Poll: Should I upload higher quality commentary vods as a torrent? (Vote): Yes! (Vote): No! (Vote): Who are you?
Hey guys,
As you know i've been making commentaries of some time now. Unfortunately the problem with youtube and google video is both quality as well as having to break up files into parts.
Anyway I have the original, higher quality vods stored on my hard drive - about 5 gigs worth and was thinking of uploading them. But it's a lot of vods and my bandwidth isn't amazing so I don't want to do it unless people actually want me to. So let me know what you guys think.
Also if anyone can help me out with this project it would be great. I.e. if someone else wants to seed these vods for me and has a good connection? I could upload them to your FTP or whatever and you can then seed them. Alternatively, I can burn them onto a DVD and post them out to you.
If anyone can help out feel free to send me a PM.
Looking forward to a new season of sc.
Personally. I don't think the quality is bad at all, especially for what they are. I don't quite see the point of high quality starcraft vods, I mean we all know what everything looks like, there isn't many games I'd want to see in high quality (though I'll admit a few, like the final msl stork vs bisu game). However I'd just like to say how much I love your commentaries and how much they taught me when I was getting back into the game, and how much perspective on the scene they gave me. So by all means keep it up.
You could also try stage6 or one of the other high quality streaming sites.
Canada7170 Posts
I'm indifferent, really. I think it would be appreciated by the community, especially those who have the time to watch the vods (I don't have that sort of time). It is always much more fun to watch a higher quality vod, simply because it is easier to make observations for yourself about the game (i.e. the minimap, upgrades).
Do it if you have the time, and don't go out of your way. I can't help initially seed, but I can leave my computer on for a while, and help seed afterwards.
Stage6 is good for high-quality streaming videos.
Klaz, you commentary is gold. I think you are a huge asset into attracting more starcraft fans. I know it raised my love for the game and I know of friends who get all (yes, ALL) their starcraft knowledge from you. Nice to see you back.
5007 Posts
Just dropping by to say I love you Klaz and you are pro.
Oh cool. Now I have to go and check out Stage6!
Trinidad/Tobago1177 Posts
Klaz, best english commentary available atm ! I've seen almost all of your commentaries and really enjoy them. Greatly apreciated ! Keep it up.
stage6 is the best, everything should be thrown on there
Good to see you are still active in the community Klazart. =)
I would appreciate higher quality versions for sure. It's not a necessity but it's always more fun when it's higher quality. Also, how many people would burn these to a DVD and watch them on their tv? I know I certainly would.
OMFG Klaz goes on TL like the rest of us??? It's such an honour to be in posting in your thread.
Never heard your audio Klazart but I am very interested  as others have said Stage6 is great for this and you can then organise the files on Joox
I'd say do it for major starcraft matches (semis, grand finals, and otherwise epic battles)
honestly, i wish the quality was JUST high enough so i could read the supply numbers when they switch to first person view...that's all I ask for
Netherlands1231 Posts
Hey Klaz
I don't think the current quality of the videos is that bad. I still enjoy them a great deal. I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have access to higher quality videos, but if it's going to be a lot of work for you it's probably not worth it. I mean, you sacrifice so much of your time to benefit the SC community as it is. Personally I'd rather see you spending your free time making new commentaries as oppose to uploading your old ones. That's just my opinion. Keep up the great work!!!
Another thing to note, you can also dl from stage6 and you can TRULY fullscreen the stream.
klazzart is back for more commentating?!
a couple of developments
I've uploaded the vods to ztatic who has been nice enough to put up a torrent, so that should be forth coming in a couple of days. Big thanks to him as well as to everyone else who offered to help.
There are also a website or two that are looking into hosting the vods in a downloadable/streaming capacity but that is still "in the pipeline" for the moment. I'll try and put out atleast one or two commentaries a week for now but can't make any promises.
Thansk to everyoen who replied to the poll.
I see no need. I mean the quality in youtube has been enough for me ^^.