponent has corsairs.
Just when you thought you've seen everything. These guys decide to go against the grain.
I dont understand your confusion? Sure it is not standard but it was sure used and worked before.
I wonder if D-web will catch on. Its sort of like dark swarm for Protoss. Hmmm. Then again, I know nothing about BW metagame.
Is he expecting a muta switch? Why is he building so many corsairs!
I afk for 10 minutes and come back to see a bunch of corsairs in a TvP. Horang2 showing how it's done.
30 supp lead for horang2. both players pick up a 3rd
Australia 14568 Posts
Horang2 still with his large army intact, he's looking to expand, takes a 3rd at 6.5 meanwhile Piano is taking his 3rd at 12.5, he's also scrambling to get his army size back up HOrang2 still pumping out sairs? Observers placed around the map, they're able to spot piano's army movement templar archive warping in. Meanwhile vultures are laying mines around the map, and goons continue to try to disarm them
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 30 2011 17:24 chrisolo wrote: I dont understand your confusion? Sure it is not standard but it was sure used and worked before.
Of course. I see it as Horang taking advantage of the situation.
uhh wait wut, this isn't the right lr thread is it? who vs who is atm?
piano doesnt have enough units to stop horang2's next push. gg incoming whenever horang2 decides to attack
lol it'd be sooo cool right now if we got to see dark archons .
On November 30 2011 17:25 Piste wrote: uhh wait wut, this isn't the right lr thread is it? who vs who is atm?
It is. Horang2 vs PianO, game 3.
he wants to totally nullify piano's army.
Well, that didn't really work out well.
Australia 14568 Posts
both players have their 3rds up now. Horang2 pylon walling his 3rd to stop potential vulture harass goons continue to take out mines. Meanwhile Horang2 is getting his arbiter tribunal horang2 on the attack dweb goes off once more zealots run into mines! tanks move out of the web but more dweb is cast over them and goons move in for some free shots not enough dweb to cover the tanks over at the bridge, horang2 losing sooo many goons!
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt noooooooooooooooooooo why did he attack into that?
horang2 attacking into a tank line.. did not work
that was a pretty shit attack right there lol
lol horang2, way to suicide everything
YEAH go terran want more games :D
He failed his Dweb micro so hard this fight lol
LOLLL i guess we know why d webs aren't used any more
D-web backfiring on Horang2 =/
Horang2 gets crushed, attacked just before zealot speed
Piano knows and spread the tanks on 2 bridges.
He had like 8 corsairs on that push. Those d-webs better pay off or that's a lot of resources down the drain.
On November 30 2011 17:24 gngfn wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:23 kuroshiroi wrote: D-web actually working. Blows my mind. Flash better watch out for Shuttle next time~
I think Flash is probably smart enough not to attack into a dweb strategy when he has fewer tanks than the opponent has corsairs.
Doesn't matter, still worked and stopped the push, which was the whole idea. But in the next engagement, massive fail...
Come on PianO! U simply must win!
piano building a 4th. so is horang2
Australia 14568 Posts
Piano with the double army, he's only got +1 weaps though for now fleet for corsairs flying around, doing some scouting I guess arbiter in the making. Horang2 pumping from 6 gates. Piano looking to take a 4th as he starts another CC
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
horang trying to be too cute. perhaps there is a rivalry in the cj house for cuteness.
On November 30 2011 17:27 kuroshiroi wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:24 gngfn wrote: On November 30 2011 17:23 kuroshiroi wrote: D-web actually working. Blows my mind. Flash better watch out for Shuttle next time~
I think Flash is probably smart enough not to attack into a dweb strategy when he has fewer tanks than the opponent has corsairs.
Doesn't matter, still worked and stopped the push, which was the whole idea. But in the next engagement, massive fail...
Um, yes, that's my point. Piano could have had that win without the preceding loss just by sitting in a defensive position behind a million mines, which is exactly what he did!
is it just me or are the streams a bit choppy? :/
even supply. 1/0 upgrades for piano
He should switch to carriers now. He has 4 gases :s
come on piano !! i don't want to sleep yet
Incoming reverse sweep for ACE
Australia 14568 Posts
Horang2 taking his 4th base at 5.5, he's added some HT into the mix, should be fun OOHHH vultures trying to snipe the HT but they form into archons before the vultures can reach them, goons arrive to deal with those pesky vultures. Horang2 has his 4th up now. Meanwhile Piano is floating his 4th CCover to 11.5 Horang2 has +1 weaps on his army
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 30 2011 17:29 KenNage wrote: come on piano !! i don't want to sleep yet
at this rate you will get your wish
Australia 14568 Posts
arbiter finished, it's just chilling over the main nexus though 4th CC for Piano planted, comsat being added Horang2 now pumping from 9 gates Piano on 2/1 upgrades now, at this rate the map will be split even
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Easy map to split, only 1 more base each
2/1 kicks in forpiano as he beginshispush recallin his main! my spacebar ugh
On November 30 2011 17:30 kuroshiroi wrote: Base race?
Baes race
Nice recall timing. Horang2 won't be able to hold that push though.
OMFG Horang2! He is practically changing all PvX matchups! Neo Revolutionist??? Goddamn son!
Such pretty gates~ Horang2 is a boss.
Australia 14568 Posts
corsairs lead the way into piano's base, followed by an arbiter! recall! inside the main, factories under attack piano doesn't care though, he's moving forward to attack horang! STORMS halting the tank army from advancing up the ramp! Piano losing all his factories terran army advancing into horang2's natural a few tanks arrive back at home to save the main, but deweb goes off at the ramp DTs kill piano's army! he's got no detection?
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
DTS going to town on the tanks!
Piano literally cannot multitask. No scanning at all...
Japan 11285 Posts
Recall at the main. Piano moves in to counter but is held back by storms. But no he continues pushing. Horang2's nat is gonna go down.
piano's push cleaned up with ease
emergency dts strikes again lol
Japan 11285 Posts
On November 30 2011 17:31 c3rberUs wrote: Recall at the main. Piano moves in to counter but is held back by storms. But no he continues pushing. Horang2's nat is gonna go down.
Horang2 holds
horang2, always winning with style.
Ninjas shreding tanks under the d web.
oh my fucking god. piano messing up that push. he had the game and then he loses like that LOL.
WTF doesn't he have scan???
Netherlands 45349 Posts
Dweb pretty effective O.o.
Ah the classic "oh shit" DTs
Piano if you didn't get the memo, not clumping your tanks is a useful skill toi have
such a bad idea splitting his attacking forces when he could've annihilated horang2's base and take out all of his production
recall on 12 bye bye scvs and expo.
this is insane so much dweb
Australia 14568 Posts
Piano on the massive fail there, his forces are hampered by dwebs everywhere and DTs he's losing everything, piano trying to attack the 3rd but that attack was a massive failure too. finally piano throws some scans and the DTs are nomore. Piano looking to attack the 4th base but horang2 throws some dweb over those tanks, it's not enough though another recall at piano's 3rd
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Argh, this pisses me off so much. Any decent TvPer would smash Horang2 to pieces with this type of play. >_<
Bizarre, had no idea why Piano was gearing up to push after taking his fourth.... just turtle >.<
It might just be me but it looks like Horang2 is only on one mining base.
4th Base trade. Now we're even.
2/2 for piano. horang2 up by 45 supply
Australia 14568 Posts
actually the recall was at the 4th, my bad. CC forced to lift but it blows up mid air Horang2's main and nat are mined out the battle rages on as zealots attempt to attack Piano's 3rd. they're dealt with quickly by tanks and vults
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Horang2 is running out of minerals, he needs to do something awesome and fast.
dweb arbs goon, lot too much for piano
Never been a huge Horang2 fan, but I have to admit that that dweb+dt defense was pretty great.
very flashy game by horang2 love it
no terran looking in bad shape T_T
Wow, the d-web use is so good!!!
Australia 14568 Posts
arbiters leading the way once more. Piano's army doesn't stand a chance atm, dwebs and storms going off piano's army looks helpless as goons take pot shots at the tanks. Horang2 only on one mining base? Nope, he's got another expo at 10 o'clock meanwhile Piano is rebuilding his main
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Why doesnt PianO add some Science Vessel with EMP into his mix -_-
fuck, Horang2's got the biggest motherfucking balls, ballin outta control
piano has so many idol forces wtf
Horang has a number of templar too. Hoon take notes!
On November 30 2011 17:34 kuroshiroi wrote: Horang2 is running out of minerals, he needs to do something awesome and fast.
Never mind, missed his 10 o'clock base. He also killed the occupying force at the 5 o'clock, so he's good.
did you see how many corsairs there are? a little hard to keep a vessel alive
piano has 2k+ gas. should spend that on vessels and emp.
horang2 has little chance of losing.
another recall by Horang finally gets a vessel - -
Corsairs killing a science vessel...
Japan 11285 Posts
Vessel out. And then a recall at the main
Fucking storm messing my internet. ARGH!
Netherlands 45349 Posts
Both players so much Sweat.
Australia 14568 Posts
Piano getting another CC up to retake a 4th base Horang2 is retaking that 5.5 after it was wiped out by tanks. Horang2's army is roaming around clearing mines and making sure there are no threats while he reestablishes 5.5 Piano making his 1st vessel another recall inside the main, paino has some units there, dweb over the tanks! sair chasing after the vessel. goons taking out depots More terran units arrive and take out the goons terran, such a resilient race
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
wow, horang2 sweating bullets
omg horang2 so sweaty Pull through, you can do this!
Nice recall defense by Piano.
horang sweating like crazy lol
Come on Ace, don't lose 3-0...
Japan 11285 Posts
no matter what you say, horang2 got some style in his play
k.. it has become evident piano can only tvz :/
An EMP on all those archons woulda been hilarious
piano is terrible but horang2 keeps tossing units away piano still floating 2k gas
archon hitsquad is the most elite special forces unit
idk who to cheer for!!!!!
When is KT vs CJ? Can someone make sure we get Flash vs Horang2! I can't even imagine what's gonna happen!
Horang2 really whipping out the ''Do weird shit and hope it somehow catches the opponent off guard''-card in this game. Corsairs? Archon recall?
On November 30 2011 17:37 Doraemon wrote: piano is horrible...
Idd, EMP would help him soooo much against Recall, Dweb, Archons and HTs ._.
horang2 beast macro. went from 100 supply to 165
I love horang2, but i want him to lose this time. I want to see another game since I just woke up and didn't even see this game from the beginning not gonna happen tho.
On November 30 2011 17:38 Agent Smith wrote: When is KT vs CJ? Can someone make sure we get Flash vs Horang2! I can't even imagine what's gonna happen!
I can lol, flash would roll this sort of play.
On November 30 2011 17:38 Agent Smith wrote: When is KT vs CJ? Can someone make sure we get Flash vs Horang2! I can't even imagine what's gonna happen!
I'd rather see EffOrt vs Flash
Australia 14568 Posts
somehow Horang2 just isn't able to break piano! Another recall at the newly established 4th! CC forced to lift once more, archons killing it, CC goes down Could this be it? Tanks arrive, in large numbers too, archons are forced into the corner. Piano starting to mine out at his 3rd. Horang 2 continues to make more arbiters. His 5th base is keeping him up. Oh crap he doesn't have a base at 10 o'clock, those were mines... Horang2 gathering up a small army. He's got a good mix of goons and zealots with some HTs added. Piano has a good spread of tanks over at 11.5 but horang2 engages anyway! dweb and storms go off, looks like the tanks are forced to retreat. Horang2 denying that 11.5 once more storms and goons killing everything!
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Time to gg, Piano. You're pretty much done for
And horang2 cleanly finishes the game destroying the 4th. +6 CJ +4 effort +4 horang2 +1 BByong good day for my FPL ^_^
T_T no more games
Piano looking pretty dead here :/
horang2 doesnt just win, he wins in style
Maybe if piano drags it out long enough Horang will drown in his own sweat.
Japan 11285 Posts
Horangee doesn't even need to dweb the tanks. He can just march right through.. Piano lifted his cc and is now beign attacked by goons
Someone get Horang a towel.
CC @ 12 went down again. Looks over.
p: stats, horang2, free, jangbi z: soulkey, zero, shine, hydra t: leta, hiya, sea
This game is HOT hehehehehe
On November 30 2011 17:40 Grettin wrote: ZIILOTTTT. ez 3-0 for ACE.
Wrong team?
Horang2 should be ashamed of himself
Horang is pulling out the full toss arsenal, what a fucking game.
Poll: Recommend set 3? Yes (58)
Watch if you have the time. (10)
No (4)
72 total votes
Your vote: Recommend set 3?
(Vote ): Yes (Vote ): No (Vote ): Watch if you have the time.
Australia 14568 Posts
Once again, Horang2 is denying that 11.5. another CC blows up more tanks and vultures appear, stasis goes off over the tanks, zealots rushing in! a large number of zealots rushing in, they overhwhelm the tanks! There are no vultures to protect them! zealots charge past the tanks and into the 3rd! scvs are undefended! this could be it! emp over the arbiter, scvs dying left and right this should be the last blow GG hroang2 takes the game 3-0 again for ACE
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Pian0 wtf you had this....
such a happy face omg~~ Nice camera timing, catching horang2's face just as piano ggs
Lol shiiii 2 3-0's by CJ...
On November 30 2011 17:40 Selth wrote: Wrong team?
Eh yeah.. i guess i was thinking something else. LOL
p: stats, horang2, free, jangbi z: soulkey, zero, shine, hydra t: leta, hiya, sea
Damn CJ looking hella strong
wtf why is horang2 sweating as if he was losing? lol that was an awesome game!
Japan 11285 Posts
That sweaty horang2! hahaha GG CJ wins!
United States 23455 Posts
CJ went from -_- to Dance Central.
Netherlands 45349 Posts
I wonder who from CJ staff approved this build lol
United States 13143 Posts
Well, that was different(and awesome).
I thought Piano played pretty decent considering TvP is his weak matchup
Epic D-web. Yay for Effort! Sad for ACE
I just got 18 points from this nice nice
DAT DISRUPTION WEB!! Holy shit. So crazy to see Corsairs in PvT
That was some nice smile timing lol, congrats to CJ, too bad ACE didn't put up much of a fight D:.
haha horang2 looks so happy :D
Where dat snitch at? 36923 Posts
hahaha HORANG2!!! ^^ Cute dance XDXD
placing the sitting area close to the fans.... really does encourage ceremonies >___< edit: NO LETA TODAY ;;
Fuck... there's goes FPL for me. At least I took LB from this... EDIT: FUUUUUCK dropped 74...
Australia 14568 Posts
D-web, what a struggle lol I don't remember the last time I saw a game where Dweb was used in PvT and the protoss won, this is a nice change. Better luck next time ACE Thank you Nanashin, XsebT, and Eywa for streaming, and tanks for the LR thread Megalisk
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Piano just yelled at the adviser on national television. He's going to get chewed out later, lol.
If CJ keeps 3-0 everybody they won't get much practice in before playoffs. But what a scary team. Anybody know if their matches against SKT or T8 or KT has been scheduled?
I'm deeply saddened that Horang2 won that game. When I watch games like this I just think ''Can't wait until this guy gets pitted vs Flash''. You know, so their cute shit gets shut down.
One of the most epic series ever haha. Effort and hydra show stunning display and Horang2 shows... pure awesomeness.
anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
negative. game 3 was incredibly sloppy
WOW!! HORANG GREAT PLAY!! dance more dance more dance more! LOl
On November 30 2011 17:42 Kaal wrote: Piano just yelled at the adviser on national television. He's going to get chewed out later, lol.
Adviser? Someone working for OGN or a ACE coach?
Thank you streamers and the LR thread!!
I think Horang2 made too many close calls that game, even though he came out quite far ahead after that first engagement. The 2nd time when he tried to break up the ramp and practically end the game, ended in complete and utter failure from I think lack of micro from his units other than Corsairs, I mean there was no zealots on tanks ever, and if that happened, Horang2 would've won the game a lot earlier. Good on him to trick his opponent with all the fast carrier strats being used, and from the early fleet beacon, using Dweb, an almost never used spell. Was extremely surprising, but was kinda disappointing from Organ/Piano for not predicting it when seeing a corsair on his Dship, unless he thought he was only gonna make 1-2 to counter drops. Either way it was a good mind game, and Horang2 deserved the win and the sweep for CJ Entus.
I wouldn't call hydra's play stunning that game. It was Ggaemo's lackluster play and the fact he had no idea about that hatch.
fail + fail + dweb craziness = WIN
On November 30 2011 17:43 KamMoye wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
negative. game 3 was incredibly sloppy
Who cares? It was hilarious
one week break? or did i see right?
United States 23455 Posts
Next week: Team 8 vs. ACE and Stars vs. STX
On November 30 2011 17:43 KamMoye wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
negative. game 3 was incredibly sloppy
Agreed. I voted that way because it was sloppy and one-sided. :/ It was cute though :3
Japan 11285 Posts
On November 30 2011 17:44 Shinshady wrote: I think Horang2 made too many close calls that game, even though he came out quite far ahead after that first engagement. The 2nd time when he tried to break up the ramp and practically end the game, ended in complete and utter failure from I think lack of micro from his units other than Corsairs, I mean there was no zealots on tanks ever, and if that happened, Horang2 would've won the game a lot earlier. Good on him to trick his opponent with all the fast carrier strats being used, and from the early fleet beacon, using Dweb, an almost never used spell. Was extremely surprising, but was kinda disappointing from Organ/Piano for not predicting it when seeing a corsair on his Dship, unless he thought he was only gonna make 1-2 to counter drops. Either way it was a good mind game, and Horang2 deserved the win and the sweep for CJ Entus.
I would have thought carriers as well, seeing that's how jangbi used PvT corsair to scout before carrier last OSL.
ohhhh man. CJ looking so good
Damn, didn't see FBH play. If only they had switched PianO and ggaemo...score could have been different, or at least it wouldn't have turned into humiliation.
On November 30 2011 17:45 Rostam wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:43 KamMoye wrote: On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
negative. game 3 was incredibly sloppy
Who cares? It was hilarious
that's, like, just your opinion, man
Australia 14568 Posts
On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
I voted for that, despite having corsairs and all, both of them played pretty sloppy. I mean it should have been better than that, but it just dragged on in the end. Didn't feel very clean.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
Next game - Ace vs. Kespa8 in 5 days
Well fudge my FPL team. So much for picking ACE
On November 30 2011 17:46 Hyde wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
I voted for that, despite having corsairs and all, both of them played pretty sloppy. I mean it should have been better than that, but it just dragged on in the end. Didn't feel very clean.
yeah but i don't care about feeling clean and i like sloppy bjs
I can't wait for Christmas Eve! Team 8 (JD will have recovered form, Baby will be undefeated) vs CJ (Who will be the team to beat) Make it happen!
Australia 14568 Posts
wtf is Nanashin playing on his stream LOL there's like a guy in an SKT uniform dreaming about DTs and marines and now there's some chick dancing on the OGN/MBC stage? wtf lol Progame drama?On November 30 2011 17:48 phosphorylation wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:46 Hyde wrote: On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
I voted for that, despite having corsairs and all, both of them played pretty sloppy. I mean it should have been better than that, but it just dragged on in the end. Didn't feel very clean.
yeah but i don't care about feeling clean and i like sloppy bjs
lol alright, to each their own.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 30 2011 17:46 Emon_ wrote: Next game - Ace vs. Kespa8 in 5 days
That means no games this saturday? O.o
On November 30 2011 17:49 Hyde wrote: wtf is Nanashin playing on his stream LOL there's like a guy in an SKT uniform dreaming about DTs and marines and now there's some chick dancing on the OGN/MBC stage? wtf lol
Progame drama?
Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:48 phosphorylation wrote: On November 30 2011 17:46 Hyde wrote: On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
I voted for that, despite having corsairs and all, both of them played pretty sloppy. I mean it should have been better than that, but it just dragged on in the end. Didn't feel very clean.
yeah but i don't care about feeling clean and i like sloppy bjs
lol alright, to each their own.
This drama has been out for quite a while, IIRC it came out before SC2 beta... lol... hmmm I forgot about it since BW had that long pause, but I remember seeing threads about it... can't remember the name. I'm sure someone will ninja post it before I remember or find it Edit: Thread for it
Australia 14568 Posts
On November 30 2011 17:53 Shinshady wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:49 Hyde wrote: wtf is Nanashin playing on his stream LOL there's like a guy in an SKT uniform dreaming about DTs and marines and now there's some chick dancing on the OGN/MBC stage? wtf lol
Progame drama?
On November 30 2011 17:48 phosphorylation wrote: On November 30 2011 17:46 Hyde wrote: On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
I voted for that, despite having corsairs and all, both of them played pretty sloppy. I mean it should have been better than that, but it just dragged on in the end. Didn't feel very clean.
yeah but i don't care about feeling clean and i like sloppy bjs
lol alright, to each their own.
This drama has been out for quite a while, IIRC it came out before SC2 beta... lol... hmmm I forgot about it since BW had that long pause, but I remember seeing threads about it... can't remember the name. I'm sure someone will ninja post it before I remember or find it
I remember it too, it's just weird seeing it lol. I wonder what BS story line they cooked up for this.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 30 2011 17:48 phosphorylation wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:46 Hyde wrote: On November 30 2011 17:43 GG_NO_RE wrote: anyone who voted 'watch if you have time' for game 3 was clearly trolling
I voted for that, despite having corsairs and all, both of them played pretty sloppy. I mean it should have been better than that, but it just dragged on in the end. Didn't feel very clean.
yeah but i don't care about feeling clean and i like sloppy bjs
sloppy bjs heck yes
how come according to calendar next game is team 8 vs ace on tuesday - which will be the 3rd match for both teams whereas teams like khan and woongjin havent even played their 2nd match yet?
CJ being so gosu hurts my FPL. Neither FBH or Leta got to play =[
The only game worth seeing from this set is game 1, other games are filled with coinflip and fails. That and because I like effort but that hardo isn't doing it for me P.S. 4 Khan fans in a row holy shit.
Estonia 4504 Posts
Why they send Piano the rookie, when you could send firebathero the ace? i'm in deep deep pain
Australia 14568 Posts
On November 30 2011 18:03 Zazu21 wrote: Why they send Piano the rookie, when you could send firebathero the ace?
i'm in deep deep pain
Apparently they do a draw for their line up. Nanashin's showing Special Forces for anyone interested in that.
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt
On November 30 2011 17:54 lFrost wrote: how come according to calendar next game is team 8 vs ace on tuesday - which will be the 3rd match for both teams whereas teams like khan and woongjin havent even played their 2nd match yet?
Maybe KeSPA is talking to sponsors for Team8, but when they lost vs. SKT they began having doubts. Now Team8 gets to show off their skill ahead of the others in order to seal a sponsorship deal. Also, by keeping the other teams back they make sure that more focus is on Team8.
On November 30 2011 18:09 Emon_ wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 17:54 lFrost wrote: how come according to calendar next game is team 8 vs ace on tuesday - which will be the 3rd match for both teams whereas teams like khan and woongjin havent even played their 2nd match yet?
Maybe KeSPA is talking to sponsors for Team8, but when they lost vs. SKT they began having doubts. Now Team8 gets to show off their skill ahead of the others in order to seal a sponsorship deal. Also, by keeping the other teams back they make sure that more focus is on Team8.
So....if Team 8 wins, gets sponsored Loses.....
My FPL hurts but I kind of expected another 3-0 from the best team ever :D Another "close" one ...
Yeah, no games this weekend, but next week we have games from Tuesday to Friday, with CJ vs Samsung and KT vs SKT.
good days for the cj fanbase. which i am not a part of
I believe in ace and this is what ace do to me
CJ has always destroyed ACE anyway, so I'm not really worried. ACE got almost the worst matchups possible, too. We'll win the next one.
Oh shit 3-0. Def going to have to watch the VODs!
Wasn't able to watch the matches live on stream, but I knew CJ would win this ezpz. I hope FBH gets to play more often though.
I was a little worried about Effort's comeback after such a long pause. But he proved me wrong. What a great game!
Well I finally get a LB right at least.
....... I need to check out the vods. games this weekend, damn was looking forward to watching games live again.
No Movie. At this rate Snow can forget about playing more than 7 games this season.
Effort vs Iris was sooo gooooood!!!!
On November 30 2011 20:43 Ryo wrote: No Movie.
At this rate Snow can forget about playing more than 7 games this season.
hmm if free wins again , I am replacing him with snow , and if not I will let him remain in my anti ..
I really want to say that this was an effortless performance, but i really can't! /badjokes
United States 7639 Posts
On November 30 2011 20:43 Ryo wrote: No Movie.
At this rate Snow can forget about playing more than 7 games this season.
Exactly why I have him on anti! Muahahaha! He's still losing me some points because CJ is imba though
CJ is looking very strong to start the season.
I just came in here to say Horang2 is awesome
I am glad to see Effort is in good shape. This PL season will be amazing. :D
Horang2 is such a baller. In his interview, he literally said "I was trying to save eSports..."
On November 30 2011 23:58 OpticalShot wrote: Horang2 is such a baller. In his interview, he literally said "I was trying to save eSports..."
Yes a baller, a hero, and a total psychopath. <3 Horang2 !
On December 01 2011 00:04 Bibbit wrote: Show nested quote + On November 30 2011 23:58 OpticalShot wrote: Horang2 is such a baller. In his interview, he literally said "I was trying to save eSports..."
Yes a baller, a hero, and a total psychopath. <3 Horang2 !
the game was horrible , how is he saving esports ....
On December 01 2011 00:35 Sawamura wrote: Show nested quote + On December 01 2011 00:04 Bibbit wrote: On November 30 2011 23:58 OpticalShot wrote: Horang2 is such a baller. In his interview, he literally said "I was trying to save eSports..."
Yes a baller, a hero, and a total psychopath. <3 Horang2 !
the game was horrible , how is he saving esports ....
it was awesome.
Wow VODS are already up. Whoever's doing all this deserves some mad props
the air only units got some spotlight i see
United States 5018 Posts
go horang2, d-web everyone who is killing e-sports
On December 01 2011 00:40 BLinD-RawR wrote: Show nested quote + On December 01 2011 00:35 Sawamura wrote: On December 01 2011 00:04 Bibbit wrote: On November 30 2011 23:58 OpticalShot wrote: Horang2 is such a baller. In his interview, he literally said "I was trying to save eSports..."
Yes a baller, a hero, and a total psychopath. <3 Horang2 !
the game was horrible , how is he saving esports ....
it was awesome.
I found it fun.
Corsair in PvT will surely save e-sports.
lol game3 horang2 made sairs PvT look so imba. he was even killing science vessels and dropships left and right with them lol
I think CJ has big chances of winning this PL, seeing as they profit a lot of the AceMatch removal cause they have an overall great playerroster.
On December 01 2011 06:13 TensaiSakuragi wrote: I think CJ has big chances of winning this PL, seeing as they profit a lot of the AceMatch removal cause they have an overall great playerroster.
I think we Khan show them CJ a taste of storm.....
▲533 thats my fpl </3 thats how i feel 5 days to play t8, we can do it go ACE!!!
If bisus next game is a PvT and he goes sair, I will do a barrel roll. Props shuttle for uncovering the strat
I fell asleep after Efforts game and didn't get to see Horang2 play TT. Gonna have to wait for the VODs to see the Corsair play.
On December 01 2011 07:33 Headshot wrote: I fell asleep after Efforts game and didn't get to see Horang2 play TT. Gonna have to wait for the VODs to see the Corsair play.
What do you mean "wait" ? lol...why dont you use the smal vod thread? The vods are there waiting to be seen! For a "long" time to. Those guys do an awesome job and we can watch almost by the time we wake up (in europe that is). Edit: There you GO!
On November 30 2011 17:46 endy wrote: Damn, didn't see FBH play. If only they had switched PianO and ggaemo...score could have been different, or at least it wouldn't have turned into humiliation.
Well it wasn't a humiliation. Effort/Iris and Horang2/Piano were very close imo ..
Just watched the vods from the game. Man, talk about mixed feelings come game 3. First, I kinda wanted Horang2 to lose... you know, give Ace a chance and such. But then he busted out the Corsair PvT In the end of the game, the cameras showing him sweating under the pressure and then his smile when Piano gg'd. Some people may not like this game, but it sure was something special, deep down.
Wow looks like CJ is going to be a force to reckon with this year. And effort looks so good. BW 4yfe.
I still can't get over how enjoyable Game 2 was to watch.
On December 01 2011 19:37 Probe1 wrote: I still can't get over how enjoyable Game 2 was to watch.
Game 2..the ZvZ? I saw that and I saw 9 minutes I skipped it, maybe I should go back hmm.. or am I not getting the sarcasm :p Game 1 and Game 3 were absolutely amazing to watch. I need to use corsairs in my PvT, but at D ranks I think it will be less than stellar :D. Game 1 I thought the iris had it especially with the mid game push when efffort suicided all his lings just before his dark swarm hit. But it was really cool how the mech push was methodically beaten back with just more and more "stuff". But I really didnt expect a 3-0 Those yellow Edited to add: Nevake, you are awesome <3, been watching the vods on your channel, it's amazing how fast you get these up, I get back home from work and they're there!
Sorry it took me so long to reply- No it wasn't because it was particularly notable match. I was just happy to see proleague after such a long wait that maybe I overstated my excitement. I was in bed and posted that from my phone hehe. I just couldn't keep myself from saying it. It wasn't particularly amazing no. And yeah, the rainjackets are.. something else.
i thought iris played extremely well that game. it was actually quite nice to see him keep up the pressure even though his first push failed. very nice.
What happened to the vods of this series? In the bw vods section it says that they were removed by user.
Australia 14568 Posts
Because when you left, Brood War was all spotlights and titans. Now, with the death of the big leagues, Brood War has moved to the basements and carparks. Now, Brood War is unlicensed brawls, lost teeth, and bloody fights for fistfulls of money - SirJolt