I fell in love with this game back 2019 or some years after Remastered was launched. It was a big rewind from when i was a child and watched my brother play the original campaign and ruined it by overwriting his save file, while wasting docent of mutalisks in some level. I even played some pirated version without audio for a short time in my early preteens, fun though i never felt in love with it at that point.
Only later after i graduated from school and got into university i rediscovered it and have been playing non stop at some points with some big breaks and sometimes short ones.
I think it is a great game to learn to analyze stuff, manage stress, build yourself a routine and a plan and work on it, while testing it in a real competitive environment. Watch Pros and test their builds, having fun. Its fun to perfect your strategies, improve your abilities, test different settings and how they affect your performance or not like hotkeys, screen resolution and technology doping,etc.
Non the less starcraft is very grinding and the community can be very nice and often also very toxic. It is fun to see different people and cultures online and the korean culture we get exposed is also amazing to see in VODs, translation videos, etc.
Though this game has a lot to offer, i feel like it has a lot of requirements as well... Computer, a good internet connection, some decent desk, good lighting(sun shining on reflecting screen not so good...), mental fortitude,non stop attention when playing(most times),etc. If not your experience can suffer a lot ... And you level literally decreases, for a thing that takes a lot of your time with minimal reward.
This is probably also one of the main things that limits starcraft 1 growing possibility and predefines its social groups.
But lets be honest their are just better games out there, and our time on this earth is limited. I feel like Chess an other passion of mine is just better in every regard. You can literally play it vs anyone, it is booming like never before, you dont even need to waste your eye light to play it, even playing it blind with a somewhat normal experience is possible. You can play it only on your phone, computer with minimal investment and poor internet. Play offline vs god or different levels. Keep your mind sharp, specially while your body gets older. I love starcraft, but these past months it just feels like a waste of time when i try to play it and even though i like to watch epic games of soulkey. It feels at some point enough is enough...
Leonix, I respect your opinion. I like both chess and starcraft. It is easier to play chess against all levels of players, including vs computers. But BW remains the best game ever invented.
Look at this game between Sk and FlaSh to cheer you up!
Im just answering your title and thats a yes. SCR will always be a waste of time and a way to procrastinate your life but if you still accept that and keep on playing you have made a choice.
You will thereby sacrifice time you could have spent on creating an awesome product or service or a great experience in some other form.
Chess as SCR is also a drug. Ive spent days going around thinking about moves and imo its not that much healthier than SCR in terms of wasting your time. At least not if ure a competitive person that always strive to be better at any cost.
I don't think there is a better game out there, but the game is still 25 years old and most of the posters here have several thousand hours playtime so feeling that way is totally natural.Try different game modes, just playing one day a week or just take a break for a while and do other things.
There are tons of better single player games, but BW is the best multiplayer game. The best RTS by far. Chess is boring since it comes with it's own permanent maphack and you'll always have to wait your opponent's next move. You may as well play HoMM 3 if you enjoy waiting for your opponent to make his moves.
Moving units, micro, in BW requires skill, moving a chess piece doesn't. BW has sound, chess doesn't. In BW you can always play better, in chess you cannot. Remastered added more colours to embrace gender-/sexuality positivity. Meanwhile chess is still racist, black vs white. Chess only seems sophisticated because there is checkers. BW is sophiscated regardless whether SC2 is there or not. I could continue, but you should have caught my drift by now.
On April 13 2023 18:45 Peeano wrote: Remastered added more colours to embrace gender-/sexuality positivity. Meanwhile chess is still racist, black vs white.
Excuse me, was it a joke or you seriously called chess racist?
On April 13 2023 18:45 Peeano wrote: Remastered added more colours to embrace gender-/sexuality positivity. Meanwhile chess is still racist, black vs white.
Excuse me, was it a joke or you seriously called chess racist?
Yes. This is well known.
In chess, there is a general consensus among players and theorists that the player who makes the first move (White) has an inherent advantage. Since 1851, compiled statistics support this view; White consistently wins slightly more often than Black, usually scoring between 52 and 56 percent.
On April 13 2023 18:45 Peeano wrote: There are tons of better single player games, but BW is the best multiplayer game. The best RTS by far. Chess is boring since it comes with it's own permanent maphack and you'll always have to wait your opponent's next move. You may as well play HoMM 3 if you enjoy waiting for your opponent to make his moves.
Moving units, micro, in BW requires skill, moving a chess piece doesn't. BW has sound, chess doesn't. In BW you can always play better, in chess you cannot. Remastered added more colours to embrace gender-/sexuality positivity. Meanwhile chess is still racist, black vs white. Chess only seems sophisticated because there is checkers. BW is sophiscated regardless whether SC2 is there or not. I could continue, but you should have caught my drift by now.
Chess is a 2 Billion USD Market . Starcraft? Maybe 2 billion wons?
On April 13 2023 18:45 Peeano wrote: There are tons of better single player games, but BW is the best multiplayer game. The best RTS by far. Chess is boring since it comes with it's own permanent maphack and you'll always have to wait your opponent's next move. You may as well play HoMM 3 if you enjoy waiting for your opponent to make his moves.
Moving units, micro, in BW requires skill, moving a chess piece doesn't. BW has sound, chess doesn't. In BW you can always play better, in chess you cannot. Remastered added more colours to embrace gender-/sexuality positivity. Meanwhile chess is still racist, black vs white. Chess only seems sophisticated because there is checkers. BW is sophiscated regardless whether SC2 is there or not. I could continue, but you should have caught my drift by now.
Chess is a 2 Billion USD Market . Starcraft? Maybe 2 billion wons?
Are you playing chess professionally? If not, the money in it is irrelevant, a lot of us play football or other sports, it s so many billions dollars worldwide but it doesnt matter because we re not making any money of it, if anything we re losing money by paying for season fees etc.
Leonix it comes down to what you like to do, if you enjoy the game at times (any game) then i d argue it s worth it for you, personally. It could be chess, playing an instrument, having a drink, whatever, that s your life. Not anything has to be money making or grand standing. Sure if you could cure cancer or play bw, perhaps cancer research should come first but otherwise do what you want with your time. There is no meaning to existence but what we make of it
On April 14 2023 00:17 Artosis wrote: the struggle against yourself and towards improvement in the most mechanically difficult game ever created will never be a waste of time.
sitting on ladder cheesing and doing only tricks to gain fake MMR will always be a waste of time.
On April 14 2023 00:17 Artosis wrote: the struggle against yourself and towards improvement in the most mechanically difficult game ever created will never be a waste of time.
sitting on ladder cheesing and doing only tricks to gain fake MMR will always be a waste of time.
Playing Starcraft and actively trying to climb the ladder/sharpen your skills is absolutely a big time sink, very grindy and mentally punishing. I think what your doing though is assigning a job type function to something that's a hobby and your attitude is going south.
I don't play Starcraft on the ladder with any expectation to win, I win probably 1 out of 6 games. I have a career, a wife, a baby son, I don't have time to sink hours a day into ladder games and sharpening my mechanics and studying games and memorizing build orders, my free time is far too limited for that at this point in my life.
But watching ASL and listening to Tasteosis do their thing? Way more fun use of my time, and if I want to go play BGH or Desert Strike whats wrong with that? I love Chess but wouldn't waste a second of my time watching people play it, even Magnus, it's just plain boring as hell. Fun to play but was designed about 4K years before the internet so spectator sport wasn't exactly in mind I'm sure.
On April 13 2023 12:53 Leonix wrote: I fell in love with this game back 2019 or some years after Remastered was launched. It was a big rewind from when i was a child and watched my brother play the original campaign and ruined it by overwriting his save file, while wasting docent of mutalisks in some level. I even played some pirated version without audio for a short time in my early preteens, fun though i never felt in love with it at that point.
Only later after i graduated from school and got into university i rediscovered it and have been playing non stop at some points with some big breaks and sometimes short ones.
I think it is a great game to learn to analyze stuff, manage stress, build yourself a routine and a plan and work on it, while testing it in a real competitive environment. Watch Pros and test their builds, having fun. Its fun to perfect your strategies, improve your abilities, test different settings and how they affect your performance or not like hotkeys, screen resolution and technology doping,etc.
Non the less starcraft is very grinding and the community can be very nice and often also very toxic. It is fun to see different people and cultures online and the korean culture we get exposed is also amazing to see in VODs, translation videos, etc.
Though this game has a lot to offer, i feel like it has a lot of requirements as well... Computer, a good internet connection, some decent desk, good lighting(sun shining on reflecting screen not so good...), mental fortitude,non stop attention when playing(most times),etc. If not your experience can suffer a lot ... And you level literally decreases, for a thing that takes a lot of your time with minimal reward.
This is probably also one of the main things that limits starcraft 1 growing possibility and predefines its social groups.
But lets be honest their are just better games out there, and our time on this earth is limited. I feel like Chess an other passion of mine is just better in every regard. You can literally play it vs anyone, it is booming like never before, you dont even need to waste your eye light to play it, even playing it blind with a somewhat normal experience is possible. You can play it only on your phone, computer with minimal investment and poor internet. Play offline vs god or different levels. Keep your mind sharp, specially while your body gets older. I love starcraft, but these past months it just feels like a waste of time when i try to play it and even though i like to watch epic games of soulkey. It feels at some point enough is enough...
I play SC because it's fun. And when I stop having fun with SC, then I stop playing it for a while. It's as simple as that.