It was a day that I was still happy that I bought iPad2 thinking oh... I'm not gonna be bored in the plane...
I was going to the airport with this happiness. Before I left I wrote down all the address and information on my ipad2 that i bought like 2days ago. Everything was just normal. Everything was going fine. Checked in got to the plane as usual.
Finally arrived in germany. I grabed a taxi, went to the address. When I arrived to the address that was given by manager. I was so confused if it was a correct address because it wasnt hotel unusually. It Looked like just medium size of house. There was no one in the front and the door was locked. So I thought I was at the wrong place thinking its either iem or my managers fault for giving me a wrong address. I was going to check what i wrote down on my ipad but i was busy watching movie on the air plane so the battery was gone.
It was about 2pm ish. I was hungry so I couldn't stand there forever hoping someone to appear. I waited there about an hour but no one came. So I decided to go to other building near around here. It was rural area there was nothing around the building except yards. Walking 10minutes with all my bags, there was an event building. I went in there and checked my phone, it showed there is wifi. I just had to get a password to access to it. Oh, I forgot to explain my situation. I had no service on my phone in Europe means no signal , no 3G . I missed Korean Internet technology, u can basically get any txt MSG wherever you are and you can register to 3G any time you want. It costs about 10bucks a day no limit.
Back to the story, I had to ask wifi password. So I went to the front desk and explained my situation but the guy couldn't speak English. So I said Internet please, wifi password please and he goes no Internet no no no. Even though I can see he is webserfing with his computer.. Rofl... And wifi signal. I sighed for a second and left the building. I was starving. Thank god I wasn't sleeping on the taxi, I remembered the way to the burger king. To go there I had to walk 15more minutes with those annoying heavy bags. If I had no stuff it would only take 10mins. I got to the burger king and ate some food. Afterward I explained my situation to the employee , fortunately she speaks little bit of English . However she said wait and explained my story to her manager but he couldn't speak English. The manager gave me a direction to the public telephone. I went there to call team boss Michael Odell since he was here for the event. However I was so stupid that I didn't know how to type + in the phone which is 00 ... So I couldn't make it.
Sigh it was about 4pm. I was thinking... Oh god wtf should I do????... And I thought that there is no choice except keep asking people how to call this number, and if I can use their phone. So I spoke to about 8 people. No one could help me. At the end , I saw some guys who were in the car at the parking lot. The car windows were open, and they were talking. I went up and explained my situation thank god he was ok ish in English just like me also looked like about the same age as me. But we failed to call the English number start with +4477 oh god I feel so stupid writing this story... Rofl.... So we were thinking what should I do. One of the guy who were sitting on passanger seat said there is a McDonald 10 mins away by car has a free wifi for 60 minutes. And the driver said I will give u a ride. I was so happy lol.. But he said he has to wait his sister. We waited like 5minutes, she got out of a bus and came.
So we were going to the McDonald, we were stopped at the light and there was a gas station right beside of the road. And suddenly the driver guy said look that's how much the gas cost 1 liter blahblah. I don't remember the exact amount. So I said oh sure I will pay u 5 euro no problem

Finally.... I got the wifi access. I installed Skype on my phone. Went to the team chat and I went nut. Lol I was so exhausted. By that time I was thinking it was our manager fault to giving me a wrong address. That's why I went nut on the Skype chat hehe (sorry guys for misunderstanding). I went to the email, and checked if it's the same address that iem gave me and manager gave me. It was same. So then I thought it is iem fault to not taking care of me. Since I was the replaced player who got noticed at the very last moment they should have known I'm not gonna be able to come at normal time. So back to the story, I talked to people and they told me to go back to the address since the event finishes at 6 i should go back and wait for people. So i decided to call a taxi and go back to the address again. Asked employee to call taxi. Waited about 30 minutes, the taxi came.
It was about 6 ish. When I got back , it was 6 30. There was still no one, it was cold and getting dark. When I waited like 5 minutes? A car came. I was so happy finally... I'm going in to sleep... I was awake for about 24hours by then. One guy came out of car. I asked do u have a key? He said yes and he said he is a counter strike player. He took out his key put it into the door. "tic" . What the fuck.... -_- yes. The key broke, and half of key was stuck inside of door lock. g00t shit. Now I'm stuck again with this player rofl.... His dad who gave him a ride came again called a number that was on the paper. Thank god they were German. I don't know what they said since they spoke german. We chilled there for like 30 mins. However his dad was brilliant . He brought the car in front of the door put the light on to the door with car so he could fix it. He brought something sharp stuff and took out the part of the key. Now .. I only had to wait other players who have the key to come. Waited... Waited... Fkn cold. Finally all the other players was coming.
It was about 7 30 ? Not sure. I got into my room.... There was a bed, and sink. No bathroom. Ya ok. I had to notify people on the Skype. So I went downstairs to use wifi. There was no signal in the room, only in the first floor waiting room. I logged on Skype, dont worry I got here finally. Also asked where is killer? . Oh cool killer and boss, zaccubus were having nice dinner. (fuck u guys u guys don't care if I get lost or not) I went back to the room, lean on the bed, past out in 5seconds. Fuck wash I'm tired. Next day after I lost my group boss brought me and killer a nice dinner and he told me his hotel costs about 300euro a day cuz of cebit everything is expensive. So I understood iem they couldn't book hotel. So I blame that building reception for being away from the building without any notice massage that says where to call, get key. To make an excuse, I lost because of this shit happened a day before the tournament LOL. However it was good experience, I learned a lot.
I hate being lost in germanyyyy Fuck you.
Also fuck you apple. I bought ipad2 like 5days ago and ipad3 came out fml. I'm gonna try a return when I get back to home. Im writing a story on the airplane from frankfurt to Vancouver

Thx for reading. please wish me a good luck in the next tournament hehe.
Love you fans.