As a disclaimer, the quality isn't great so I'm having trouble seeing the supply count and your resources; don't expect many comments on either :p I'll just add to this as I watch.
Is your intial hatchery hotkeyed? I'm at the point where you've just laid down your pool, and you keep clicking on it to build drones. It's far easier to hotkey your hatcheries and macro if you don't already.
It would probably be safer to drone scout somewhere along the line (9drone if you're paranoid, 12drone if not) so that you can at least get a look at his Barracks count/Refinery timing before he walls up his ramp with Marines.
Normally you get your Extractor at around 16 supply, make a drone, and then make an overlord at 16. I think you got your gas around 18, which is alright I guess but I can't see a real point to it.
By this point I'm 99% sure you don't hotkey your hatcheries; it would probably be a good idea.
Your Zerglings encounter a bunker, which pretty much screams fast expand.
I'll assume you're going for 3hatch mutalisks by this point; get your 2nd gas shortly after beginning your Lair if that is the case. If you're going for Lurkers you probably won't need it that early.
Oh, you are going for Lurkers, or at least you're dual teching, sexy. I'm noticing a common trend of you being slower than you should be because you're a mouse-heavy user; you should practice hotkeying your hatcheries, common hatchery hotkeys are 34567890, and using hotkeys whenever you build/research. Pressing "vs" to build a Spire is infinitely better than clicking them.
Try to use hotkeys a lot more often.
I think it's kinda dodgy that he's only showing you three marines + whatever is in the bunker. He's either got his army further back in his natural/main, or he's teching fast; you might want to run a zergling in a bit further, or even around the top of his natural, to try to pick up some tells.
While opening Lurker can sometimes be effective, you might not want to make a habit of it; against better Terrans, you need the temporary map control provided by mutalisks in order to get your expansions up and your economy rolling. There was definitely a point where he could have flattened your expansion had he scouted it; luckily for you he didn't 
Man, sAviOr needs to watch this VOD, you make a huge point of getting Adrenal Glands 
You'll notice that, just after your little hold lurker stint, (which unfortunately didn't work I saw you trying to lure him in ) he forms a mini arc around your natural choke. Normally a Terran player would do this right from the start if you open lurkers, and it starts becoming more and more of a bitch to break out.
Seriously dude, hotkey your hatcheries, It'll make things so much easier for you in the long run.
You don't want to charge your Lurkers headfirst at him all from the same direction, it's child's-play for him to just target and kill a few and run away. Try to always attack from as many directions as possible; in this case it would be as simple as sending your Zerglings around from behind at the same time.
You haven't checked for expos at all so far. I'm just sayin'.
Like you mentioned, you could use a few more hatches when you get to ultraling, all of your gas should go into Ultralisks while your minerals make Zerglings and expansions.
The fact that you have to keep moving back to each hatchery to macro is killing you, 1su2su3su4su5sz6sz7sz8sz is so much faster (of course, your hotkey preferences may be different).
Against better Terrans, you would also need defiler tech a lot sooner, probably even before you get Ultralisks. Ultraling is instawin at D/D+, but get any higher and they start to have, *shudder*, timing.
Hahah, I love when my opponent leaves without gg, makes me feel more satisfied for some reason.