Here in the UK, as a late teenager, my options for LAN have been very limited. However, from tonight, untill monday, I am over in Telford for i46 :DD
It is a BYOC event, with small tournies for SC2, TF2, CSS, among others. As this is my first lan I am super excited, even if it isn't as big as DH or the tournies as exciting as MLG. I can't wait to share the experience that people talk about when they speak of "Meeting the people that used to only be names online"
I'll probably be writing a blog, post-lan to talk about what it was like, possibly even write up a game or something like that. I'd also love to hear if anyone else from TL are going to be there, as I imagine with the number of people that visit TL there must be a few people going to i46, and if so, see you there :D
i-series is pretty fucking big, not being as big as dreamhack is like saying the FA Cup is less prestigious than the World Cup
Meeting people you played with is an awesome experience, i went to a barcraft and ended up meeting so many people, 3 of which were from my SC2 team.
We drank too much vodka, my wife carried me home, it was pretty awesome all round!
Enjoy your lan! are you competing?
On August 23 2012 21:24 Lyter wrote:i-series is pretty fucking big, not being as big as dreamhack is like saying the FA Cup is less prestigious than the World Cup  Yeah, thats true, it's pretty large. I don't really know how big it is though, because it isn't normally covered a great deal, so I don't know exactly what to expect :D
And yeah, I will be competing in the sc2 bracket, alongside my bronze league friend, so it should be a blast :D