Update Based on your nominations, I've created a poll:
Poll: Final VoteWind Runner (23) 68% KunnkKa (9) 26% QoP (2) 6% 34 total votes Your vote: Final Vote (Vote): Wind Runner (Vote): KunnkKa (Vote): QoP
http://www.dotabuff.com/players/33682264/matches I'm done playing prophet... I don't think he's very strong. sometimes I first pick prophet and entire team devolve into flame fest I don't think it is helping anyone.
Here is my heros that I've played, plz take a look and get a feel what kind of heros I like to play, and if possible, suggest a hero that I don't already play a lot. http://www.dotabuff.com/players/33682264/heroes
I need someone that I can first pick w/o worry, which means all of the following: I need someone that's position 2-4, i.e. not carry nor hard support I need someone that can function equally well on a winning team as on a losing team I need someone that has descent scaling into late-game, as pub has troubles closing a game I need someone that has flexible laning, and someone that ideally win his lane, jungler is ok too I need someone that has some solo kill potentials, as well as team fight potentials I need someone that's fun to play. I can play meepo fine, so micro is not an issue (i.e. no viper plz)
So far I'm thinking about kunkka, but I'd love to hear some opinions on some other heros!!!
I am currently 4.1k mmr, and hopefully with enough grinding I can get close to 5k Ironically, when I started to spam ember my mmr was 4.2k, I really have not made any progress at all...
Once I've decide on a hero based on your suggestions, I'm going to play 100 games of it. My last hero to play 100 games with was ember spirit, which ended up being ok except I can't solo queue with him as much as he loses lane mid usually. In a pub I cannot lose lane.
Lina might be a good option, (mid or support)
Tusk would be an option too. (offlane or support)
I need someone that's position 2-4, i.e. not carry nor hard support I need someone that can function equally well on a winning team as on a losing team I need someone that has descent scaling into late-game, as pub has troubles closing a game
I need someone that has flexible laning, and someone that ideally win his lane, jungler is ok too I need someone that has some solo kill potentials, as well as team fight potentials I need someone that's fun to play. I can play meepo fine, so micro is not an issue (i.e. no viper plz)
very level dependent but doesnt really need expensive core items to have an impact. midas would go so well if playing carry. just grab treads stick bm/blink. The goal is to let the enemy waste their spells on you at the beginning of the fight. the death slow has a huge impact on teamfights and crit scales well that the enemy can't ignore you especially if you jump on their squishy supports. id be wary first picking him though since he's kinda easy to counter but this can be offset on how flexible he can be with team lineups position wise.
leshrac leshrac leshrac leshrac leshrac
28079 Posts
Lina or lesh will be good too
Germany3128 Posts
What about QoP? Sounds like every point of yours fit her?
I think Kunkka is a good suggestion, I dont really see him much in pubs, and a good kunkka can really dominate the game (Not alott of people are super good with the boat and even x + torrent).
I personally love playing Mirana, she is super versatile, and can fuck up any lane with a good arrow. I usually play her as a 3-4 pos, usually roaming and destroying enemy mids <3 As I see u have played a decent amount of pudge, I think ull like playing her, nothing is quite the same as landing a good hook/arrow ;-)
Windrunner is also a possibility
I pick windrunner too. You can put her in any lane in a pub, her ult makes for an easy rosh, flash farm with powershot, and you can focus down enemy carries with lategame items.
Techies! Can only be countered by ban.
On August 12 2015 22:02 Skynx wrote: Techies! Can only be countered by ban. I can nothing but agree to this
This screams leshrac or lina. Maybe ds (can still jungle, but make sure your team doesnt pick a lineup that would require 2-1-2 lanes). Potentially earthshaker.
Spirit Breaker, 17% invincible.