United States17042 Posts
Interestingly enough, I have the opposite opinion of most other people- I think that it would be really good against m/m, and really bad against mech. Ensnare changes the amount of dps the marines/firebats do by a significant amount, so the lings/hydra should be able to surround and kill the ball more easily than they would be able to otherwise. Against mech, I think that it would really depend about the various army compositions ( gol/tank vs hydra/ling)
The game would change to being all about if you can kill the first T push. One thing that the T could do is they could get a higer number of medics to counter the lower dps that their units would be doing. I think that most T's upon seeing queens might be so confused that they would lose >.>
Interesting though.
@ t_co
DPS: Glad you brought this up. It's true that DPS of rines is greater than zerg, and lings tend to "pop" before they get to thier marine targets. But your thinking about standard ZVT play. I will explain to you why i think that with my strat i can overcome this.
1. Hydra: When you have a lurk ling army, the AI of the marine will shoot the lings first because the are "the greatest" threat. I change this up with my hydra because the hydra will engage the marines, causing marine AI to attack the hydra, thus allowing my higher DPS lings to get closer to thier targets.
2. Surface area: Terran Units become less and less cost effective the more fronts of battle they are presented with. I try and exploit this fact because I am using 3 highly mobile units- Zergling, Hydra, and Queens. With increased surface area- I once again am gaining an advantage.
3. Ensnare: Ensnare lowers the DPS and MOBILITY of any unit- stimmed or not. Ensnare compliments the above two points perfectly, and helps to solidify my thoughts and ideas about this pesudo style ZVT.
The DPS rate of marines also has a relationship with HP that you forgot to mention. Medics are what allow marines to go crazy DPS, T's medic count will take some time to increase to the point that you can stim marines as liberaly as you are talking about- with ensnare and aggressive play, i never intend to let this happen. Withought medics, stimmed marines are not scary- especially in ensnare, stim does nothing. Basically, by the time T has enough medics to facilitate liberal use of stim- i with have many ensnares to counter.
As far as Muta- and no muta rush: I deal with this fact simply as a matter of spending. Insted of buying 9-12 muta for 1200/1200 i can get 4 hatch, 24 drones, 16 hydra, or 48 lings. Plus a few upgrades, and considering the fact that my economy is stronger than 3hatch because i now have 4-5 hatch with drones pumping, the increased amount of rax, can be compared to the economy increase i also have gained.
Irradidate- My only question to you is- how long do you think vessles can survive if there are 1345194586 hydra swarming around? Queen are fast- and can run away quite well. It will be more of a challange to irrad a queen than a luker, ultra or defiler.
This strat is not a two base build, on the contrary it's expansive and mineral intensive. With increased produciton facilities earlier in this strat i can facilitate more drones, faster- matching anything terran can throw at me.
As for being manly- ya i think that zerg players should forgo fancy cute shit and just throw wave after wave of units. I embrace zerg mentality, and with this idea and strat, i am trying to find away for thier true mentality to shine.
On October 27 2008 05:34 waterGHOSTCLAWdragon wrote: Interestingly enough, I have the opposite opinion of most other people- I think that it would be really good against m/m, and really bad against mech. Ensnare changes the amount of dps the marines/firebats do by a significant amount, so the lings/hydra should be able to surround and kill the ball more easily than they would be able to otherwise. Against mech, I think that it would really depend about the various army compositions ( gol/tank vs hydra/ling)
The game would change to being all about if you can kill the first T push. One thing that the T could do is they could get a higer number of medics to counter the lower dps that their units would be doing. I think that most T's upon seeing queens might be so confused that they would lose >.>
Interesting though.
Took the words basically out of my mouth- before i could say it lol
But if the T gets more medics, there are less units so less DPS. It is an inverse relationship (More marines more DPS, but no heal. While more medics less DPS however longer life), a relationship that i am trying to exploit.
Very interesting read, but I've got a question about the lategame (3rd gas and later, usually when T takes third, hive tech-ish stage)
You said it should turn into normal ZvT, however, how will defilers work with hydras? While mass lings is in this strategy, if you were to swarm on the marines (as usual to delay running away) your hydras wouldn't be able to hit, and would work against you somewhat. You also suggested getting +1 (and probably later +2/3) missile attack. Do you think this is necessary? I feel like in late game, you're gonna just end up with ultra/ling with swarms, and therefore be wasting ups. What role to hydras have in late game?
Overall, very nicely thought out. I had another comment but I forgot what it was, will post if I remember later. -__-
I tried this build in ICCUP. Luckily for me, the terran was doing the "Fantasy Build". My slow hydras minimized the vulture damage. When my opponent pushed with 12 goliaths and 12 tanks. I was able to crush his army with 3.5 groups of hydras and ensnare.
Aha, remembered what I was going to say. Do you think this would be more effective against SK Terran (1 fac tanks, 2 port vessels) or 2fac, with more tanks and less vessels. I guess in the midgame vessels would be rather useless, as lings and hydras would not be worth irradiating. A slower tank / m&m push with 6-10 tanks may be hard for this build to defend, what are your thoughts on this as well?
To those that have tried the build, how do queens work out? Do they get irradiated, and quickly killed? Can you build up a mass of queens large enough that you can constantly get off ensnares? What is the timing of the first queen, compared to the first vessel? Is it beneficial to try to ensnare vessels, so that you can scourge them more easily? This is an interesting sounding build, although I'm such a bad player that I won't have the mechanics to pull it off.
One thing that occurred to me is what if the T goes medic heavy? Doesn't that really help against hydras? I'd also like to join the bandwagon asking for reps, I hope your computer gets fixed soon.
I still think a well spread out terran will not be deterred in their first push by ensnare. This, along with actually making defilers come later, makes this build bank too much on stopping the first push with ensnare, which is unreliable IMO.
is awesome32269 Posts
I used to try all kinds of aggressive builds (my favorites) all the time.
I tried all sorts of 2 hatch, 1 hatch techs, hive rushes, etc.
The problem I see with your build is you need the terran to come out and face you to be able to gain an advantage. If the terran decides to stay in his base and power:
- You have no harassment options, no drops, no mutas. - You don't have a spire, drops can really fuck you up, you have no scourge to keep his vessels numbers down.
Now I know there is not a build order that wins 100% of your games, but right now your idea sounds like it might work if you confuse the terran with what you are trying to achieve.
Sounds like you start powering, then you are fragile while you get the hydra upgrades + attack, then you have an army advantage where you need to score kills to set him behind and then, if you did no damage, you are behind again.
I'm mostly curious as how do you attacks nat, in what maps, etc. The worst thing I can see the terran doing (besides 3 rax sunken break ) is playing it safe in your build orders peak (when you have the hydra ling + queen army) and chill as his nat.
Wouldn't you benefit more from getting hive, since you can push him that way even if he decides to be passive?
The problem that i see with this build is the fact that you need a lot of queens to always have ensare available, especially in such an agressive MU such as ZvT when battles occur all the time.
But i dont know, i dont play Zerg or Terran, so i would really love to see a replay an check how does this build works out.
On October 27 2008 10:12 CDRdude wrote: To those that have tried the build, how do queens work out? Do they get irradiated, and quickly killed? Can you build up a mass of queens large enough that you can constantly get off ensnares? What is the timing of the first queen, compared to the first vessel? Is it beneficial to try to ensnare vessels, so that you can scourge them more easily? This is an interesting sounding build, although I'm such a bad player that I won't have the mechanics to pull it off.
One thing that occurred to me is what if the T goes medic heavy? Doesn't that really help against hydras? I'd also like to join the bandwagon asking for reps, I hope your computer gets fixed soon. I tried it a few times today. It's actually pretty fun to do. To answer your questions, no the queens really dont get irradiated, they have too long a range and are too fast, not to mention you'll have 20+ hydras that would shred the vessel. It's really surprising how ready the supply of ensnares are, even with just 3 queens you wont be too hurting for energy unless you are just popping them off like crazy. Ensnare is only 75 energy remember. The queen usually comes out at the same time as the vessel for me, unless they are going 2fact or something. And you have lots and lots of hydras you wont need scourge really except for drops. Also, when the terran gets medic heavy it can really mean trouble toward the end of a battle.
The comparision to sauron zvp is really dead on. It will give you tons and tons of units, but it requires a ton of macro but if it gets to the point where the Terran has a huge army, it almost seems like no amount of hydra ling and ensnare will kill it.
That said it was my first time trying anything like this, I'd really like to see some reps of good players trying this. If i remember correctly, xiozi tried something like this against artosis on bluestorm taking the min only very quickly in that USA vs WORLD thread.
Err, last question. Your zerg on coke? Is there some reason this is related to coke in any way, or some analogy, or.... It doesn't make sense to me.
Hey, this is a very interesting theory and I really like the discussions going on about it! I really want to see the opinions of some high level gamers though, to see what kind of views they would have on this.
@Pokebunny - I believe coke = cocaine, meaning his Zerg on drugs literally. Basically it just means it's a crazy theorycraft/build/whatever
OOhhh, I see. I guess I knew it was some sort of reference to 'insane' but I couldn't figure out what it was, so I sort of assumed it was nonsense-ish. ;p
United States17042 Posts
Just after thinking some more about it (I still haven't tried it, I'm too nooby to determine anything by playing people)-
Vs. Fantasy build
Hydra take out vults, so you get ahead, and then you can expand/tech pretty well/fast. Once again, i'm not sure how the hydra and the lings work out against the gols/tanks, and how the ratio should be. I think that it would be a lot more dependent on the scouting from the zerg.
vs. m/m
You should be okay depending on how well you can fend off the first blob (the timing push that's supposed to come before hive tech kicks in). The things that m/m can do to make your life hard: correct unit composition (marines take out hydra, firebats take out lings. Most T's only have like 3-4 firebats, but if they have like 8 firebats to wall and kill lings, it would just about nullify the advantage of the lings).
If they sit inside the base, you can tech like crazy to swarm/ultra ling.
On October 27 2008 09:11 Pokebunny wrote: Very interesting read, but I've got a question about the lategame (3rd gas and later, usually when T takes third, hive tech-ish stage)
You said it should turn into normal ZvT, however, how will defilers work with hydras? While mass lings is in this strategy, if you were to swarm on the marines (as usual to delay running away) your hydras wouldn't be able to hit, and would work against you somewhat. You also suggested getting +1 (and probably later +2/3) missile attack. Do you think this is necessary? I feel like in late game, you're gonna just end up with ultra/ling with swarms, and therefore be wasting ups. What role to hydras have in late game?
Overall, very nicely thought out. I had another comment but I forgot what it was, will post if I remember later. -__-
Ok lets get down to business- answering questions. Cannot wait until i can get some reps to you guys. I am exited by all of the interest and critique coming from you elitist TLers lol jk jk
On a serious note: Ok first question: Defilers, what do i plan to do with them once defilers come into play? Well i can answer this in a few ways.
Dark Swarm: While i do agree that hydras lose efectiveness, they are still an essential part of play. Ensnared units don't run fast. No T player is going to stay in swarm, they are going to leave it, or try and run. My hydras are more adpet at chasing fleeing units than lukers- so i keep them. Lings will easily be able to destroy anything inside of the swarm because of thier fast upgrades, and with this build; simply the amount of lings. This strat uses swarm again in a deffern't frame of referance than standard zvt. Really swarm will do one of three things:
1. Push T back to allow your lings or hydra to advance under swarm- if T is ensnared, you can then attack, however in the off chance that you have none- it simply allows you to attain and keep map control. In zerg on cocaine BO this stage in your swarm play is buying time for, plagu and the inevitable ultra.
2. Allow more of your army more freedom to move in and around the T ball, while not being obliterated. Swarm in this cocaine BO is used as a deterrent. Zerg will now switch to defensive play, waiting for Ultra- and then the final series of direct attacks to the jugular (ie main and nat) to finish T.
3. By time- remember we are trying to get plagu and ultra here. AT THIS POINT IN THE GAME ATTACKING INTO THE MAIN/NAT IS A BAD IDEA. (insert perfect rep of me losing because of this exact problem) wish i had a rep goddamit!!!!
Also because of the late or never appearing spire hydra NEED to stay plentiful into the late game and beyond. They are what is going to keep the vessel count low so your stuck with it. Also ultra hydra destroys everything t can possibly do. Ultra are the perfect wall, and hydra are the fast sexy little snipers behind the wall of blades.
Really with defilers, plagu is key for the cocaine style zerg. 80-90% of your ground force will be fast attacking units- what better to combo with than plagu? Ensnare makes sure T cannot retreat his 1hp units, and your crazy fast ROF of your lings and hydra can make short work of any late game T ball.
Next Question:
On October 27 2008 10:10 Pokebunny wrote: Aha, remembered what I was going to say. Do you think this would be more effective against SK Terran (1 fac tanks, 2 port vessels) or 2fac, with more tanks and less vessels. I guess in the midgame vessels would be rather useless, as lings and hydras would not be worth irradiating. A slower tank / m&m push with 6-10 tanks may be hard for this build to defend, what are your thoughts on this as well?
Well 2 port vessels imo gets destroyed by mass hydra, also the irrad is going to be wasted- the queen mobility and long range of spell casting can keep them well behind your hydra. If T wants to trade 1 vessel for 1 gueen- fine by me. I come out on top in that battle- simple economics.
As for tanks, while yes the do destroy hydra, lings that can get up close and personal do counter tanks. Remember tanks embody exactly what my build is trying to hard counter- mobility. Tanks are not fast, hell they don't even move. Once again, stop thinking in standard zvt, and look at tanks from another point of view. I find that mass tanks can be out pincer, flanked and surrounded. Once again- i will admit, running head on with a lot of sige tanks is always going to be a bad idea- but surrounding them? not so much.
If the T is pushing slower, and you scout that he is just massing- do the opposite, drone hard, expo hard, teck, and then go nuts with your through the roof economy.
On October 27 2008 10:12 CDRdude wrote: To those that have tried the build, how do queens work out? Do they get irradiated, and quickly killed? Can you build up a mass of queens large enough that you can constantly get off ensnares? What is the timing of the first queen, compared to the first vessel? Is it beneficial to try to ensnare vessels, so that you can scourge them more easily? This is an interesting sounding build, although I'm such a bad player that I won't have the mechanics to pull it off.
One thing that occurred to me is what if the T goes medic heavy? Doesn't that really help against hydras? I'd also like to join the bandwagon asking for reps, I hope your computer gets fixed soon.
Ok well queens work well, you do get them out quick- about the same time (sometimes sooner) than your typical 3 hatch muta timing. As for irrad, i realize that most zergs are not used to babysitting their casters, or bigger units. This is because it was pointless, vessels fly and are mobile while defilers, ultra, lurks are quite the contrary. Now queens on the other hand fly (fast) and their casting range is really long. Don't forget you could, parasite one vessel to find the cloud, and your also going to have a lot of hydra squirming around on the ground. Hydra make short work of vessels, and even shorter work of ensnared vessels.
As for the replays: IM SO SO SORRY I'm waiting and hoping that my computer comes back soon, all files intact so i can share with you my ideas.
For medics- remember an inverse relationship. More marines=higher DPS, shorter life. More medics=lower DPS longer life. I am trying to take advantage of this inverse relationship. also many medics are going to cost more gas, gas needed to make tanks and vessles.
On October 27 2008 10:14 nevake wrote: I still think a well spread out terran will not be deterred in their first push by ensnare. This, along with actually making defilers come later, makes this build bank too much on stopping the first push with ensnare, which is unreliable IMO.
A spread out T? This is falling straight into zerg play. A spread out ball, in chunks diminishes terran efficiency and is far easier to kill- than the ball. Your giving the larger zerg army more surface area, not a good idea. I don't understand how spreading out your units will help? Either way, ensnare will be cast on the largest bunch, so even more of a detriment.
On October 27 2008 10:19 IntoTheWow wrote:I used to try all kinds of aggressive builds (my favorites) all the time. I tried all sorts of 2 hatch, 1 hatch techs, hive rushes, etc. The problem I see with your build is you need the terran to come out and face you to be able to gain an advantage. If the terran decides to stay in his base and power: - You have no harassment options, no drops, no mutas. - You don't have a spire, drops can really fuck you up, you have no scourge to keep his vessels numbers down. Now I know there is not a build order that wins 100% of your games, but right now your idea sounds like it might work if you confuse the terran with what you are trying to achieve. Sounds like you start powering, then you are fragile while you get the hydra upgrades + attack, then you have an army advantage where you need to score kills to set him behind and then, if you did no damage, you are behind again. I'm mostly curious as how do you attacks nat, in what maps, etc. The worst thing I can see the terran doing (besides 3 rax sunken break  ) is playing it safe in your build orders peak (when you have the hydra ling + queen army) and chill as his nat. Wouldn't you benefit more from getting hive, since you can push him that way even if he decides to be passive?
Ok well to begin to answer your question ill just go down the list: 1. Why does zerg need to harass? Why is this not a problem? I can build more drones, expand more, and get a better econ. Your not harassing zerg either. In every MU vs Z the other player tries to stop z. The longer you wait, the stronger this build becomes. I will always expand, mass hatch and power drone.
2. Drops? So what. I have many units, more units means that i can have some in and around everywhere- hydra do well to kill drop ships. Spread out your overlords, and have zerglings here and there throughout the map. Not a big deal. Vessle numbers? ahh im building a plethora of hydra- how is that not going to keep his count low? Also ensnared vessles=dead.
3. start powering then get hydra upgrades? Hydra upgrades start happening about the time lair is 50% complete in standard ZVT, both players are still early game at this point. it's no differn't from standard 3 hatch muta.
4. Cocain zerg doesn't try and delay hive- the goal is still to get hive and defiler play into the game at a fast pace, if T sits in his base- im not going to attack him. every minute he spends in his base, is another min of me getting more hatch, more expos and more teck. T can sit and turtle all day. Not going to effect me.
You see im not going to waste money on harassment, so i don't lose anything from not doing damage on his base. I don't need to harass. that is the terrans job. To try and slow me down, not the other way around. Passive is not the way to play- ever. You need map control, and if T sits in his base and you decide to attack- your an idiot. With this Bo and army composition, you will get rolled- until you get ultra, so im content to just wait him out.
On October 27 2008 10:21 CrimsonLotus wrote: The problem that i see with this build is the fact that you need a lot of queens to always have ensare available, especially in such an agressive MU such as ZvT when battles occur all the time.
But i dont know, i dont play Zerg or Terran, so i would really love to see a replay an check how does this build works out.
Queens cost 100/100 (basically a mutalisk). I do not worry about ensnare because: 1. Fully upgraded queens have 250 mana- basically 2 ensnares and then a short 50 mana wait till 3 ensnares.
2. They are cheep
So i think i can make enough for my needs.
On October 27 2008 11:30 Pokebunny wrote: Err, last question. Your zerg on coke? Is there some reason this is related to coke in any way, or some analogy, or.... It doesn't make sense to me.
I have no idea, i thought about it- and came up with this correlation to try and make you happy.
"Cocain makes you feel exited, jumpy, and your brain goes crazy fast." that is what i like my zerg army to feel and look like when i play this build.
United States3824 Posts
I'm going to avoid reading all of the comments because they might make me change my mind when I say that I am really excited that people can still come up with creative build orders
2 questions for you misrah
1) Assuming you crush the T's late midgame push with 3-4 tanks 2ish control groups of mnm plus vessel. Expand a few more times? Get ovie speed+drops? I've tried the build a few times and a couple times i've won the first huge battle, then just becasue of lack of experience with the build, not known what to do next.
2) When do you normally take your 3rd, then 4th expo
I think an easy example of what I"m saying is like on bluestorm. Terran is pushing through the middle with tanks, and you have no way of flanking him because he's spread out, and you can't ensnare his entire force (that's IF ensnare is out with energy by 9-10 minutes that it takes him to get to your base), so there's no way you're going to be able to attack him with any results.
On October 27 2008 05:54 Misrah wrote: @ t_co
DPS: Glad you brought this up. It's true that DPS of rines is greater than zerg, and lings tend to "pop" before they get to thier marine targets. But your thinking about standard ZVT play. I will explain to you why i think that with my strat i can overcome this.
1. Hydra: When you have a lurk ling army, the AI of the marine will shoot the lings first because the are "the greatest" threat. I change this up with my hydra because the hydra will engage the marines, causing marine AI to attack the hydra, thus allowing my higher DPS lings to get closer to thier targets.
Even so the ball of rines would still do more net DPS than your hydra/ling combo.
2. Surface area: Terran Units become less and less cost effective the more fronts of battle they are presented with. I try and exploit this fact because I am using 3 highly mobile units- Zergling, Hydra, and Queens. With increased surface area- I once again am gaining an advantage.
Again this depends on you getting ensnare out fast. What if T hits you before ensnare? Or worse yet, starts a contain at your choke with bunkers and tanks before your queen is out? (Ensnare doesn't work on buildings)
3. Ensnare: Ensnare lowers the DPS and MOBILITY of any unit- stimmed or not. Ensnare compliments the above two points perfectly, and helps to solidify my thoughts and ideas about this pesudo style ZVT.
Again, what if he hits your pre-ensnare timing window, it will be very easy to do so.
The DPS rate of marines also has a relationship with HP that you forgot to mention. Medics are what allow marines to go crazy DPS, T's medic count will take some time to increase to the point that you can stim marines as liberaly as you are talking about- with ensnare and aggressive play, i never intend to let this happen. Withought medics, stimmed marines are not scary- especially in ensnare, stim does nothing. Basically, by the time T has enough medics to facilitate liberal use of stim- i with have many ensnares to counter.
As far as Muta- and no muta rush: I deal with this fact simply as a matter of spending. Insted of buying 9-12 muta for 1200/1200 i can get 4 hatch, 24 drones, 16 hydra, or 48 lings. Plus a few upgrades, and considering the fact that my economy is stronger than 3hatch because i now have 4-5 hatch with drones pumping, the increased amount of rax, can be compared to the economy increase i also have gained.
Irradidate- My only question to you is- how long do you think vessles can survive if there are 1345194586 hydra swarming around? Queen are fast- and can run away quite well. It will be more of a challange to irrad a queen than a luker, ultra or defiler.
This strat is not a two base build, on the contrary it's expansive and mineral intensive. With increased produciton facilities earlier in this strat i can facilitate more drones, faster- matching anything terran can throw at me.
As for being manly- ya i think that zerg players should forgo fancy cute shit and just throw wave after wave of units. I embrace zerg mentality, and with this idea and strat, i am trying to find away for thier true mentality to shine.
IT's hard to do that off of 2 base, it would take so long for your eco to get up and running that the T would simply steamroll you. You need to save some replays with a T with decent macro/mechanics because I seriously doubt the viability of this build.