On April 04 2010 14:49 Mystlord wrote: Good. The natural order is not being disturbed too much.
Now all that's left is for Kal to beat Hiya... Easy task for the PvT monster amiright??? should be an easy task since hiya died about half an hour ago
Damn that's a lot of VLC movie files on Roffles' desktop...
Vatican City State101 Posts
Woah, this worked. Got me scared there for a second.
Easy task to beat Hiya TvP?.. wut.
Hiya is a fucking monster playing TvP... Lets go kal!
Crap, I missed like the entire game D:
yeah, TvP is by far Hiya's best matchup.
GooJila Hwaiting! I believe!
Gate first for Kal in base, no shenanigans
Rax in base, with gas soon after for hiya
go magikarp..time to EVOLVE.
hiya searching for manly proxy gates that unfortunately don't exist.
kal with relatively early scout - his probe isn't harassing the rax scv but instead meanders throughout the mineral line
Wow, Hiya sent a scout really early to check for a proxy. Why so scared. Runs an SCV all the way around his main too.
first zealot out, core starts for kal
factory starting for hiya, one scv on gas
2nd marine training
Zealot is here vs like 1 marine o.O
zealot with probe head into hiy'as main
2nd gate being added
3 rines kill off the probe, but the zealot kills an scv before withdrawing
machine shop first
Lol. Marauding zealot sees three rines, contents itself to killing an scv, and walks away.
Kills an scv and runs away. Lost a probe though, so wasn't really that good.
hiya's scv makes it into kal's base and sees the core spin before dying
hiya researching something in his shop, probalby mines as a vulture heads out first
6 rines!
Hiya expanding without a tank. Just vultures and mines for now.