The list was already posted several times in the first few pages of this thread. It's essentially a who's who of pro gaming. One of the few big names not on the list is Flash. No way of knowing how legit the list is though.
Here's what the guy posted in the dcinside link that was deleted. Had the window opened when I fell asleep while watching the proleague matches. If someone wants to translate, feel free.
Thinking about it, I'm not surprised at all that Flash's name isn't on the list.
While some people like sAviOr seem to be new-money splurging kids (see: Rolex), Flash sends almost all of his winnings/salary to his parents. They have a savings account or mutual fund or something set up for him that they put all his money in, so that he'll be able to live comfortably once he retires.
In other words, Flash is thinking long-term and wouldn't be apt to take up risky short-time corruption deals anyway. He's not the sort who's wasting all his winnings on hookers and blow.
Even if Korean law prevents criminal names from being released, let's be real. We'll know if they get arrested. "SKT1 announced today that Bisu, BeSt, and fantasy all decided to retire for unspecified reasons, and they can't be reached for interviews." Come on.
edit: and Estro owes Ret a big apology if it turns out that it was SangHo or UpMaGiC who leaked those replays. Seriously.
I'm not going to say anything until the investigation gets finished, but I do know one thing; Once the list of those involved comes out, I'll know the new list of who I'm an anti-fan of.
On April 13 2010 08:47 Housemd wrote: I think by now ESPORTS would have released the list if it was up to them, however South Korean law prevents that from happening.
Starcraft is going to be hugely affected by this, i wasn't aware of the Warcraft 3 incident since i haven't been following RTS for that long but i believe that something huge could happen that will destroy starcraft.
The main impact that this has on now is Starcraft 2, we have to look at the future, not the past. Think about this: if Starcraft 1 will go down, what will happen to Starcraft 2???
Not going to matter because Kespa will not have complete control of the pro circuit.
Bisu, Jaedong, Stork, Leta, Movie, Best, Fantasy, and Effort? That's like the top echelon of current gamers out there.. hoping for some clarification and cleared of guilt soon.. :/
edit: There's gonna be hell breaking loose, if some of these guys go down..
What with all the people in this thread who are OK with players throwing games? Is it a cultural thing?
In the US any kind of cheating like that and that person's name will be dirt for the rest of their life and they will never get another ounce of respect.
HOLY MOTHER OF.... seriously?!?! I feel like a lot of the players on the so-called "list" are being speculated just because of recent slumps they've had and let's be honest its hard to be on the top for such a long time esp. with the current level of skill.
Even if Korean law prevents criminal names from being released, let's be real. We'll know if they get arrested. "SKT1 announced today that (P)Bisu, (P)BeSt, and (T)fantasy all decided to retire for unspecified reasons, and they can't be reached for interviews." Come on.
Did this actually happen or are you just speculating? I was trying to look through FOMOS articles and didn't find anything related to this.
I really really really hope most of the guys on this list aren't really involved and are just being speculated due to recent slumps. This is REALLY bad for StarCraft and progaming in general.
Some day one of them will inspire and coach a group of brothers who want to use Kung-Fu to play Starcraft (points to you if you get the reference). Wait for the results of the investigation. Don't get your panties in a bundle. At least the TL SC2 tourney was legit.