Set up a sprinkler system in your yard while your gone that will spray the trampoline with water. No one wants to jump on a soggy trampoline
Pros: - kids socks get wet or water blocks their entry - yard gets watered resulting in nice grass - may be able to time it/automatically/manually turn it on and spray kids unexpectedly - hilarious - non-lethal
Cons - may have to buy sprinkler - water may be costly - kids may go on anyways and slip and get hurt
Maybe get yourself a dog specifically trained to bite the balls off of anyone that jumps on the trampoline. Wait for the kids to start jumping on the trampoline, and unleash the hound so that those kids are trapped on the trampoline and have no where to go. Laugh maniacally.
On March 11 2013 15:57 Arisen wrote: There was this guy in our neighborhood when I was younger who was really rich. His family had everything a kid could want. A lot of people would sneak onto his property and bounce on the trampoline or swim in their lake (yes, they had their own goddamn lake), or what have you. So the solution he came up with was to put a bed of nails under his trampoline so that if you got to a decent bounce and slammed back down you would hit the nails. A couple of kids ended up in the hospital, so i guess it worked. Of course there were rumors he killed some kids too, so maybe not the best example XD
This sounds like a great idea, thatll teach those brats
My family got a trampoline when I was a teenager... and this same stuff happened in our neighborhood. I guess it happens everywhere. We handled it a wee bit less disturbingly, but probably less effectively.
Great way to piss off your neighbors and annoy the children, use a motion sensor alarm.
Can someone explain to me why a wet trampoline is a deterrent? We used to spray my friends tramp with water all the time while jumping during summer... was like a bouncing water park...
In all seriousness... just put a tarp or something on it... teenagers are lazy mofo's and noone will want to put in enough effort to remove the tarp... especially if you put something moderately heavy on the tarp..or something that made a lot of noise like a bunch of bells around the perimeter of it on the tarp
What the hell are these ideas.
If you deliberately weaken the trampoline or do anything that would endanger a user and a kid breaks his face on it, you bet your ass you'd get sued to hell and gone for deliberately creating a hazard to injure minors. Don't even think about doing anything with nails, weakening the support rods, or anything that could cause harm because that's just asking to get the shit sued out of you and, in all honesty, they'd probably win.
Putting a sign up doesn't do shit. I can't put a sign up that says "trespassers will be shot", shoot a trespasser, and expect to avoid any legal issues just because I put a sign up (of course, that depends on your state's trespassing laws, but you see the point). Likewise, a little signpost somewhere probably won't void you of any liability if one of these shits breaks his neck.
Disabling the trampoline or scaring the kids is the only real option, the police are going to be fairly ineffective unless they catch the kids in the act which is highly unlikely. Even if they do, it'd probably only make the "thrill" that much more to the rest of them. A cop showing up to one of their houses to speak with parents would scare them, I imagine. Definitely something to inquire about.
Chains with padlock is easy, reasonably cheap, and effective. Avoid anything that would make a substantial amount of noise, that's merely going to piss off the neighbors and the kids would probably fuck with it and make noises several times a night just for the hell of it and to piss you off as well.
Alternatively, wait until kids start using it and fire a blank shot in the air or make something that sounds like a gunshot to scare them, the legality of that depends on your area though. For example, if you fire a blank shot in the air, scare the kids, they run off and whilst running they break a leg, that could potentially some really unwanted legal attention.
Bottom line is don't do anything on YOUR end that could injure or harm anyone (and that includes noisy things like an alarm, because if I was a kid I'd fuck with that alarm probably every night). Call the police and ask for advice and help on your situation, if you know for sure where one of the offenders lives you and/or the police can speak with the parents. Barring that, disabling the trampoline is simply your best option.
mount a weed whacker above trampoline with remote activation
kids come near
wzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz CHOP
buy some chains, wrap them with barbed wire, wrap around the jumping part of the trampoline in a sort of grid formation, lock the chains.
should look like this:
get some blood from a butchers or somewhere and put it all over the top of the trampoline, then the kids will be playing on it and suddenly realise there is blood everywhere. thats what i would do
then you could run out and shout at them, "You bloody kids!!" and then be like
On March 12 2013 21:38 FFGenerations wrote:get some blood from a butchers or somewhere and put it all over the top of the trampoline, then the kids will be playing on it and suddenly realise there is blood everywhere. thats what i would do then you could run out and shout at them, "You bloody kids!!" and then be like 
ahahaha nice idea :p
Leave a dead animal on there while you aren't using it. They will never come back.
Get a squirt gun and fill it with hot sauce.
Aim for the eyes.
How can one get sued if kids jump, without permission, on one's trampoline and hurts themselves? I find it funny that someone can sue you if they hurt themselves when committing a crime, assuming trespassing is a crime in Canada (you never know with North America man).