On August 14 2009 22:28 ghostWriter wrote: -It's been said that you really dislike being called the successor to the Bonjwas. ▲If I look at all of the Bonjwa sunbae gamers that came before me, they all have impressive career records and were all very popular. However, I don't think that I have reached the height of my career yet. Rather than getting caught up in the Bonjwa arguments, I will just play my hardest until my retirement. I believe that the concept of the Bonjwa is just talk from an earlier period and I will just maintain my abilities until I reach my last days as a gamer.
This should be posted every single time someone starts the whole bonjwa crap again
On August 14 2009 22:53 Holgerius wrote: I don't know why, but Jaedong doesn't, in comparison to for instance Bisu, come off as arrogant when he exclaims ''I will definitely win this tournament and capture the Golden Mouse''.
To me it looked more like "i will show everyone that i am not slumping by giving my best use my full strength to get this golden mouse to shrug off any comments about my bad play" rather than "lol yarnc sux, golden mouse is mine 100%", so yeah - agreed
On August 15 2009 03:05 B1nary wrote: Jaedong really is wrath incarnate. "You cheese me bitch, I'll cheese you right back."
Yeah, I thought JD would 5 pool at some point just because of his vengeful mindset, like he did against Skyhigh in WL finals. Still was scary as fuck when he did it though D:
GJ JD and ty for the translations
It was actually a 4pool, but I feel that it was totally justified, especially for revenge. Fantasy cheesed him right out of a proleague victory (although if I were him, I probably would have done the same thing).
I know it was a 4 pool, I just thought he would 5 pool
"I will capture the golden mouse" Nice statement! I REALLY hope Jaedong wins this one. Yellow winning the OSL would put me on tilt more so than when Luxury stole Jangbis MSL.
Jaedong is my hero.. thanks for the awesome translation and after his Golden Mouse, JD can finally get some rest and with this interview all that Bonjwa bullcrap can stop too
On August 14 2009 Jaedong said: ▲After I lost yesterday to Calm, I felt that he must have prepared very thoroughly. Even in the first game, I won simply because he made a mistake, not because I played well. I definitely wanted to win, but since I wasn't really ready for those games, I wouldn't have been happy even if I won.
I'm glad he's said that because I believed that to be the case. It would have taken a monstrous effort by Jaedong to beat Calm's preparation, luckily for him he didn't waste too much time. Calm's play in the series was nothing short of incredible. The flawless execution of the overgas vs overpool was especially impressive imo. I can't wait for the final now. The fact it's a ZvZ final doesn't really reduce the excitement for me.
On August 14 2009 Jaedong said: ▲After I lost yesterday to Calm, I felt that he must have prepared very thoroughly. Even in the first game, I won simply because he made a mistake, not because I played well. I definitely wanted to win, but since I wasn't really ready for those games, I wouldn't have been happy even if I won.
I'm glad he's said that because I believed that to be the case. It would have taken a monstrous effort by Jaedong to beat Calm's preparation, luckily for him he didn't waste too much time. Calm's play in the series was nothing short of incredible. The flawless execution of the overgas vs overpool was especially impressive imo. I can't wait for the final now. The fact it's a ZvZ final doesn't really reduce the excitement for me.
Yeah, Calm was really ready, you could see it in every one of his plays, including the hidden 6 lings on carthage. It's hard to believe, but Jaedong was simply outclassed in zvz. However, he is in the finals of the more prestigious tournament and was able to get revenge for his proleague grand final loss, which is more important.
A little off-topic...Is it weird to think that Lux might not help Yellow practice for these finals? Somehow I get the feeling they won't practice together.
On August 14 2009 22:28 ghostWriter wrote: -It seems that many players have finally grasped an understanding of your play. ▲I can almost feel their team's analysis of my play in my opponents' strategies. However, this is just another motivation for me to elevate my play to the next level. As they work hard to beat me, I must work even harder to become an even better player. Although I feel pressured sometimes, this pressure is what is pushing me to become the best. Working hard to become a perpetually strong player is very important to me.
-It's been said that you really dislike being called the successor to the Bonjwas. ▲If I look at all of the Bonjwa sunbae gamers that came before me, they all have impressive career records and were all very popular. However, I don't think that I have reached the height of my career yet. Rather than getting caught up in the Bonjwa arguments, I will just play my hardest until my retirement. I believe that the concept of the Bonjwa is just talk from an earlier period and I will just maintain my abilities until I reach my last days as a gamer.
-Do you have any last words? ▲I really wanted to have the winner's interview. Since I advanced and am able to give this interview, I am very happy. Although yesterday's loss (to Calm in the semi-finals of the Avalon MSL) was a disappointment, it's a relief to advance in this tournament. I want to thank all the people who have been worried about me lately. As I raise the Golden Mouse, I will show everyone that there is no slump. After the Proleague Grand Finals, there was a lot of talk on community sites that thoughtlessly criticize our team. Even though I lost in the ace match on the second day, my teammates were the ones that made the opportunity for an ace match possible. Also, without my teammates, I wouldn't be the player that I am today. I hope that people will stop calling Hwaseung Oz a one man team. Everyone has been working hard, it's just that the results didn't show our effort and I hope that everyone will anticipate our next season. Finally, I want to thank those players who stayed to help me practice (rather than going on vacation): ggaemo, killer, Hiya and Lomo. I would also like to thank the players on other teams that helped me practice.