hello all
lil background on my situation, on jan 2011 I decided to lose weight and get in shape, by june 2011 I had lost almost 50 pounds and was on the best shape of my life with 13% body fat and looked somewhat ripped. of course this is hard to maintain but for the rest of the year i never went up the 16% body fat mark, working out and dieting for like a month then taking 2 -3 weeks off etc etc...but overall i ended 2011 in somewhat shape!
now 2012 came along , its the 5 month of the year and I havent done crap. no gym, no working out, and eating very poorly, and I have done a lot of alcohol consumption. almost every weekend getting drunk and drinking at least 1 beer a day if not more.
Now my weight is starting to come back, im at 178LB with like 20% body fat or so +0- and Im ready to start being a good boy and getting back into shape, getting my beach body and be healthy again.
I want to be around 165LB with 15% body fat - realistic goal.
so I started monday with my usual healthy diet, I eat according to the glycemic index table, all low score foods, so lots of beans, lentils, peas, veggies, chicken, turkey and fish, very little red meat, no lactose products, even tho i do want to include some plain greek yougurt since i had been taking antibiotics for a while. and i guess i could use the extra protein.
and of course my workout routine, I do 3x a week HIIT running on the bridge, about 2 miles. and 3x weight training at the gym. this proved for me a good fat lose ratio while maintaining muscle. 1 rest day
and 1 cheat day, 2 meals of cheat. for 1st month, for month 2 i will try to have cheat day every 2 weeks
any suggestions? or ideas?
goal for monday 14th. lose 3lb of fat at least!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates: day 1 monday may 7th: 178LB day 7 Monday may 14th 171.5LB with 18.5% body fat
i forgot, to ask, eating 178 grams of protein has been horrible hard, the most i got today was 150. can i just add raw eggs into my protein shake? and eat like 6-8 raw eggs a day?
im currently doing 2 cans of tuna, 4 raw eggs, protein shake 28g , and whatever fish or chicken i eat for the day
You really don't need that much protein at all. And I hope your just having egg whites.... That much protein is only really necessary for gaining muscle mass - a lot of it. Your primary objective is getting lean, and yes going to the gym is really good for that too (helps your metabolism) but you don't need to go overboard on the protein.
Also be careful not to eat more than 2 cans of tuna a day (you can get mercury poisoning)
My advice is have a protein shake 2-3 times a day, and then white meat daily. That should be enough protein to meet your goals.
what @run.at.me basically said. The protein is only needed to maintain and build muscle mass. The only reason for you to eat protein is to keep your current muscle mass while you are losing fat. For this only a minimal amount of protein is needed.
You are also combining running with actual weight training which in itself also will promote muscle mass and minimize any muscle loss which normally occur in people who ONLY does running without any strength exercises. So you can tone down on the protein if you want, it's not really essential for fat loss.
Try HIIT if you are fairly in shape or you can try incline and declining the tredmill at a steady pace EDIT: For example 3-5 minutes warm up no incline, incline to 2.0 (at a jogging pace or whatever you like) for 2-3 minutes then 3.5 for 2-3 minutes.
Good luck man, I used to be 214 and idk how much body fat, but not much, I'm a buffer rugby player, so weight is what I have. In november I hurt my back and couldnt walk for 3 days and did it while running, I JUST started working out again last week and I weigh in at 242 (lots of drinking and smoking and all of that). Good luck on your quest to get it down, I am right there with you.
Yes you can eat raw eggs. Depending on your age id say the yolks are fine as well. They provide exogenous cholesterol to make hormones in your body, including testosterone. Try eating meat with every meal and a protein shake if you have trouble getting 17.grams of protein a day.
On May 10 2012 01:38 imanoobcs wrote: f you have trouble getting 17.grams of protein a day.
I don't see how this is even possible, 2 slices of bread, a cup of milk and like 2 drops of peanut butter has ~17 grams of protein
That being said, gl on your fitness goals! seems pretty achievable to me!
I don't want to impose, but is there any possibility of you posting shirtless before and after pics?
anyways, day 7 today.!
day 1 178LB day 7 171.5LB waiting on a fat meter thing to arrive that I order to see my fat %
so far so good, I have been having lots of discipline and didn't miss any workouts.
so far the hardest part was friday and saturday.
Friday i friend came over with a 18 year old bottle of buchanas inviting me to drink it with him and it was hard to turn him down, my dad didnt tho and they ended up killing 3 bottles while i watched hard
and saturday i went to a pool party, really sunny day, and everyone drinking ice cold beer by the pool, i almost gave inn into drinking at least one, but i was strong and didnt. but it got to the point of being so hard, i just left the party and went home lol. food wise, hand t had any cravings yet, and my cheat day wasnt bad at all, everything as a normal day but in one meal i had rice and potatoes and a red meat.
looking forward to a good week again, I start working tomorrow at an office job 9-5 lets see how that affects me
On May 15 2012 01:58 KING CHARLIE :D wrote: I don't want to impose, but is there any possibility of you posting shirtless before and after pics?
ill think about it, :D, its just that now days i think twice before posting any type of pictures on the interweb
Is your goal only to lose weight or to gain muscle as well?
for anyone curious or interested, and or someone that is knowledgeable and wants to give me feedback im going to share my "usual" diet for the day:
breakfast: half a cup of old fashion oatmeal( no sugar no salt, plain) , 1/2 green apple (medium size) 1 hardboiled egg (jumbo) and black coffee (no cream no sugar)
brunch: 1 can of tuna (in water) tea spoon of ketchup (organic no HFCS) with lime juice and little salt added, and slice of whole grain bread
lunch: either fish or chicken with greens
snack: plain greek yogurt (chobani brand-organic) hand full of nut mix
dinner: either fish, turkey or chicken and a vegetable soup
snack: protein shake with raw eggs added
On May 15 2012 02:06 Snaiil wrote: Is your goal only to lose weight or to gain muscle as well?
my main goal at the moment is to lose weight, hoping to lose more fat than muscle and at least try to retain the muscle that I have already.
Lose most of my abdominal fat, and get down to a 13-15% body fat range.
then at that point I will probably stop doing cardio/HIIT , and do heavy weight training 6 days a week and try to gain muscle mass, will probably have to eat 800 more clean calories a day i guess? well we will see in some months how things are going
thinking more hard about it, i actually care more about being really fit, and defined more than being big and strong. I was looking into doing the insanity workout program, but I live in a 2 floor apartment where I cant be jumping and going crazy, the 1st floor would think the roof will collapse lol, so I need a place to actually go and do it
day 21 pic
![[image loading]](http://i47.tinypic.com/2n7mtmq.jpg)
before i started
![[image loading]](http://i47.tinypic.com/wv4cph.jpg)
http://www.bodybuilding.com/ has a tonne of useful routines for muscle mass or weight loss. Sure, there's a lot of ads (it is a supplement sales site), but the programs are solid.