lepacione left for no reason a winning game 20231116/142520 and we lost the game therefore.
I've decided to give up on old domain and move to new domain bghmmr.pl. Sorry for inconvenience.
ban: swiroslaw
reason: just randomly leaves for no reason after 2 minutes in game.
Ban Request: lepacione
As previous users noted, hes a toxic player with a big mouth that goes carrier every single game while complaining about other teammates.
Please don't ban lepacione, because having him in the opposite team drastically increases chance for winning.
I just registered here to report a player "Closcd" who shows some bad manners. He leaves ladder game because some newbie in our team refused to scout. Besides he is flamming, using bad words. Not a first game like this...
Please Ban ChRh[3.33] for leaving after countdown began.
If that would be the real ChRh then it would be insane: ChRh
Ban request: Closcd game number: 20231204/050729 reason unallied and kill the team. I also request a ban for Anal_intruder for BM. please bring back the ban rule for BM!
You should be banned for BM too, telling someone he was abused by his father should be insta banned. I will provide replay if needed or check this game: 20231204/050729
the accout to ban is xebek.47
... how absurd is that. In the end it's up to you whether you let yourself be insulted, doesn't recognize you and your father, he doesn't want to provoke anything more. You should also read the rules. BM is not a reason for a ban