I'm done with my character too. Brûl the orc fighter. Anyone who has the link should be able to access it, and I'll just paste that in the skype convo.
For world building, the things I've added to the sewers are: A normal area for a mostly marauder tribe, and I guess an intersection area, which consists of a natural cave system which eventually opens up into the swamp.
Nearby should also be a road traveled by juicy caravans. These go to and from the sunlover city, and the road is sometimes a convenient spot for ambushes. Along this road, about a day of travel away from the city is also a natural spot for an inn, and there lies "The travelers tabernacle". It's an old inn, with an innkeeper who's entire family has grown quite plump from the surplus this spot has provided them with.
I'm sorry, but I have to cancel my participation for tomorrow tomorrow, RL is getting into my way (Should check dates, before accepting invitations).
On March 22 2014 22:49 Murgel wrote: Nearby should also be a road traveled by juicy caravans. These go to and from the sunlover city, and the road is sometimes a convenient spot for ambushes. Along this road, about a day of travel away from the city is also a natural spot for an inn, and there lies "The travelers tabernacle". It's an old inn, with an innkeeper who's entire family has grown quite plump from the surplus this spot has provided them with.
This reminds me a bit of the classic backwoods-movie inkeeper, maybe there is some sort of deal between the "travelers tabernacle" and either you guys or the bandits, which has it's benefits for both sides. But like I said, I sadly can't make it tomorrow, so that's just some idea, that crossed my mind.
On March 22 2014 22:49 Murgel wrote: I'm done with my character too. Brûl the orc fighter. Anyone who has the link should be able to access it, and I'll just paste that in the skype convo.
For world building, the things I've added to the sewers are: A normal area for a mostly marauder tribe, and I guess an intersection area, which consists of a natural cave system which eventually opens up into the swamp.
Could you expand upon some of that, what sort of marauding horde lives in the normal area, what is in the normal area, what is your relationship to this tribe, what is in the cave, why is it there, and so on.
Yes, well, let's say this is a small tribe I've joined recently. If you want another chief, I've at least made sure to establish a good position within the tribe as an outstanding warrior. The tribe consists of other orcs, maybe a dozen mature males, and maybe 10-15 females, who tend to an unaccounted for number of orclings. None of the warriors really care about which kid is fathered by which orc, at least until they start being able to throw their weight around themselves, and doesn't really keep track of how many there are. Orcs live fast, breed fast and tend to die young, so there might be a lot of them.
By normal area I suppose they mean height of ceiling, but the main thing is, we're holed up in a drier section of the underground. We probably know how to swim, but would avoid doing so unless forced to. There are a few different rooms or areas, at the very least one communal area where most of the warriors like to hang out, away from the sniveling, noisy brats and nagging females, and one area for said females and kids further back into the system.
The males probably have a few old rickety tables and chairs set up, a few chests to store some weapons, food and loot in, and bedrolls or piles of soft material to sleep on. These areas would be far from clean, with foodscraps and trash littering the floor, but excrement would have its own area where orcs tend to go at least most of the time. Let's say there is a ledge where they do their business, which leads straight into one of the sewer canals. The chief might have his own chamber where he sits on the nicest chair, and this is also where the nicest loot is kept. The shaman would have an area to himself where he performs rituals, chants mysterious songs and convenes with the gods. Strange patterns are painted onto the floor here, and various carved skulls adorn some of the walls.
Going to be like ~20 min late EDIT: and by late I mean early because I haven't bothered to know when you euros go to daylight savings time.
K we are meeting cthulhu on 4pm germany time, you germans.
On March 24 2014 05:54 CrazyF1r3f0x wrote: K we are meeting cthulhu on 4pm germany time, you germans.
16:00 CEST = 14:00 UTC
So, don't feel the need to instantly go there, but considering how long it has been, i think i will give you a bit of a reminder of what you know about Australia.
First, a map.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/JXXmPGH.jpg)
- As you see, there is a red thingy there. Some of you saw a map in the Bent Pyramid in Egypt, and there was a big ruby somewhere in the western australian desert. Of course, you can not gouge exact coordinates from it, and you might be able to narrow the area down to ~300 km*300 km. That is a lot of sand.
- Gavigan in England dealt with a company called Randolph Shipping in Darwin, mostly receiving Art objects and sending mining equipment.
- Ho Fong in Shanghai also deals with the same company, on similar terms.
- Jack Brady said that something called "The city of the Great Race" in Australia is important to the Crawling Chaos's plans.
- Some people, none of which are in the group anymore, met a Professor Cowles and his daughter Ewa, both from Sydney, in Miskatonic University in Arkham. He talked about polynesian and australian death cults, the main points of that lecture can be found in our roll20 campaign. He said that he would stay in MU for a few more months, this was in January.
I don't think i forgot anything so far.
Now, i got a small question for Andrew. Basically, my information is that the neutral term for the Australian natives is "Kooris", while "aborigines" is slightly offensive, and "abos" is akin to "nigger". However, that information is apparently from 1990, and that stuff can shift pretty quickly. So, is this still correct? (Of course people in the 20s will probably talk about either "abos" or "the natives")
And once more, i still got stuff prepared for china, don't feel the need to go to Australia instantly.
As a side note, since that one-shot is going to be the first mini campaign after CoC concludes, I'll need to involve you guys in it. So go ahead and review the post I made on character creation. As of right now we have our 3 characters are:
- Raz, Evil lizardman fighter: He is clever and brutal
- Brul, Evil Orc fighter: He is brutish and fighty
- Lord Xan'klru'atzl, Seer of Doom, Beholder Wizard: he is a pacifist bartender with a cat for a hat.
Thanks to Roll20 (or perhaps some operator error), the dungeon map was erased, but as Andrew pointed out while I was mourning, it does give us a chance to write you guys in! Luckily however, I still have the important stuff, that being the information that was established about those locations:
- Criminal hidout - Some criminals have taken some of their more illegal operations into some renovated sewers from some likely sketchy buildings on the surface. They have had some interactions with the dungeon folk, and are aware that some live there, but are not entirely sure of the scope of the community under the sewer. Either way, the have placed some reinforced barracades at the edges of their territory, and because of the conflicts that they had in the past with the dungeon's denizens, they have placed a heavy guard, who use some powerful crossbows to keep the dungeon's denizens away.
- Rat colony - are basically a food supply for the orcs/lizards, however their population is dwindling and they have become a less reliable food source as of late.
- Orc living area - The tribe came into the cave, and into the sewers, before knowing that there was a city on top. They subsist and hangout, tolerate the crafty lizardmen, can make nice cages, there is some trading. They consider them to be cowardly.
- The cave - Cave is mostly orc/lizardmen territory, but the criminals do have serious fortications on the edges of the cave, as parts of the cave itself lead into their territory. The cave works as one of the two exits the dungeon folk have from their lair, and the other is blocked by some monstrosity (item 9)
- Numerous hidden traps - These are in the rat colony, and were set up by the dungeon's denizens. They are used to hunt rats; who are a poor but steady food supply for the denizins of the dungeon.
- Well travelled intersection - Dungeon denizens trade here, and it sits between most of the living areas.
- Lord Xan'klru'atzl, Seer of Doom's hold - Has a bar, serves drinks to the denizens.
- Lizardman hangout - They wandered from the swamp, to the cave, to the sewers. Those who were driven out were escapees, wanted to start a new life sewers. Were given strange fungi by the beholder. Think the orcs are dumb, but strong, so they try and prove themselves.
- Big Scary Monster - It occupies an exit/entrance to the Dungeon; no one has actually seen the thing and lived. Sometimes however it does make a lot of noise
- Treasury/crevasse - The valuables belonging to the people of the dungeon sit on a platform across a massive underground crevasse, which formed from a collapsed pipeline that fell in a jagged sinkhole. The only person who can get there is Xan'klru'atzl, as he can float.
Knowing what is there, you two should think of four (2 for each of you) more locations in the dungeon, feel free to get creative and even add entirely new populations of creatures!
Moving on, here are the details about the outside world:
- The spooky swamp - Lizardmen live there and lots of spooky monsters. They are massive.
- The forestlurker woods - Woods full of forest lurkers, they were perhaps part of the reason so many lizardmen were driven out.
- Ancient road - The ancient sandstone road is completely untraveled and snakes through the swamp and forest
- Sunlover city - A huge city, a capital, has king, and likely a large keep, with big walls. Lots of sunloving butchers come to slay things in the swamp.
- Trade road with juicy caravans - The orcs snatch the caravans for supplies, bringing lots of tasty fish.
- Traveller's tabernacle - An inn with plump owners; who sit on a nice traderoad (the one above). Haven't hit them yet
- Lake with tasty fish - has a shore village, but not much is known about it
- Butcher farm - Sometimes people raid the farms.
Once again, each of you should add 1-2 locations.
And finally, the politics established non player characters of the dungeon; there isn't anything that you actually have to do here, it's just something that is probably nice to know, perhaps your character is even a friend or enemy to one of these NPCs!
- Chief is an indecisive Orc named Cathark
- The local shaman is an ancient and incompetent Orc named, Uugluuk
- The warrior is an ambitious young Lizardman named Kish, who wants to be the leader of the sewer community. He uses his dirty tactics.
- The brute is a lizardman named Grok, he is Kish’s muscle, and is much more clever than he looks.
- The slave is a human named Roofus, he is always trying to escape; he belongs to the shaman.
In terms of what actually happened in the one shot, the player characters along with 3 Orcs and 5 Lizardmen raided (rather successfully) a farm, and managed to kill the retired murderous sunloving butcher, and take his cool stuff, which most notably consisted of 1,100 coins in a sweet chest, but also some much needed food supplies.
When making your characters, you should decide under what context you exist in the dungeon, are you a brand new arrival? Have you been there for a while? Why didn't you go on the raid? And so on.
Sven 'Abo' is actually only considered offensive recently. In the 20's aboriginal Australians would refer to themselves as 'Abo' sometimes. 'Blacks' or 'blackfellas' is a more ignorant/racist term. 'Natives' or 'The (insert-tribe-here) people' is neutral. People from southeast Australia may refer to Aboriginals in a general way as Koori's because that is the dominant tribe in the area.
Okay, as for what we do this session. It might be desperate enough to attempt to use the magics of the mythos. We have that spell/prayer that requires a human sacrifice, and I have the perfect human in mind. If it all goes well (lol), we might have some reason to go back to the island. Much more likely however is that I go horribly insane or die and we move right on to Australia. Is there anything else we might do in China?
Regarding that spell, it occured to me that some of the information i gave you probably got misunderstood. You need a human sacrifice. Then you need to perform a ritual. There is a curious absence of information as to how that sacrifice then needs to be performed exactly, as if the modus was self-evident.
I think some of you interpreted that as "you do a ritual and kill a guy in any way you like". This is not correct.
Further information regarding this ritual: It needs to be performed at night, and will take ~ 15 minutes. There are a lot of difficult symbols, chantings, and other sorts of minutae involved here, and you hope that you have correctly interpreted the less then clear ancients writings of a madman.
Actually, if i recall correctly, the person who actually studied that scroll was Yaleesha, however considering you are in the middle of the open sea you should have some study time for this until you are back in shanghai.
Why is nothing every straightforward . All I want to do is sacrifice a guy to a creature of the mythos, is that so much to ask?
Probably going to run late tomorrow, sorry guys. n_n
Also, just kill someone the way the cultists killed people wherever we found the scroll. :D
On March 30 2014 04:35 dismiss wrote: Probably going to run late tomorrow, sorry guys. n_n
Also, just kill someone the way the cultists killed people wherever we found the scroll. :D
Yeah spiked through the heart is my guess. Lets brainstorm, does anyone else have an idea?
Well, everything went horribly wrong of course. We eventually managed to capture a cultist dockworker whom we then sacrificed in the ritual. So far so good, but then a hunting horror was summoned by mistake, and predictably enough, Andrew's character died. Ivan went temporarily insane and then died trying to fight the beast as well. Khaled and Din Xiao Lao escaped to Australia on the New China guys' ship, where wild wild west shenanigans quickly ensued, and a drunken harbour master who was trying to steal said ship was promptly gunned down. The suspicious darwin based shipping company was never investigated, and instead the group traveled to Port -insert name here- where an expedition was to be launched to find the City of the great race.
This was headed by Andrew's new and totally OP character, who seems to be an Australian incarnation of Indiana Jones. During a vigil over Ivan, Khaled revealed that he had had enough of the crazyness and departed from the group the next morning, going to Sydney to teach a professor arabic. Ivan's rich sister, played by Jack, also joined us on our Australian adventure, and both of these new characters have by now been filled in on all the horrifying details. Jean-Claude was catatonic and drunk the entire time, but was brought along and is kind of the oldest living character by now.
RIP Ivan, twas a good run.