One question though. Even though he ended up with a good protoss death ball at the end, it felt like he wasn't reinforced very much after that big surround attack by SK.
I'm thrilled he won, but it felt kind of weird how he just had this one group of 7-8 archons, some reavers, and not much else for a while. He had five bases, you'd think he would've been reinforced a lot more.
On March 19 2011 14:13 SimonB wrote: That was awesome by Stats.
One question though. Even though he ended up with a good protoss death ball at the end, it felt like he wasn't reinforced very much after that big surround attack by SK.
I'm thrilled he won, but it felt kind of weird how he just had this one group of 7-8 archons, some reavers, and not much else for a while. He had five bases, you'd think he would've been reinforced a lot more.
yeah i was wondering the same thing too.. he wasn't sending any reinforcements really. off 5 bases tosses usually constantly reinforce.. but oh well. he played really well nonetheless
On March 19 2011 14:16 POWEROUTAGE wrote: I think they'll send Zero next, circuit breaker a decent map for ZvP and apparently zero is 7-1 on it However if stats DOES manage to win, GG woongjin
I'm already quite satisfied with stats' performance though, his play looks ridiculously good right now