So finally, I delve into the vast ocean of pee that is ICCUP blogs to make my own contribution.
Past achievements: 3-2 D in season #7 (haven't played much more than that)
The current state of affairs is: 11-8 D (1886) one game away from D+?
Current mood: I feel great. With some luck, I may finally be able to call myself a true D+ player and not have to use the "estimated" word to describe my level of play. Also, when you start getting into it, ICCUP becomes pretty enjoyable despite how impersonal it can feel. My zerg play has increased to an all time high in regard to skill. Yes, I actually played mostly zerg while arguably my terran and protoss play is much stronger. So if my zerg is D+, what about my other races? Oh joy.
Leasons learned: - There is a noticable skill gap between D, D+ and C- players. And I seem to fit in pretty well with the D+ crowd judging from how hard it is to play against the C- bullies while many of the D level players seem to be a little confused and slow.
- My ZvP is abysmally bad. 1 game won and 5 lost. It's actually so bad that I keep on changing between strategies all the time, resorting to cheeses, all-ins, sneak expansions to try to cheat myself through the game. The protosses I've met seem to be used to desperation. The results speak clearly.
- Murphy's law proves itself to hold true as probably the only game of the bunch I felt very pleased with turns out to save a corrupted replay file.
Please post any thoughts, reflections, ideas, insulting innuendo etc...
Oh yea, one more lesson. You play a lot better when you play just to play compared to when you're "reaching" for those few extra points.
go stenole aox beast
Anytime you wanna play =)
Sorry to break it to you bro but until you can stay consistantly with d+(i.e not go back to d) you wont be a true d+ player..kind of like me trying to break the c- ranks T_T
And : yes there is a gap between d/d+ which frustrated me because i could bash the d players easily but against d+ it was like they were so much better it was ridiculous
D+ isn't a real rank, it is a go between. There is no balance or average D+ level. It varies wildly from game to game.
I think theres an average D+ person. D+ is when you can't reach C- so you're stuck at D= level
On April 21 2009 07:16 Racenilatr wrote: I think theres an average D+ person. D+ is when you can't reach C- so you're stuck at D= level It is possible to average D+ but its weird. Its like either lucky D's or wayward c- players. I've had to climb threw the d ranks like a million times this season due to all the ladders and each time there are so many gross inequalities between the gamers/games.
If D+ is a go between AZ would you say C+/B+ is also?(obviously not the a ranks because all of them are pros anyway
16946 Posts
Never estimate your rank.
I always tell people I'm a D+ high because it's the truth. No point extrapolating anything
United States889 Posts
On April 21 2009 05:55 stenole wrote: - My ZvP is abysmally bad.
I guarantee mine is worse, playing at about your level. I keep feeling like if I could only learn how to beat 1 gate/2 gate, I might actually do better than 1-7 in the matchup . Oh, and that one victory was against a fast expander. Today.
The lower ranks are so strange because even with a low win rate against even-skilled opponents you will rise.So in a way you could argue that ICCUP ranks don't really come into play until higher up because players should be naturally climb just by being active. Also I get the impression that a lot of people reset to be able to win a lot again. So you have lots of over-skilled people hanging out in the slums of D rank. Sometimes I wish for a "fairer" ladder where there are no resets, where you win as many points as the other guy loses (with some magical mechanic that penalizes inactivity) and where players don't pick and choose who to play against. But looking at reality, ICCUP does pretty well as a ladder.
what the hell is happening on iccup, 24 pages of complains are not answere, i 've done one ~four days ago and still nothing. I know they are busy but they always answered in 2 days at most, is something happening?
REMEMBER "Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own.
Empty your mind. Become formless and shapeless like water. When water is poured into a cup, it becomes the cup. When water is poured into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, my friend.
Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.
A goal is not always meant to be reached; it often serves simply as something to aim at." -Bruce Lee