People have been asking me what its like living in Korea, living many peoples dream, what its like to interact with progamers on a daily basis. Hows practice, hows life in Korea. These are a few of the many questions I get asked on twitter, in pm's here, on stream chat's.
So I hope this can explain a bit of who I am and why I am here in Korea. Also maybe answer some common questions I have gotten. I will also try to write at the end a short and funny story about some of the people I have met during my time here.
I arrived in Korea Fenurary 16th at around 4pm KST. I arrived after spending 13 hours sitting in a tiny seat in a airplane. Not my idea of how I would begin a new life, but it was a start.
When I arrived it was a unique experience, Not only was I able to make a friend while travelling. But I got lucky and sat beside this beautiful girl who actually lived close by to me back in Canada (and while you are thinking it, no, I did not get her number) anyways.
When I arrived of course it wasn't sinking in, Gerrard and Edison picked me up (Edison being invictus gaming's sc2 coach) and we got my stuff and headed for my new home. When we arrived it was dark, and everyone was sitting practising as per usual. No one really knew what to say me to except they shook my hand and said hi.
Of course me being tired and not really knowing what was going on, my first encounter with mkp was one I wish I could have done over again. I wish I had said something to him more than hi, something that meant more than just a greeting, but alas it was only meant to be that way haha.
The first few days after my arrival were very similar to this, me not really knowing my around around the house and the players really not knowing what to think of me.
Then of course came Their GSTL match against NSHS. This is the only GSTL match I don't remember at all, I remember mkp getting an all-kill but I don't remember how except for him picking up some marines and a zerg gg'ing.
Anyways after the GSTL matches they have a tradition of going out to eat, so I joined them and we talked a bit. One thing I learned is that I could almost never sit on the ground cross-legged for very long. So I barely ate and we headed out once everyone was done.
The few weeks everything started to normalize around here. People started talking to me (although very little) and practice was becoming more routine and easier to manage. Nothing really interesting happened. Just the standard adapting to Korean culture and them trying to understand me, and vice versa.
I think really everything changed the day of Code A qualifiers. I had not had a good practice the day before due to GSTL, and I was nervous playing in my first ever LAN event.
When I arrived the computers were set up standard. I set up my stuff only to be sitting next to a Fnatic player ( don't remember who) and met Fnatic's manager Brian. I also ran into Naama whom I spoke to for maybe 10-15 minutes until it was time to start.
All of a sudden I see someone setting up behind me. Not trying to pry as to who it was, all I saw was a blue jacket. I finally was able to get a better look. It was Clide, one of the few Terran players I have followed since the beginning of their career. That didn't help play into my nerves.
Anyways since I'm rambling a lot I mine as well get to the more interesting part.
I was set to face Deathangel 2nd round (free-win first round) and I went 0-2 against him. I had played badly and messed up my builds a lot. After the disappointing results I was flustered and spoke with Deathangel about the matches, and that went well.
I met a lot of awesome people that day. I met Coach Lee, Khaldor, and various people. I also ran into my old Coach ST_Rainbow and his Girlfriend Aphrodite. We had a fun moment when he remembered who I was because at the time I had a unique way of playing sc2 that he had not seen before. He was surprised I was in Korean and was living in the prime house.
Anyways long story short I met a lot of people and had fun. Notably I ran into 2 of liquids Foreigners, Jinro and Haypro.
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I was lucky enough to be able to watch his matches and see his play. Of course he didn't have the most successful run. Though it was a pleasure to meet him and I was able to tell him what my thoughts were about him (positive thoughts I assure you). He truly is one of the few players I really respect out here in Korea. He contiunes to insppire me every day to strive to be better, no matter the costs. Jinro will always be the best foreign terran in my heart.
So that so ended my Code A qualifier day and we headed home. Since the day before I promised that if I made it through the first round I would buy Ice cream for everyone, well I had to stay true to my word. Marineking, myself and terious went out and bought ice cream.
I think that night was a big opener for them to finally talk to me, it felt like for once they were able to communicate with me on some level that was beyond the game. Before that they really didn't say much, and what they did say was very short.
The weeks after things got a lot better. bboong was moved next to me in the house, and everything started getting better.
Practice wasn't though, I hit a big wall in my play where I wasn't playing badly, I just wasn't improving. My builds fell short to better players, and my late game vs T and Z was just awful.
I consulted the coach whom I suggested maybe the switch back to protoss. He agreed that it would be the best option for me. And I have since begun the change to protoss as of now. bboong has since been moved back to his former spot

Anyways what many of you have been waiting for. The last GSTL match vs FXOpen. That day was one I won't soon forget. It was one of the better days I have had and I was finally able to enjoy the matches with friends I had made in Korea over time.
I sorta dragged 2 friends from far away to come to GSTL, NEXSeron and NEXSickenss (DTGSickness nowadays) came and met me at GSTL. For anyone who doesn't know who they are, they are both gosu and awesome people. Sickness just being a sick nerd baller in general, and Seron being awesome in general. The day would not have been the same without them.
One of the things that really made me happy is how the Prime clan have accepted me. For those who don't know, the clan is different from the team, but the clan always comes and cheers on the team as much as possible.
When Jonss and Alice saw me they both gave me big smiles and said hi. When they ordered Pizza they offered me some as well. Never before have I seen people so kind, even though they knew little about me in retrospect.
Anyways, Game 1 did not go as people had expected. Bboong had actually won his match, of course with this I had to wirte a cheerful, but being in Korean I wanted it in Hangul, So I asked Alice if she could write it for me and she did. And it got on air.
for anyone who doesn't know, that camera is intense, and their is a giant light that beams down on you like God is trying to send you a message from it. Anyways that was fun (beside me you can spot Seron smiling and laughing).
Of course after that I showed my cheerful to bboong who was awesome enough to take a picture with me. And when I spoke to Gerrard, he said he liked the cheerful, I remember seeing marineking laugh when he saw it. The team seemed to enjoy it is general.
I don't know what else their is to say about those matches, they were pretty self explanatory. I was able to get good insight into the matches with NEXSickness sitting beside me for a few of the games.
After the matches we went out for a fancy dinner instead of the normal Korean place we would go to. Of course I couldn't let Seron and Sickness go without food so I bought them and their friends dinner to enjoy with the prime clan and team.
When I was sitting there, during dinner. It really finally sunk in where I was. After all this time, it really never sunk into me that I had finally accomplished me dreams. I had moved to Korea and I was (at least by my definition) a progamer. I had finally done it, and I was having the time of my life with people I hardly knew but I would trust them with my life. I thin between when I arrived until that day I really felt alone, the team had tried to reach out to me, and I had responded, but not as much as I could have. This changed that evening. In many ways I had finally had a chance to sit back and take a look at everything that had gone on, and everything that will happen.
Of course a lot has gone on which I wish I could write about but it would take up way too much space and This had been long enough. Right now at the house its only 3 people, since everyone is at Vegas for GSTL finals.
I will take this chance to also answer some common questions people have asked me.
How are you able to stay in Korea?
Well I worked for a long time in order to save up the money needed to live here. Of course money runs out soon so unless I find someone(s) willing to support my stay in Korea, I will be leaving in June.
I don't want to leave, and hopefully won't have to. I am on the look out for a team, so hopefully that works out, who knows.
How did you get into the Prime house?
A lot of dedication, and a long time spent talking details over with Gerrard, and also being able to pay rent helps a fair amount haha.
Favourite person in the Prime house?
I would have to say bboongbboong, since I am the closest to him in the house.
Best English in the house?
Mkp for sure has the best English. With the worst maybe being Maru because he is so young.
Also if you have any questions. Feel free to ask them.
I wanted to share a few stories that really don't fit into anywhere else. They kind of stand out among everything as times that were eye-opening for me.
I remember after a long losing streak I got frustrated and went to lie down. A few minutes later Creator and Creator came and started just talking to me, even though his English isn't the best, he tried to communicate with me, to tell me to not so frustrated. We ended up talking for almost a hour, and Classic and The coach ended up joining us. I think this really stood out for me because I felt like on some level closer to Creator. He is in many ways wiser than me. He tries to know me, and looks beyond the embarrassing culture clashing moments I have had here in the house.
Another time which was recent. It was last monday. I had recieved a heart-breaking e-mail from a friend back home. She was looking to find some long time friends of hers who she had lost touch with when they came back to Korea seeking a cure for Cancer. Their names are Brian and Jessica. I knew both Brian and Jessica from a long time ago, I had not seen them in many years and did not know Brian had gotten cancer.
Anyways I was given a phone number. I explained to bboong the situaiton and he instantly called Jessica. She answered and I was able to speak to her. It was worse than I had though. Brian can no longer walk and the cancer has spread into his bones.
This wasn't what I wanted to hear, who wants to hear their friend is dying. I broke down into tears. Bboong ended up taking me for a walk. Even though he could not understand my rambling, he tried to just be there for me, something very few people have done in my life. He cheered me up, even if for only a moment, I was able to laugh, because bboong was able to cheer me up. I'll never forget that, and if anyone who reads this has the chance to met bboong, give him a hug for me.
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Ok I think I wrote too much, and much of it is random rambling and not very concise to very readable. But I tried my best being very tired.
Like I said earlier, Ask me any questions you may have. I may be doing some coaching in the future, you can contact me about that if you so choose, I don't think I will charge much at all. Also follow me on twitter, radrelsc2 .
If you've read this far down and not given up, or gotten frustrated at the lack of any structure in this blog. Than Thank you.
And for those of you who want to complain, feel free to not.
And yeah, have a good one.
P.S. One thing I forgot to add
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