On December 17 2009 12:40 Tien wrote: Better than Jaedong in lategame management......
There is no one better at Jaedong at anything. Early, mid, or lategame.
Same with Flash. No terran out there is better than flash at anything. Sorry, Fantasy's mech crap doesn't count since it is now obsolete.
Mech crap kinda counts in TvP, where Fantasy has the edge in his ability to harass, though i'll admit flash beats him in every other category. srsly wish Flash would harass a little with the best fricken harass unit in the game rather than let a player like Best get 5 uncontested bases. what would suck, is if Best knocked Flash out of Semis then got 3-0d by Jaedong
On December 17 2009 04:38 Vasoline73 wrote: I don't understand why people think Zero has a big chance v Flash.. what games did he play v Terran that are making people give him close to 50/50 v Flash?
now you understand? that is an ace match btw
the map is aultimatum (heavy terran favored map) so flash should be favored... if it werent, then it should be 50/50
The Flash we know today and the Flash of that time are quite different. His TvZ has improved a ridiculous amount since then. I really don't understand how anyone can say Zero is 50/50 with Flash in their current forms.
I'm not sure if you have been keeping up with all of Flash's games but he plays near perfect in all recent TvZs. The loss to Hyun was the result of a simple early game mistake and something I doubt will happen again. His anti-muta micro is rivaled by none and his late game macro takes TvZ to a whole new level.
Zero has been playing really well but to say he is on par with the hottest player right now is pretty crazy. This isn't to say that Zero has no chance at all but I'd say flash is favored 65/35.
Also I'd have to say Effort is the #2 zerg still. His statistics for the most recent games aren't great but his overall play is still very strong.
Lastly Jaedong is the best late game zerg. I would have to say Jaedong and Zero have similar macro skills but Jaedong has better multitask and Zero better defense. In ZvT the multitask seems more useful
and you dont think zero improved ridiculously as well? in fact of the two, i reckon zero improved more.... the flash we know today is not the same true but dont you think it apllies to other players as well?
again the last game they played, flash got dominated in both micro management and macro management... and that was when zero was still 'bad'
i do favour flash to win the game tonight since its on ultimatum... if the map is balance and you still say that flash/zero 50/50 is ridiculous, then id think you are beyond help
again its easy to look good when you are playing lower class players...
and you claim that flash lost to hyun since he made a mistake? and hyun had nothing to do with it whatsoever? give me a break man... and dont give me that 5 base vs. 2 base crap, the map was match point so that shit is irrelevant (watch calm/fantasy, same shit different day)
and you dont think zero is on par with the hottest players right now? lmao! are you kidding me? hes arguably the second best zerg and probably in top 5 or 6 all races
effort the number 2 zerg? maybe in your book but not mines. number 2 is either calm or zero but i favour zero since he has probably the best management in atm
jaedong is more aggressive/efficient whearas zero is more management/strategy oriennted...
jd period has the best muta micro of all time, anyone trying to argue that is a complete moron. zeros muta micro is second best right now imo
I might sit up a tad longer for this if someone is going to do a live stream with commentary. Is this something that someone is going or am I just imagining things? These games are too interesting to watch in Korean!
On December 17 2009 17:20 vRoOk wrote: I never knew Zero had so many fans.
I was proud to be one before it was cool?
Get outta way of the bandwagon >.>
But yeah playing good consistently nets you fans. Yeah gOgO ZerOOO
I think a lot of it also comes from the fact that ZerO plays with lots of flair and innovation. The guy uses Queens every now and then after all, your bound to get fans from that