Hey, good luck in school! Just want to say that Chemistry is pretty awesome (I'm a biologist, but did a bit of synthesis and a lot of mass spec during my phd), and hope you'll finish with a good grade.
It seems that you have a solid back-up plan, which is something you need to be applauded for - even the best of the best (like MC) have made ~400k over their career so far, which is 8 years of work in a relatively ok job, to put it in perspective. Being a full-time pro gamer is a big risk, b/c you're spending time you could've spend on your education, where you can also earn a pretty good salary eventually. I also can't see how all retiring pro players will get jobs as commentators, the scene is not large enough for that (unfortunately), so many of you guys must think of back-up plans...
Hope to see you soon streaming with commentary, can't wait to see you more often online!
What kind of chemistry you like most?
Best of luck with your hands and school sheth (or anything you want to do in the future for that matter)!
I hope you will in some way still stay in touch with the community because youre such an awesome personality to have onboard!
it will be great if you can just stream every once a while to let us know how you do :D
Good luck in your life Sheth. I hope you will not walk away entirely from Esports
hey sheth... you probably will not read this: but honestly from all my heart I wish you all the best in the world. You said games needed loosers... but honestly and I think I can speak for almost all people on this forum: you are not a looser of esports. For many you where a hero. A light in the dark place that foreigners have to live in, when the light at the end of the tunnel is just the miners lamp of a korean pro...
You inspired many people, not only in NA but also in europe. You were on day9s show over and over, you tactics were discussed and I said earlier: you were a hope. A hope that foreigners can do well. And maybe you think you didn't fullfill this goal: You did. Maybe you didn't won anything: but you were present. You were seen, you were and are known to many people. And almost everybody in SC2 esports knows you... you are famous in esports. So you achieved more than many other people in live and man.. you are young ... You achieved more in your short live than many other people in their lifetime.
that's said: stay strong. Do your med school... it's a great job and well respected aswell. Don't forget us... the crowd that cheered for you. cheers!
This makes me incredibly sad, but its completely understandable. You are the first stream that I cared to watch before I knew anything about SC2. Taught me a lot and got me into the scene, and I thank you for that. Good luck with everything you do. I hope that in the future we can see you stream some more even if its not as a pro.
United States9244 Posts
Best of luck in school! ^_^
Get a 4 year degree in chemistry and take it from there? Ah Sheth, you're picking just as unstable of an environment. I'd say the vast majority of students who are unemployed after graduating are those that just rolled with it. You picked a field with not the greatest career field spread, you should be figuring out where you're going to work a FULL year in advance. If you're telling yourself it's more important just to focus on school, you're only deluding yourself!
Although to be fair, many people take a year off before medical school, but that's often because they didn't get in right away. I'm just saying you're closing your door on working opportunities!
Good luck with everything, Sheth! Hope we see you around the scene doing some casting etc!
Big respect for what you are doing, going through and have done. All of it. You are way too hard with yourself and I will always remember your Code A games against San. Best of luck with whatever you end up doing!
PS: I'll miss (and I am already missing) your stream. You always gave some deep insights.
United States33097 Posts
I'm sorry your shameful loss to me 2 years ago led to this down the line
Thanks for this blog, Sheth, really really appreciate these blogs.. Good luck in school, and I really hope you can get back and start playing, but if it's just not in there, it's not. Do what you think will make you happiest is most important!
Best of luck Sheth :D Thanks for being so nice when we met at MLG and having such a great attitude in general.
I have a burning desire to be good, but not at an extremely high cost.
Story of my life
GL in college man, you were one of the few legitimely talented foreign zergs, your style was awesome, too bad you couldn't continue
one thing, I notice that pro gamers that aren't really passionated about SC2 always find a gazillion excuses not to play the game. remember guys, there's one and only one reason to do something/anything: because you want to. the moment you DON'T, you will find million excuses.
I'm really sad to hear you consider yourself to be one of the "losers" of the game. I really don't see it that way. Your results are good enough, but you've also made a big impact on the scene by just, you know, being you. You will forever be remembered as one of the most well mannered and friendly people in the SC2 pro scene, with your positive and uplifting stream commentary and your kind and gentle attitude whenever adressing the community.
Best of luck with the rest of your life, and I hope to still see you around, if not as a player, then at least as a fan. Take care.
Best of luck Sheth and take care of yourself!
Sounds like you picked the right decision, best of luck to you wherever your new life might take you!
Best of luck Sheth :D Because of interaction with fans and your personality, your stream was a priority and made me close Idra's one many many times  Kind of sad to see you go but it's great you have a follow-up plan in life. Good luck :D
Get yourselft healthy and take your talents elsewhere.. see it has a new path and not just you "quiting"..
In the end it's like you say, the game also needs loosers and you sheth are probably one of the most loved pros outhere..
You were the best Zerg out of NA besides idra and scarlett and you deserve your fans for what you did for him!
GL and be happy!