On April 29 2010 19:30 okum wrote: Iris vs Flash in GOM, anyone?
Iris didn't win in the lategame through outplaying Flash.
MVP did.
Two completely different things as Iris's one win was a proxy 2fac build.
MVP outplayed Flash? Are you on crack? He spammed more BC's than Flash, bigger number of BC's > smaller number of BC's. How do you outplay someone by having a bigger number of BC's? Fail logic is fail.
True, Flash never won a single game you know. He just spammed more shit than other players. Bigger number of units > smaller number of units.
Nice logic!
Where the strategic and tactical depth in pressing the battlecruiser icon from the starport? ERM FUCK YEAAAH MVP, roflmao can't stop loling.
By the looks of it, the Flash anti fans are coming out of the walls! Have your happy day you guys deserve it after so many many many many many, you the the point ya? many many days of qqing.
On April 29 2010 19:34 below66 wrote: flash's fans love him so much even when he loses they call the rest of the people idiots for enjoying seeing the best player get beaten.
That's right, I'm not too worried though, it's a bo5, not to mention Flash has to prepare for Baby tomorrow. I wonder when Flash will have to drop a starleague?
Hard to guess, since he got to BOTH finals last season
Anyone who says Flash didn't outplay MVP before BCs is blinded by Flash-hate (or MVP-love, haha).
Flash secured both double gases for a significant period of time and was way ahead in resources. Don't say "MVP planned the BC switch better" because he didn't (both sides ended up with more than enough time to max out in BCs).
What MVP did better was elect to sacrifice supply for more BCs. But had Flash elected to match MVP's sacrificing of supply (and not mis-micro), he wins this game, in part because of the significant amount of extra money he mined from outplaying MVP big time in the mid game.
On April 29 2010 19:37 okum wrote: This is a problem for Flash's TvT. He clearly doesn't have much experience with BCs.
All his practice games end so quickly.
I totally agree with this... Flash's BC micro was HORRIBLE, to be honest. He was leaving BCs behind everywhere, stray bc's were being killed, when he followed MVP into his base, he left half his BC force behind...
In other words, Flash doesn't practice enough BC TvT because he rarely ever gets there...
On April 29 2010 19:29 s.Q.uelched wrote: id really like to see some lockdowns next time
lockdowns wont help against 15 BCs, youll get your ghosts scanned and yamato'd instead, or simply emp'd.
only 1 supply and u can get 2locks per ghosts since the game takes so long. also, lock down is quicker than yamato. cant emp the ghosts if bc are infront either
youre looking at 25/75 gas for each ghost, in addition to the 200/200 for researching lockdown and 150/200 for the additional science facility + covert ops. thats a down payment of 375/475 for getting your first ghost out (yes, the rest are simply 25/75).
assuming your opponent wont scan the tech and you catch him by surprise (which with these players wont happen), you might get a couple of lockdowns. more than likely you wont even get that. after that, vessels (emp) and scans (+ yamatos) will waste your ghosts way too easily. meanwhile, the player getting lockdown'd can bring goliaths to reinforce while he's waiting for his 1-2 BCs to unfreeze.
trust these guys, if it were a viable counter, you'd see ghosts all over the place. there's a reason you only see ghosts for BM nukes.
On April 29 2010 19:30 okum wrote: Iris vs Flash in GOM, anyone?
Iris didn't win in the lategame through outplaying Flash.
MVP did.
Two completely different things as Iris's one win was a proxy 2fac build.
MVP outplayed Flash? Are you on crack? He spammed more BC's than Flash, bigger number of BC's > smaller number of BC's. How do you outplay someone by having a bigger number of BC's? Fail logic is fail.
True, Flash never won a single game you know. He just spammed more shit than other players. Bigger number of units > smaller number of units.
Nice logic!
Actually, a lot of Flash's recent TvT wins that I've watched were mainly because he managed to keep himself 1 base or more ahead of his opponents (by either expanding earlier and defending, or being able to take down his opponent's earlier expansion) and win with superior numbers.
On April 29 2010 19:38 nozaro33 wrote: I always love how whenever Flash loses "one" game people start going crazy and argue the living soul out of each other
Usually ends in people pointing out that Flash got outplayed for once and Flash fans shitting on everyone who dares say anything derogatory towards their hero.
On April 29 2010 19:30 okum wrote: Iris vs Flash in GOM, anyone?
Iris didn't win in the lategame through outplaying Flash.
MVP did.
Two completely different things as Iris's one win was a proxy 2fac build.
MVP outplayed Flash? Are you on crack? He spammed more BC's than Flash, bigger number of BC's > smaller number of BC's. How do you outplay someone by having a bigger number of BC's? Fail logic is fail.
True, Flash never won a single game you know. He just spammed more shit than other players. Bigger number of units > smaller number of units.
Nice logic!
Where the strategic and tactical depth in pressing the battlecruiser icon from the starport? ERM FUCK YEAAAH MVP, roflmao can't stop loling.
By the looks of it, the Flash anti fans are coming out of the walls! Have your happy day you guys deserve it after so many many many many many, you the the point ya? many many days of qqing.
On April 29 2010 19:33 Plexa wrote: @Pop Just take a look at Flash's recent TvTs and compare them to this one, also look at MVPs recent TvTs and compare them to this one. Flash basically outplayed MVP from the looks of it, except for when he lost his bcs
I disagree with this. Although I didn't follow the game closely due to being at work, I thought the game was "at least" even until that BC fight. I was actually thinking MVP was slightly ahead economically the whole time and started his BCs at the absolute perfect timing.
He basically outplayed Flash this game imo. Slightly, but still, this is no fluke or luck or anything. I haven't seen many of MVP's last TvT's, but seeing that game after learning he beat Baby last time is quite enough to convince me he's genuinely good at the matchup. Lately, at least.
MVP's recent wins have been pretty sketchy. He's the kind of player that is having a really lucky streak at the moment and will fail hard next season. Backho made a semifinal, anything can happen in BW.
Its kinda annoying that every time i see flash going BC vs other BC's he loses, it looks close but he never sacs enough units to make enough bc's and gets rolled, hopefully he can take a look at improve it like he normally does