On August 24 2008 17:03 drug_vict1m wrote: start going to the swimming pool as it may help you in your posture. maybe walking witha backpack which will indicate stgaight up walking meditation or/and yoga.
Are you kidding a backpack ... those fuck up your bad so badly...
Backpacks are like the number 1 reason for crooked backs among young people...
When I was young (3-6) my parents made me sleep on wood covered by a thin (like t-shirt thin) blanket to make sure my back grew straight. Maybe that was just an excuse though, seeing as we were poor. Assuming it had some value (I do have good posture), I'm still not sure if it could help you now that you have mostly stopped growing. See your chiropractor?
you guys must be walking rather retarded to be getting back damage from a backpack, maybe try keeping ur back straight?
for OP, maybe try standing in front of mirror for 3 hours focussing on standing up straight with good posture. and then for the rest of the week constantly think about sitting straight / standing straight with good posture. i dont know, maybe write all over your arms "STAND UP STRAIGHT" "NO CROOKED BACK" "STRAIGHT BACK GETS THE GIRLS" to remind you to sit up straight
sorry i dont have any other ideas, just perseverance and repetition?
uh i think people don't really notice when they are sitting bad, so it's like put a little sticky.. "sit up straight !" for me i just have a picture of the hunchback of Notre dame thingy =/
I'm still fixing my posture, but it's already lot better now. I only slouch slightly when I'm standing up and opening my wallet, or something similar. All I do is position the workspace around my computer so that sitting up straight is natural and comfortable. Also when walking around, I constantly remind myself to keep my back straight. It is meant to be difficult, your muscles aren't use to it, but you have to push yourself.
The type of chair you have could affect this also, especially for people like us who sit at the computer.
United States22883 Posts
Stomach strength is also a big part of all back issues. My sitting posture is usually not that great but when I walk I stand tall tightening my abs a bit and pulling my shoulder blades back.
I have really bad posture too. I think its just one of those things that tends to come with height (I know at least 2 other guys who are 6'2" or taller who have bad posture as well). Not sure how to fix it. I've tried to 'stand up straight' for a few weeks and correct my slouching all the time. Didn't really do anything.
Contrary to belief, bad posture is not from lack of confidence. It just conveys lack of confidence to people via misread body language.
Its just one of those things yubee, We have to bend down to get our hair wet in the shower, bend down to see our face in the mirror, to wash our hands in the sink, chairs,cars,couches,&beds not made for people that are taller. fuck even now looking at the monitor I'd have to prop it up like 1-2 feet in order for it to be at exact eye level while sitting up completely straight. (watch out for the branches and spiderwebs)