So basically zerg players can have that sinfully invincible broken skill for ages. And now Terran comes up with mech, and every one and their mother are like "OMG SO OVERPOWERED" ...
You Terran haters make me sick.
Though I do hope that Jaedong can win the next 3 games to move on to Ro4.
u really comparing make 50 tanks and camping the high ground to defiler swarm control?
On August 05 2010 20:44 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: pretty bad map for zerg
the majority of you are complete idiots though
No. we're just not big sea/terran fanboys like you. Some of us actually want other races to have a chance.
look here dingleberry, the vast majority of you slobbering cretins can't tell when a zerg player makes the wrong decisions in the first place
it's a goddamned miracle you can identify a map that's bad for zerg. durp durp, imba this, imba that, terran is unfair. the only thing that happened in those last 2 games was someone picked terran!
So what could Jaedong have done differently to win this game? How should Zergs approach mech play? Please enlighten me because I honestly don't know
It's not the actual imbalance that bothers me. There's been worse maps. Terrans have always had an advantage over zerg.
It's just gay watching terran expand and play tank defense, and maybe some turret defense too if they feel the zerg is playing his heart out. That, and maybe plant some mines. Jesus, at least with bionic play you could appreciate the army movement and macro. There's nothing to appreciate here but seeing a terran secure a win by abusing the advantages given to them.
On August 05 2010 20:47 hitthat wrote: What are you nerds raging at? JD fucked up the very begining with the unsuccesfull muta harass, later he had a decent eco to win this game, but suicided almoust all his army...few times in a raw.
He took out the first vessel. That's not 'unsuccessful'.
This IS unsuccesfull. Succesfull is the killing huge bunch of SCV, not trading a few mutaliska for a single SV.
hey look someone who's not a moron destroying the guy i've been calling a moron
On August 05 2010 20:47 hitthat wrote: What are you nerds raging at? JD fucked up the very begining with the unsuccesfull muta harass, later he had a decent eco to win this game, but suicided almoust all his army...few times in a raw.
He took out the first vessel. That's not 'unsuccessful'.
This IS unsuccesfull. Succesfull is the killing huge bunch of SCVs, not trading a few mutaliska for a single SV.
It was obvious he was never going for SCV harassment- he was just delaying the push while his third and fourth got going.
On August 05 2010 20:43 bearbuddy wrote: We obviously want 4 terrans in the semi.
Can't get more exciting than that!
Anything is better than the 4Z nightmare we had in Swarm Season.
On August 05 2010 20:44 Melancholia wrote: No, really, what the fuck. Zero's mass drops, Effort's Ultraling, and now Jaedong's MutaHydraLingSwarmDrop. None even close. What. The. Fuck.
Actually, ZerO was really close, but Flash just played perfectly with his positioning and multitasking, while EffOrt lacked any subtlety and Jaedong insisted on not getting ultras and sending mutas against 3/3 goliaths. PR = Neo-Destination... mech up and watch the Zerg squirm.
Am I the only who thinks that JD looked like Hyuk that game? After he won the critical battle he couldve took atleast 1 more expo.
I dare say that if the Dong took at protoss approach about never engaging the army directly and keep doing some stupid shit (and make sure that its effective).
The only Z who played really well today was Effort for crying out loud, the dong threw that game away. Jeesus, "TANK IMBA". People dont run hydras into storm cannon reaver defense in zvp either, do they? -.-
On August 05 2010 20:44 Melancholia wrote: No, really, what the fuck. Zero's mass drops, Effort's Ultraling, and now Jaedong's MutaHydraLingSwarmDrop. None even close. What. The. Fuck.
Zero was vs Flash and played the best of the three, coming very very close. Effort's mid game was horrible, just like he fell asleep for 5-10 minutes and streamed units and expanding drones in to die + he wasted huge money on ineffective guardians...and JD had a massive edge after smashing that first push but then repeatedly suicided his armies for minimal dmg for the rest of the game (he is too hard-headed sometimes, just kept attacking when just holding the high ground and taking the map was clearly a better play). He should've secured top right alot earlier and waited for Sea to move out on 3 gas vs 7...they need to start treating mech like PvT, abuse mobility and not a-move into defensive positions.
OMG what do you mean I cant a move into terran defense setups?!!?!?!?!
This sounds just like the SC2 arguments against mech when 95% of the zergs just a-move into my tank setup.
On August 05 2010 20:47 hitthat wrote: What are you nerds raging at? JD fucked up the very begining with the unsuccesfull muta harass, later he had a decent eco to win this game, but suicided almoust all his army...few times in a raw.
He took out the first vessel. That's not 'unsuccessful'.
This IS unsuccesfull. Succesfull is the killing huge bunch of SCV, not trading a few mutaliska for a single SV.
hey look someone who's not a moron destroying the guy i've been calling a moron
things are looking up
So because you're a mod you get to call names? Cool.
Fuck the MSL and its shitty map pool. How the hell is zerg supposed to beat that? Jaedong, as usual, was the much better player than the shitty Terran opponent with their turtling mech bullshit. Sea sucks and didn't deserve to win that. He just let a huge bunch of tanks get killed early on (first to mutas and then to the flank) without even noticing it until the last second because hey, who needs basic multitasking when you can just abuse TvZ and map imbalance.
On August 05 2010 20:44 SkelA wrote: Sea played flawlessly ....
LOL, you didn't watch the game, right? He let himself getting sandwiched, two times.
alright maybe flawlessly is overstatment but he still played near perfect and did you see JD attacks? He lost the game twice with bad attacks
Those weren't bad attacks, the attacks themselves were wrong because he had no chance versus that wall anyway. The problem is: He didn't know that there is such a wall because Zergs can't scout the way Terrans can. Sea did place his units well, but that's expected from a good Terran player.
*sigh* I'm thinking about things Jaedong could have done to win mid-game or late-game but after Sea got 1, he couldn't sandwich him anymore...and the attempted drop in the back of Sea's army got irradiated. The drop+swarms at the end were useless too. Ahh, so horrible. I don't want to see this map anymore
On August 05 2010 20:57 DarkMatter_ wrote: That game is making me rage so hard.
Fuck the MSL and its shitty map pool. How the hell is zerg supposed to beat that? Jaedong, as usual, was the much better player than the shitty Terran opponent with their turtling mech bullshit. Sea sucks and didn't deserve to win that. He just let a huge bunch of tanks get killed early on (first to mutas and then to the flank) without even noticing it until the last second because hey, who needs basic multitasking when you can just abuse TvZ and map imbalance.
yea sure jd did well by a-moving into the terran defense.
On August 05 2010 20:57 DarkMatter_ wrote: That game is making me rage so hard.
Fuck the MSL and its shitty map pool. How the hell is zerg supposed to beat that? Jaedong, as usual, was the much better player than the shitty Terran opponent with their turtling mech bullshit. Sea sucks and didn't deserve to win that. He just let a huge bunch of tanks get killed early on (first to mutas and then to the flank) without even noticing it until the last second because hey, who needs basic multitasking when you can just abuse TvZ and map imbalance.
yea sure jd did well by a-moving into the terran defense.
Yeah that's all he was doing- a-moving- what a noob!
Can't JD fans stop raging or what? You whine about imbalance??? JD lost to sea on the most imbalanced map in the past 2 years and you say he did not take Sea seriously. Now he loses on a map that favores T after he had a huge advantage and you complain about how unfair T is. Has it come to your mind that maybe JD is not playing as well as you believe he is?
On August 05 2010 20:57 DarkMatter_ wrote: That game is making me rage so hard.
Fuck the MSL and its shitty map pool. How the hell is zerg supposed to beat that? Jaedong, as usual, was the much better player than the shitty Terran opponent with their turtling mech bullshit. Sea sucks and didn't deserve to win that. He just let a huge bunch of tanks get killed early on (first to mutas and then to the flank) without even noticing it until the last second because hey, who needs basic multitasking when you can just abuse TvZ and map imbalance.
Man >.< I'm raging too right now but Sea is the 2nd (or 3rd) best Terran, so don't bash Sea D:
It's the map bra D: extremely difficult for Zergs Dx
On August 05 2010 20:44 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: pretty bad map for zerg
the majority of you are complete idiots though
No. we're just not big sea/terran fanboys like you. Some of us actually want other races to have a chance.
look here dingleberry, the vast majority of you slobbering cretins can't tell when a zerg player makes the wrong decisions in the first place
it's a goddamned miracle you can identify a map that's bad for zerg. durp durp, imba this, imba that, terran is unfair. the only thing that happened in those last 2 games was someone picked terran!
So what could Jaedong have done differently to win this game? How should Zergs approach mech play? Please enlighten me because I honestly don't know
on this map there's really not a lot. because of the gigantic rush distance, anything pool-first and a lot of 2-base all-in builds simply don't work. if he saw this build coming, 2hatch muta would have been vastly preferable to his slow 3hatch build, but by no means a guaranteed win.
jaedong's ineffectual muta harass put him in a small hole initially, and he did very well to climb out through some smart unit control. choosing hydralisk as the backbone of his army wasn't a great idea, an extra two hatcheries and lurker/ling would have been preferable and would have given jaedong some much-needed map control before sea's mech transition occured. had he done that, sea wouldn't have been able to so easily cut the map in half, though with the way this map is set up i suspect it's something of an inevitability.