When I first got bw back in '99 I fucked around with UMS a lot, and money maps. I joined a clan called l2l(~ Renegade Knights and it was mostly just fun inhouse ums, until my friend l2l(~Arch-Mage~ turned me on to how much skill a person can have 1v1.
He showed me fake goliath drops, and the fast 4 goliath drop strategy. I loved that strat and it worked 40% of the time if excuted perfectly.
The HoD tourny tt1 was talking about I remember winning one of those. I have the ss on old comp buried somewhere ;/
I still have my l2l(~Element~) tag on USEASt
When I first got turned onto TL.net i used to play 1v1 2v2 3v3 with Manifesto7 back in op gg-manner
He kept urging me to check TL out because he was a writer, and Ive been coming ever since.
Manifesto was a beast at 1v1, he would always play and it was a different challenge everytime.
I remember not going out with friends to skateboard cus i was inside playing VTEC lol.
I started when i was 14. My gf hated it and I started dating her back in 2002 this thread: broken heart I ended up going back with the same girl, and having two wonderful children which absolutely blows my mind.
she still hates BW and SC2 now even more lol.
I love this community and the whole BW scene. So many exciting events, and TL always kept raising the bar.
wanted to comment on how bw is transitioning into sc2 very smoothly. just like mbc we will never forget and i remember reading a thread on reviving BW but to me ppl talk about bw more than ever