On October 17 2009 18:38 meeple wrote: It looks like July at the top and Yarnc at the bottom...July going 9 pool gas, Yarnc going I don't know because I missed it... but I think it was the same
You got the positions wrong
Yarnc went 9 pool gas, July overgaspool but had to cancel his in-main hatch because of Yarnc's hidden lings
Yarnc pumping lings while July puts down a second hatch... looks bad so far for july
On October 17 2009 18:38 meeple wrote: It looks like July at the top and Yarnc at the bottom...July going 9 pool gas, Yarnc going I don't know because I missed it... but I think it was the same
July is on the bottom.
Yarnc not mining his second gas, interesting.
Holy muta-micro July!
Incidentally, Luxury is playing well again and Yarnc is now sucking. As is expected, I suppose.
Ok didn't expect that at all.
Hell yeah! Balls of steel!
Rematch it is. July will not lose a second time.
Now its easy just zvp mode on !
United States5784 Posts
hahaha july woww thought yarnc had it til the end
Wow, nice muta micro by July
Yarnc taking his natural... while July has his second hatch in main... both spires finish around the same time. July picks off an overlord... but loses his lings in a battle at Yarncs nat
yay a rematch, gogo pure take a win against july again.
JULY beast... thiis is YOUR MSL GOGOGOGO
Damn, I was thinking that early scourge hit might have nullified the early larva advantage july had. I'm glad he proved me wrong with micro action.