Yeah, no problem. People get sick.
Also, i expect that we should get done with Australia this week, or maybe next week, it is really hard to predict. So we should probably attempt to get the worldbuilding for our monstergame done this week. (Unless we do some of that ingame, i am not sure how Jack had planned that). Related to that, what exactly do i need to do to get my Barbarian Wereboar Bloodshaman going? Since most of you already have your characters, that is probably something i need to do before we start the game, but i am uncertain what exactly that "something" encompasses.
Unrelated to any of this, some people are currently working on getting a new TL minecraft server going, I will definitively play on that one, maybe some of you are interested too?
Hi sven, to get started on your character, please reference this
Also, i expect that we should get done with Australia this week, or maybe next week, it is really hard to predict.
I read this as: 'There is two weeks left of content, it just depends on whether you all die horribly this week.'
Also I don't play minecraft, sorry
Wait, actually this weekend is easter sunday. Are we going to play then?
Well, i didn't even notice, since i am not at my families place right now, but i can understand if someone has a problem and does not want to play. I'd say if more than 1 person does not want to play for family reasons we either cancel or do something else.
So, here is my combined character fluff and worldbuilding:
The deep place:
Deep below our dungeon is a wondrous, cursed place. Walls of smooth grey stone, lots of metal, some shiny, some very rusty. Full of wondrous magical things, strange runes and inexplicable contraptions. Also very cursed. Nothing lives down there. Most of the people who go down will come back with wondrous treasures, fall sick for a few days, recover, and roughly three weeks later they start losing all their hair and die feverishly shortly thereafter. This also applies to those who take the wondrous items from below thereafter. This place is connected to our dungeon by a set of stairs, old and mysterious on the top, even older and off the same smooth grey stone on the bottom, and the unfathomly deep cylindrical tube with scorched walls made of the same smooth grey stone, within which Lord Xan set up his treasure hoard.
The burned villages in the ancient woods:
About twenty? years ago, the Reman Legions invaded this country and drove off the barbaric Deudonic hordes who lived here before in a long and bloody war. There are still some clashes between Remans and barbarians further off to the west. Remnants of their villages still lie within the woods, slowly being retaken by the forest. The woods themselves are generally very thick and hard to travel through outside of the straight Reman roads, which are currently being cut through them. Also, of course a lot of scary things live there in general.
I am Eberwein, a shaman of one of those Deudonic hordes. My apprentice Eberhart and I both live in the cave which the goblins so nicely dubbed "Manboarpig cave", where i teach him in shamanic bloodmagic. He hopes to eventually be worthy of Güllinbürsti's blessing and turn into a full shaman like myself. Also he has to do all the work. I am in my 40s, but still tough and fit. And i can turn into a 500 pound boar.
Simberto, if you could also think of 2 places outside of the dungeon to add, that would be great.
Well, the villages in the woods are outside of the dungeon. I guess i can come up with one more of each.
You only need to come up with 1 for the dungeon itself! Just think of another outside one. That way we have 12 items inside, and 12 items outside -- such symmetry!
Okay so I was a little too tired to contribute properly yesterday, but there was some concern as to what we are actually supposed to be doing in our new campaign that doesn't include just surviving. In our one-shot we discovered that the criminals we share the sewers with had sold us out when a standard raid ran into trouble at every turn. We learned that a group of Templars (or whoever they are with this new Reman stuff) have been alerted to our existence and will begin working to destroy us. Up until now we have been able to co-exist relatively peacefully with these criminals, but they broke the rules. Obviously something has to be done about this.
We can't simply go to war with the criminals, as that would draw far too much attention from the surface. In fact we don't even know how many of them there are or what they are actually doing down here with us. We might want to figure that out before taking any action. Then there is the encroaching threat of the Templars. Preparations should be made for them too.
Ta da! Reasons to:
- Work together - Investigate instead of killing everything/each other
So, i sent a big PM to Jack with a lot of stuff about Eberwein, some of that is pretty general stuff which i should probably also post here, the rest is mostly some motivations and hooks that Jack can use as he sees fit.
I guess most of the following is something any of you could know if they were interested in it.
As was established, ~20 years ago, over a period of several years, Reman troops fought a bloody war on this land we are currently in, and more or less drove of the previous inhabitants, which were multiple different deudonic hordes. Those were not really a united front, but at this point there is no big reason to get into the politics of those guys who are mostly no longer around. This is the human side of what was going on, i don't know how the other races fit into this.
Eberwein is a shaman of his people, and the boar being the guardian animal of his tribe, their shamans got gifted with the abilities of the boar by Güllinbürsti, the heavenly golden boar. He is part of a larger pantheon. Another important fact of this belief system is the idea that blood is power. If your blood leaves your body, you die. Thus it is important, and that power can be harnessed for various ends by those with the necessary knowledge. The rest of the belief system is basically shamanistic, based on the worship of spirits of nature and ancestors.
In the war, Eberwein fought a bit, but nothing extraordinarily heroic. Overall, his people lost and got scattered. As a shaman, he still feels connected to the spirits of this land, and thus decided not to flee elsewhere, and instead hide here. He doesn't feel excessively angry at the Remans in general, since he respects the fact that they are stronger and thus have the right to take this land. Revenge isn't one of his main motivators.
Roughly 10 years ago, he somehow got hold of a Reman child. Probably some street orphan or something, he never asked. Apparently noone missed him so far. Stuff happened, and he took the boy on as an apprentice, and renamed him Eberhart. The kid is smart and learns quickly, and at this point he is probably 20 years old and well on his way of becoming a boar shaman.
Eberwein likes a good drink from time to time, and actually provides a bit of Lord Xan's stock by fermenting all sorts of things by burying them in parts of his cave. He then usually spends most of his gains on the exact same stuff in Xan's tavern.
Lore update: The traditional Greek gods are not a thing, in this alternate reality people worship the Titans. There are a lot of them, below I will list the major ones; the others might exist
- Hyperion: God of light.
- Lapetus: God of mortality.
- Coeus: God of intellect.
- Kronos: God of Gods.
- Oceanus: God of Water.
- Rhea: Goddess of fertility.
- Themis: Goddess of divine law and order.
- Selene: Goddess of the moon
- Perses: God of Destruction
- Pallas: God of Warcraft
Oh and by people I mean the sunlovers, you guys can worship whatevs.
Xoronius, you need to make one location for the outside world plz.
I might do a write up of our Masks of Nyarlethotep campaign, would you guys be interested in reading it? It will probably be reasonably long because it was a long ass campaign and a lot of stuff happened. I would focus mostly on the overall story and memorable character moments. Would probably need to pm you guys a bit as well so I don't leave anything out.
By the way, are you coming back Lucas? We've finished the Cthulhu campaign.
Sounds like a cool idea, i'll definitively read it if you write it. You might have a few problems getting all of the details of the older sessions though.
Yeah i probably wont write it session by session because that would be too hard. Ill just try and get the story arc down and try not to miss any moments like character death.
Does anyone remember how Linda Daniels lost her nose? I don't.
She got it bitten of by a zombie in the Juju house.