But, thing is, I don't know if she likes me back(Oh god, how many times have you heard this one XD). Well, anyways, I like this girl, she's pretty cool, she's really short but she's really cute ^.^
Ok, aside from that, I started talking to her(I started talking to her as a Junior, she was a freshman). We got along so well when we talked, but we'd rarely talk(weird eh), but when I'd see her, we'd always end up walking together somewhere, chatting it up. Now, Senior year, it's like the same again, except this time I added her on myspace and msn(and she stole my phone once and put her phone number in it :D) so we're able to talk even more.
Well, thing is, I fell in love with her. I think she just sees me as a best friend, but I don't just want to be her best friend, I want her to be a part of my life. I fell hard when I fell in love with her, but, I don't know if she feels the same way.
Anyone got some tips, things I should do in order to get that "hint hint" from her, etc? I am too shy to admit my feelings for her, so I'm like trying to get her feelings out first(so we can end up both admitting our feelings in the end, so it will be special in some sort of way I guess D: ). Or, she can say she likes someone else and I'll be crushed.
Blargh XD
EDIT: Pic of her + Show Spoiler +Her zipper earring is awesome :D
Don't say anything, just enjoy what you have. You risk screwing everything up. That was the first piece of relationship advice I have given in my life, feel special.
On January 22 2008 14:08 Pwntrucci[sR] wrote: Don't say anything, just enjoy what you have. You risk screwing everything up. That was the first piece of relationship advice I have given in my life, feel special.
Meh, you're right about one thing, not doing anything about it and just keeping it the way it is, but, thing is, I don't want to keep it like this; I want to go to new heights with this.
Naturally you should try to get her feelings out first... but if she doesn't like you she might just try to be really nice to you. I was in this situation a couple months ago and I was in it so deep I never realized the blatant hints that she didn't like me. Take everything literally as it happens, but don't over analyze the things in hindsight.
But if it's blatantly obvious that she does like you then you have to put your feelings on the line and tell her. Tread lightly <_<.
Just tell her and see what happens.
On January 22 2008 14:19 conCentrate9 wrote: But if it's blatantly obvious that she does like you then you have to put your feelings on the line and tell her. Tread lightly <_<.
It's getting to this point, I'm just too afraid to tell her, even on MSN LOL!
I don't think she's trying to be nice though; unless she has acted the same way since last year every time we've met :O
On January 22 2008 14:19 Wizard wrote: Just tell her and see what happens.
United States1654 Posts
Since you're so much older than her and don't see her often, why don't you tell her before you go off to college. That way if she does like you, great- if not, then off to college you go!
On January 22 2008 14:20 Scorpion wrote:Show nested quote +On January 22 2008 14:19 conCentrate9 wrote: But if it's blatantly obvious that she does like you then you have to put your feelings on the line and tell her. Tread lightly <_<. It's getting to this point, I'm just too afraid to tell her, even on MSN LOL! I don't think she's trying to be nice though; unless she has acted the same way since last year every time we've met :O
Some people are really good at being fake. Most people even. For the situation you're describing, however, just tell her. It's better knowing for a fact now than wondering what if forever.
On January 22 2008 14:23 SigrUn wrote: Since you're so much older than her and don't see her often, why don't you tell her before you go off to college. That way if she does like you, great- if not, then off to college you go!
I've been thinking that....
I just need a week or so before I can muster up enough balls to tell her and face it like a huge woman because I'll probably go extremely emo if she says no :[
On January 22 2008 14:04 Scorpion wrote: I think she just sees me as a best friend
The thing is... once you're on the friend ladder...you can never get out...
Well if you know her that much IRL, don't be a jackass to tell her on MSN...that's just so lame. Girls usually like guys who have some self-confidence (if you don't have any - like me - try to show some ).
Seriously, just buy her a red rose and get things off your chest...you'll feel better eventually either way if she likes you the same way or not, trust me. I had quite some situations like this (not to scare you away, they never worked out though - but I'm still friends with all those girls, so you really can't loose anything! )
On January 22 2008 14:24 Scorpion wrote: I just need a week or so before I can muster up enough balls to tell her and face it like a huge woman because I'll probably go extremely emo if she says no :[
Yeah it kinda feels like a straight kick to the balls that resonates in your gut emitting vulgarity from your lips. Just hang with your friends if that happens, quickest and most fun way to get over it.
Don't worry about her saying no though, just radiate confidence and she'll swoon for you... maybe.
edit: Yes don't do it over MSN. I'm not sure about the red rose, but some girls do swoon for that so its up to your discretion.
On January 22 2008 14:28 FirstBorn wrote:Show nested quote +On January 22 2008 14:04 Scorpion wrote: I think she just sees me as a best friend
The thing is... once you're on the friend ladder...you can never get out...
Not true, leave for 10 years and come back
It's weird cause I didn't want to hang out with friends or anything, I'd just constantly think about her; I'd ditch my friends sometimes so I could talk to her, and if I did end up going with my friends, I'd just text her the entire time. I once stayed on MSN all night talking with her at a friends house >_>
Yeah, I talked with her all night on MSN. That's how 'serious' you could say things would get.
Alright time for monkeyspankers girl advice.
you said she considers you a "best frined" or something, do you guys hang out outside of school, do you talk on the phone all the time? What exactly makes you best friends?
Or was that an exaggeration, because i hope it was for your sake, it's incredibly difficult to jump the friendship ladder. If you just talk on MSN and in school then ask her to hang out and just go for it, and keep in mind it's hard to be too confident, confidence is good. Just hang out with her and see where it goes.
Now that's if you haven't hung out outside of school already, if you are the friendship thing where you hang out a lot, then you have your work cut out for you. You need to just come out and say it, or you need to pull some super amazing moves that honestly, from your description of yourself, it just doens't sound like you have it in you to pull it off, But if your generally good with girls it's possible to pimp it i guess, i'm trying to do the same thing as you currently, i guess i will let you know how it goes.
It's actually a very similiar situation too, shes a softmore, i'm a senior.
But if you wanna be veyr direct about it which could work, just tell her how you feel (in peson) And if she says she just likes you as a friend, you can accept it as that or tell her you can't stand settle for just friends and tell her to think about it and then wait for her to talk to you about it. Don't let her just ignore the topic, if she messages you or calls you or something later, and she pretends that never happened or something, then bring it up and make her decide.
If she decides to give it a chance then your in, if not then it's your choice if you can settle for friendship or not. Make sure you emphasize how she should atleast give it a chance if she says no at first. Becuase you already get along great.
God speed sir, i will keep you posted about my situation if i decide to pursue it.
Since I've never been in a relationship, I can objectively analyze your situation and provide untainted advice.
That was at me.
Um, gl.
CA10824 Posts
maybe find a mutual female friend and see if that friend can ask the girl you like what she thinks about you
it has to be someone you really trust though, for obvious reasons
On January 22 2008 14:50 LosingID8 wrote: maybe find a mutual female friend and see if that friend can ask the girl you like what she thinks about you
it has to be someone you really trust though, for obvious reasons QFT had to do that for someone today worked out ok for her seems good plan
United Arab Emirates5090 Posts
On January 22 2008 14:50 LosingID8 wrote: maybe find a mutual female friend and see if that friend can ask the girl you like what she thinks about you
it has to be someone you really trust though, for obvious reasons best bet imo
otherwise, the most fucked up thing that could happen is the pile of deep shit you are in now. when you meet a girl you think to urself OK "is she girlfriend material?" if yes then treat her like crap. dont be nice. dont be all O SHI i got plans but ill move all my shit aside to make time for you. if you got shit to do, then DO IT.
if its friend material then treat her like a friend. help her with hwk, talk shit together, talk shit abt other etc etc but do not, under any circumstances THEN FALL IN LOVE WITH HER. cuz in her mind you've been labelled as friend material aaaaaand the metamorphosis from friend to BOYfriend is a painful, confusing and for the most part, unsuccessful move.
normally i treat everyone like crap and then if its not kickin, THEN i start being nice and befriend her.
man i cant count the number of times i fell for my female friends and how shitty, awkward and painful it all ended up. its a shitty place to be.
its like pvz lategame where for some reason all you got is goons goons and more goons and two reavers and you see a nation of hydras coming towards you and you wonder to urself where the fuck your zealots are and why the fuck leg upgrades arent even rollin.