barrack's against soulkey is favorable for KT? can I have some of your stuff sir?
KT's line-up is really shallow, I don't think they have a chance to take out star's big three
Did I say he was? Who else can KT send against Soulkey? Stats is auto-lose. Flash is a waste against anyone but Zero or Light. ZvZ is never something you can count on. Maps overall are decent for TvZ so yes, I would be fine with Barracks.
fair enough but if I were a KT fan I would rather have hoejja play soulkey which should be 50/50 and barracks against really because really is in such a slump barracks should be able to take him out easily
barrack's against soulkey is favorable for KT? can I have some of your stuff sir?
KT's line-up is really shallow, I don't think they have a chance to take out star's big three
Did I say he was? Who else can KT send against Soulkey? Stats is auto-lose. Flash is a waste against anyone but Zero or Light. ZvZ is never something you can count on. Maps overall are decent for TvZ so yes, I would be fine with Barracks.
fair enough but if I were a KT fan I would rather have hoejja play soulkey which should be 50/50 and barracks against really because really is in such a slump barracks should be able to take him out easily
yeah thats what I thought when I read that.
although while the big 3 are doing so well(being 8-1) so far the rest of the team isn't(1-8),if KT can snipe one or even two of the big 3(one is very likely zero vs hoejja or flash vs zero/soulkey I don't expect flash to be able to handle TvT against light with his condition),stars are going to have a really tough time.
also the way stats is playing I'd rather have tempest play light,his cheese could be useful....:/
I should be streaming @ I just got in from a liiiiitle soju session but hopefully I'll be up and ready. Please add to the OP
On July 16 2011 01:52 KT s0ng wrote: I should be streaming @ I just got in from a liiiiitle soju session but hopefully I'll be up and ready. Please add to the OP
On July 16 2011 01:52 KT s0ng wrote: I should be streaming @ I just got in from a liiiiitle soju session but hopefully I'll be up and ready. Please add to the OP
On July 16 2011 01:52 KT s0ng wrote: I should be streaming @ I just got in from a liiiiitle soju session but hopefully I'll be up and ready. Please add to the OP
Thanks, dude! Hopefully KT wins, but Woongjin is a good team and looking tough.
I'm somewhat nervous about relying on Really or free to give us the 4th win( assuming one of the Woongjin Chimera isn't sniped). I'm going to say Stars take it 4-2 day 1 and 4-3 day 2 ( with Light > Flash in ace)
I hope this end in 2 days. Day 3 in early morning slot doesn't work out for me. Flash>zero all day. Soulkey is probably going to win regardless unless he faces flash.
So, let's see... KT was struggling against Stars, except that one time when Violet beat Zero and ForGG chipped in a win. Now Violet and ForGG aren't there, instead Stars have Light as a bonus?