The title of the ad threw me off hard (I mean HARD... INTEL PENTIUM 2 QUAD CORE 2.40 GH.... nigga what?), but I took a look at it anyway and read the specs of the pc's they had. Turns out the actual specs are:
Core 2 Quad Q6600
4GB Ram (not sure if DDR3 or DDR2 but either way its 4)
No Hard drive or OS
Radeon HD 3870 (sure its old but I mean, continue reading and you will see why I still think its a good deal)
and a shitty case that reminds me of those old IBM Netvista pcs that plagued all of the schools in North Carolina up until about 2008.
The thing is... its only $135 (+shipping. for me in total it would be about $151). Im going to get 2 of them as soon as I can get the money because lord knows I need a pc to game on and a pc that will capture and stream my shit. If the motherboard in these are anygood (I wouldn't bank on it but shit happens), I would have 2 pc's (Old yes, but terrible.. hell no) with OC'd Q6600's (Probably wouldnt go higher than 3-3.2 ghz as I dont really need much).
I'm only posting this because Im dirt poor at the moment and I know there are others in the same situation as me. Hell, we see them post on here all the asking how can they upgrade their old dell pc with that 478 pentium 4 and dont want to spend more than $200.
Just thought i'd share it here in case anyone was looking for a cheap pc or something for a family member or even yourself to keep as a back up or something.