- Hello Again TeamLiquid!. -
It's good to be back. In reality I've never left. TL is still my homepage. I suppose I've been out for a lengthy excursion and finally returned to rant about things I believe to have substance. The excursion has been rewarding, let me tell you. My time away from here has consisted of a wealth of work, plenty of play, and just enough introspection and improvement to keep me headed in what I think is a good direction. Today is one of my off days, so we'll leave the work in the dust and delve into the latter two subjects.
- Healthy Dysphoria? -
Dysphoria (n.) - a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.
Dysphoria (n.) - a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life.
Initially my first gut instinct is to run from this word. Who wants to be dissatisfied? That's not pleasant. Dissatisfaction can lead to anger, guilt, pain, remorse, and a wealth of other feelings that are just generally unpleasant when you cope with them in the moment. How can dysphoria possibly be desirable?
Dysphoria is a necessary state of being before anyone can improve. Dissatisfaction needs to be a staple of a productive day. A moment of disgruntlement needs to happen once in a while to spur the bison of creative fury into a gallop. So I believe if my goal is to become better, I need to be unhappy with my current state.
The difficult part is the balance between allowing the thought "I'm really awful at this" to pass through my neurons and not letting it clog my mental superhighway. I guess my goal in creating a healthy mental traffic infrastructure is to make the lanes wide enough to allow that fucking 80,000 pound big rig of a thought that is "I suck" drive unobstructed and as fast as possible. A quick momentary moment of introspective self-admonishment to clear the way for a super-charged, 12-cylinder Ferrari to use the draft to speed towards ever-higher speeds.
![[image loading]](/staff/p4NDemik/Me/Bison_sketch_500x745.jpg)
Healthy Dysphoria
Yesterday it came to me in the form of an American Bison, today it is a mac-truck.
So I guess healthy dysphoria is that impossibly fast semi in my mind. Unobtainable and massive and grounded. I have to keep that monster on the highway and I have to make sure it doesn't jackknife and stop everything. Fuck. That's a difficult task to harness that beast, but it's what I'm trying to do.
- Play Time for Playful Earholes. -
![[image loading]](/staff/p4NDemik/Me/blog_images/ThePreatures_BluePlanetEyes.jpg)
Those eyes are just begging to be listened to, right?
+ Show Spoiler [Listen to "It Gets Better"] +
![[image loading]](/staff/p4NDemik/Me/blog_images/ThePreatures_BluePlanetEyes.jpg)
Those eyes are just begging to be listened to, right?
+ Show Spoiler [Listen to "It Gets Better"] +
Seeing as it's been a long time since I've written, and seeing as I haven't been listening to brand-new albums for a while, I'll present one of my favorite new artists of the last few years. A great mix of female vocals, driving guitar, and evocative lyrics. I'm obsessed. Saw them about a year ago before their album had dropped and now all I can think about is when I can see them again live. I hope you enjoy.
Exhaustive Efforts
by p4NDemik
Please, I need you to listen.
I have tried a normal tenor.
I have tried a tempered whisper.
I have tried a warning bellow.
I have tried a gentle whimper.
I have tried an anxious candor.
I have tried a concrete model.
I have tried a modest essay.
I have tried a brittle metal.
I have tried a brilliant flame.
I have tried a darkened cellar.
I have tried to call your name.
I have tried to touch your collar.
I have tried a mountain.
I have tried a sea.
I have tried a river.
I have tried to flee.
I have tried light.
I have tried color.
I have tried love.
I have tried rancor.
I have tried.
I've tried.
I tried.
I try.
I am at the point of no return.
You can still save my passion.
The final ember, it is waning low.
Please, I need you to listen.
Thank you for listening.