I hate two of the people I know best, and theoretically the ones I should be best friends with.
I have 5 other guys I know that I am really good friends with, i mean I have known them and we've been good friends watching out for each other and everything for the last like 6 years or so (i'm in high school now, going into senior year).
There are two of them that are very disrespectful of the friendship when it is convenient to them, but yet I enjoy hanging out with them the most, even though their behavior often angers me.
But then there are two others that are most similar to me, are very good guys and I probably identify with the most. And I want to like them, and I have in the past, but for some reason i just secretly...hate them. I find reasons to disagree with what they are saying, I'm a dick to them even when I really shouldn't be, even if I just pretend to be joking. I think part of it stems from the fact that one of them is very similar to me personality wise, except he's almost better at being me than I am (we are both very outgoing guys, cracking jokes at every instance etc...). And the other one has basically been really...not unpopular, but generally a very introverted guy and didn't know that many people throughout most of the time i've known him, and suddenly he has this really hot girlfriend and thinks hes the shit. I don't think I'm jealous of that, at least on a level that i'm conscious of.
But it is just driving me insane. I am good friends with these people....but I hate them. I just despise everything they say, I disagree even when I secretly agree just to piss them off. I mean the guy with the girlfriend I hate because I justify him as being arrogant, but he really ISN'T that arrogant, and he's pretty easy going. I hate the fact that I can see that i'm wrong, but I still feel the same way....
So anyway....i just wanted to share. i know there are going to be "blah blah you're in high school...blah blah drama is dumb" responses so just can it for now people.
I think you hate them because you're jealous and you're in denial.
Ummm I agree with paper. I never really gave a shit about people though. I am just fine being alone.
people have many flaws, make many mistakes. most people are very shallow, very petty. even friends. better yourself by being understanding. it will build self confidence. let others have their flaws, forgive their mistakes. do the same for yourself as well.
there is no easy answer, you just have to do it, it's a sacrifice. but if you can make the sacrifice, over and over, never stopping you will become a great person with a very clear mind
just do this and don't worry about it
You don't have to care about respect. If that's who you are that's who you are. Maybe you eventually end up with friends that don't care about respect, nobody cares, and everything's good.
If you do care about respect, well, then channel your inner emo dude and tell the two friends you hate, you're too much like me only better at being me and it bugs me, just wanted to let you know, and i always thought of you as an average dude and now you have a hot girlfriend and you act like you're the shit, bugs me, just wanted to let you know. And that it makes you subconsciously want to hate them, but you don't want to. Possible results is 1) your secretly festering hate is released and you no longer care 2) hate is still there and they know, but they act slightly differently around you and everything's cool 3) they decide you're a bastard and tell you to screw off. but at least it's the truth, and now they're the dicks because you were honest and nice about it.
and your friend has a hot chick, which attracts other hot chicks, your friend is unavailable and less cool than you, how is this bad?
deal with it. That's my advice.
On May 18 2009 12:46 igotmyown wrote: You don't have to care about respect. If that's who you are that's who you are. Maybe you eventually end up with friends that don't care about respect, nobody cares, and everything's good.
If you do care about respect, well, then channel your inner emo dude and tell the two friends you hate, you're too much like me only better at being me and it bugs me, just wanted to let you know, and i always thought of you as an average dude and now you have a hot girlfriend and you act like you're the shit, bugs me, just wanted to let you know. And that it makes you subconsciously want to hate them, but you don't want to. Possible results is 1) your secretly festering hate is released and you no longer care 2) hate is still there and they know, but they act slightly differently around you and everything's cool 3) they decide you're a bastard and tell you to screw off. but at least it's the truth, and now they're the dicks because you were honest and nice about it.
and your friend has a hot chick, which attracts other hot chicks, your friend is unavailable and less cool than you, how is this bad?
yeah my friend has a hot chick...but her friends are all pretttty ugly. and most girls that i know in my grade are either with someone currently or are uninteresting to me. I've never been the kind of guy just to have a girlfriend for the hell of it. /tangent
I mean I care about respect, I respect even those two that don't. But even if they do something that pisses me off, looking back on it I really can't find the urge to get pissed off. So i guess i don't really care, who knows. I don't think I'll tell them whats bugging me, mostly because i'm lazy and this really isn't a big enough of a deal to make me shift my entire life and cause anger and drama and shit. I think i'm subconsciously jealous of a lot of stuff that goes on and I don't realize it, like when my two "disrespectful" friends go off and do something stupid, I'm usually more angry at the fact I wasn't "in the loop" at the time, rather than the actual act.
I'll probably just end up dealing with it, but it's still interesting to hear others thoughts on the matter since i can't really discuss it with anyone i would traditionally talk to, for obvious reasons.