Sheth! You are still awesome! Thanks for giving it your all. You gosu as fuck! GL in life
Good luck with school and rehabilitation. Even if you don't play competitively you will always have a place in the community. Don't be a stranger!
Best of luck in school Sheth! And I am glad to see you are taking care of your health issues rather than ignoring them as some pro's are known to do. I'll miss cheering for you in tournaments. After meeting you at the last providence you became my favorite player. You just had this wonderful friendly vibe about you that was just inspiring, and I hope you don't lose that.
Best of luck in all you do and hope you can figure out those hand issues! Gl hf! <3
Don't ever think of yourself as a loser when it comes to this. You had the strength to decide what was truly best for you, and the courage to actually take that path. You will be someone a fan of Liquid will always remember.
Regarding your hand and leg issues I feel that this quote is rather fitting.
A fly, Sir, may sting a stately horse and make him wince; but, one is but an insect, and the other is a horse still. - Samuel Johnson
Go off and run into the night, across the fields, through the forest, and may you never stop running until you have found your new stable with new friends, new colleagues, and new adventures to be had.
TL will still be here when you come back.
Good luck sheth! I hope you hope on dota a little here and again~
Shawn we still will play tennis at some point
That was really sad man. I hope you come back to the game at least streaming. You are a very very talented player. Wish you the best of luck at school and SC2. I hope and suggest you do the same thorzain did (school and sc2 simultaneously).
we dont care if you win or lose, if you play or not, we just love you for who you are  good luck and take care
Always a fan man. Always a fan. Would love to see you stream again because it was super fun but I would rather you do what is best for you. GLGL with whatever you choose. Blessings.
Best of luck to you, Sheth. Always been a big fan of yours, and hope you start feeling well soon.
There really is just so much sacrifice to your life and your health you have to take to be a pro-gamer. I think its completely understandable to pursue another path that's more sustainable for yourself. Hopefully your health & plans on university and med-school work out in the future.
Thanks for the down to earth reality, Sheth. Best wishes to you as you continue your college studies, and blessings hf!
Canada16217 Posts
Stay awesome Sheth, everyone will support you whether you are in esports or not.
Sheth, in all your time that I saw, you were an excellent ambassador for your team and a joy to watch. You always kept a positive, constructive attitude outwardly facing and always seemed happy to talk, say hello, or help out others.
You are not a loser. You are making a calculated choice to GG this game to improve your chances in the series of your life. And you are making that smart choice, based on the circumstances, playing for the long game. I hope your future is bright, and that you achieve your goals. I hope you get some relief from your physical issues (nothing sucks more than being in constant or frequent pain and having a doctor tell you "well, there's nothing we can do to fix it - try taking these MASSIVE PAINKILLERS when you need to) and continue to improve your health. (I'm jelly.)
If you decide to hang out and just be a fan when you have the time - we'd all love you. If you have to completely leave to make sure things get done - we'd all love you. If you come back sometime and start playing LoL professionally... okay, some would whine, but we'd all still love you.
You are perhaps one of a very few players I can honestly say is well thought of by everyone I've ever seen, even the people that are somehow anti-fans. And I think you are still top GM Mafia.
GL HF in all your future endeavors.
gogo Sheth!!
Chemists UNITE!!!
I would like to say that I appreciate you giving us a glimpse look at what it's like being a pro gamer. Being a pro gamer is really hard and most of us know that there is lots to sacrifice. I think its a great idea that you are going back to school and it probably is the best idea. It is hard for us to see you go but we understand and everyone will support your decision. Best of luck sheth!
We never got that ice cream in NYC when you were here for the MLG arena ...