BSA (Boy Scouts of America) has been a big part of my life even more so after I Eagled out. I've taken an adult leadership (ASM) role in my old troop for about 3 years now. I never appreciated scouts that much when I was younger. I felt forced to a point, many of my friends had dropped out (most of this was probably due to the start of the Iraq war, living on a military base in Germany many of the fathers got deployed which meant life at home changed. I don't know how my mom did it, but she managed to keep my brother and I involved not only in scouts but in our after school activities as well.) Scouting took a lot of drive from my parents to make sure I finished my journey to Eagle and for that I am forever grateful. Looking into scouts from a different perspective has changed my thoughts about it. (this just being my local troop in particular) A way for young boys to become active in the outdoors. Learning basic skills that they will actually use in life, ranging from knots to first aid and leadership. I encourage anyone in a troop to stay in it and make it to Eagle, and if you don't enjoy your troop find a new one. Since rejoining the troop, I've had the opportunity to go on several high adventure activities, Sailing, canoeing, And this year I'll be heading out to Philmont to do 10 days of backpacking. I feel in pretty good shape specially since I've been working out. This past weekend I ended up going to a gun range and shooting an M-1 and M-4 (or something like that, I don't remember much about the guns other than I had pretty good groupings and one of the guns shot .303)
One particular camp out we went to Gettysburg, only a small group ended up going. I volunteered to cook for the adults (being only myself and one other). I decided to do something fun, kebabs. The night was a bit chilly, and we were exhausted, and I misjudged the prep and cook time. Yet every boy was huddled around the fire, eyes hungry for a piece of shrimp or chicken. Their dinty moore beef stew ended up not being as tasty as they had expected. After that night, I knew i had to do it again, and I needed an excuses so I found one.
StorrZergBBQ has always been great and has only been possible thanks to my amazing parents. I really should be better about taking pictures at these events. I guess I end up getting too busy. Next time I'll have to put someone else in charge of that. the BBQ really isn't a BBQ, I end up making plenty of kebabs for about 25 people. Have a fire ready to cook the kebabs (and i use the grill to help speed up the process). This time i experimented with making a dump cake, it tasted great but sadly it ended up being put in the back and forgotten. Once people have been feed, its time to start one of my other favorite activities. MAFIA! This time around, I had the pleasure of hosting Thundertoss and Carlton who happened to be making a road trip out from California. I'll let others fill in details if they care, but I had fun and I hope everyone who came did as well. I think I'll plan on another StorrZergBBQ in August, I think ill try to do another dump cake, and try to cook some different things over the fire as well.
The last thing I want to touch on has been something I've always said I would do better this year, but always failed. Get in shape. Since about mid January I've been going to my local rec center 3 days a week. Mostly I started out on some cardio, some swimming, and using lifting machines. About 2 weeks ago I got some great help from my friend Dan, and I am doing Starting Strength. I'm happy with the change so far and eagerly awaiting the day I can bench my body weight. I have yet to place any goals for the other exercises, and I still need to work on doing the power clean. I will need to revisit the TLHF forum and update how I'm doing.
I've been on TL for 5 years now, loving the DC/NOVA/MD community that has spawned from TL, loving the MLG events (err mafia events i mean) I hope to be here another 5 years. Cheers, thanks for reading.
Pic from last year