After trying the last month trying to figure out how to play Terran (I figured Bisu and Horang2 retired, so I might as well give up the toss cause) I thought I'd give Protoss a try to see if I could manage to win a game for once .
I start in the greatest of positions, the top-right, while my opponent randoms Zerg in the top-left. I haven't managed to win a PvZ in the year I've been lurking around D-, but apparently today is my day! After stealing my gas...
My opponent decides to break out a bunch of lings. Luckly, my three blind cannons manage to hold them off (hoary for supply blocks!).
Obviously the only manageable follow up to a 12-hatch is a lurker-scourge contain.
Lunkers > zealots, thus foiling my attempt at a +1 timing -- pretty terrible for me, seeing as how I went speed before SG.
I proceed to get myself contained. Note that I'm following the "forget your templar den, fuck it -- get armour" build.
This is not the base you're looking for...
Holy mutas! Good thing I forgot to build _any_ sairs...
At this point I go for the "lose all your probes -> break the contain" timing. I'm sure it's somewhat standard.
In case your were wondering, that goon did snipe those two lurkers.
And the contain is broken! Note that the game is essentially over at this point, I've managed to double the supply of the zerg. Fell free to skip the remainder of this post.
I take advantage of my massive army (note that I have about 30 probes) to take my fourth.
And my opponent responds my build hatcheries _everywhere_. Luckily, he forgets to build any drones .
The zerg transitions into losing his entire fucking base.
I get lucky here again -- my blind dozen cannons pay off (though not in time to save my mined-out third).
Destroying the right side was fairly uneventful.
Oh look, minerals! Unfortunately my cannons didn't make it on time -- I guess the zerg is familiar with that 55 minute cannon timing.
Wow, that's an impressive timing drop from the zerg!
The doom drop manages to wipe every one of my mining bases off the map before I'm able to kill it. Luckily it doesn't matter all that much!
This is pretty much the culminating moment of my BW career.
Nice BR! Always fun to see those. The "draw?" was absolutely priceless LOL!
On a more serious note he did 3 hatch lurker, so you shouldn't really expect your zealots to do much damage, and you CAN expect to get contained. It's almost invariably going to happen. You can delay him coming across with your zealots if you want (i.e. he comes across with unburrowed lurkers you attack and as soon as he starts to burrow you run away).
FYI: Going speed before stargate is fine if zerg is going lurkers. You're speedlots won't do much, especially if the timing isn't totally perfect, but it doesn't put you horrifically behind. Now, if you skip SG and he goes 3 hatch muta and you didn't do an archon or double SG followup....that's going to cause problems.
As soon as you see lurker spines nail your speedlot timing, you have a decision: do you want to a.) go balls deep and split off zealots in his main to continue doing damage, or b.) retreat and roam the map to threaten backstabs and deny expos? Usually if the first spine volley shows 5+ lurkers I would just retreat and make sure I get an idea of where he's taking bases. In your game you could've sniped bottom left. This also preserves your army and forces Zerg to send lurkers and shit to whatever 4ths he wants to take, thus hurting his ability to contain you. Of course if he only has 1 or 2 lurkers you might want to try your hand at being a dick and sniping drones or tech buildings in his main.