The following scene is based on real tweets.
Scene: Castle of GSL, small hall.
Enter Sir Dongraegu and Sir Nestea stage left.
Dongraegu: Whether facing Terran or Zerg, the result of Protoss Immortal timings are decided by no means other than the Protoss player's 'skill' in the deployment of force-fields. From the moment at which one misplaces a force-field, the victory has been yielded, yet if thine force-field placement be true, victory is attained.
[Spits on the ground]
Nestea (to DRG): Cease thy whining, it's most uncouth. Accept defeat cleanly.
MC, the fool’s head appears through the high window
MC: Attend Nestea well. How strong could Protoss be? It has yet but seen three GSL finals. Perhaps the good sir should be Protoss and improve his FF skill.[laughs]
DRG: Go to shrift, ye shameless Protoss ruffian! There is strength to Protoss now, such strength I'm fit to retch!
DRG (to Nestea): Forgive me, sir Nestea, I could not go on being so aggrieved.
Nestea: Cede victories to Protoss players, for then King David shall enfeeble them on our behalf.
[Sighs] It is so very arduous to survive as a Zerg these days... Dongraegu, let us advance together from the tournament... though I know it be more likely that we both will fall.
DRG: From this vantage, the heart of the swarm shouldn't usher in a golden age for Zerg. Let us share a drink after we are toppled.
Nestea: Verily, would that thou had braced thineself for such when first thou selected Zerg. Personally, I feel I have aged a decade in these past twelve months.
MC (to DRG): Regardless of the strengths Toss hold, one should be relied upon to vanquish Genius, at least...
DRG: Art thou without even a modicum of shame?!
Enter Lady Jessica & Sir Choya stage left
Jessica (to DRG): Soothe thineself, sirrah! Anger will only diminish thee.
Choya: Toss maintains a fearsome strength these days, have faith my Zerg friends.
Nestea: In soothe, Toss is strong, but thou art no formidable foe, I am sorry to say.
Choya: Wouldst thou receive my all-in, cousin? [laughs at length]
Nestea: Never let it be said that thou were without a measure of wit, Choya.
Choya: [laughs] Yes, but Protoss does seem peculiar strong when upon PvZ my gaze alights nowadays.
Nestea: Truly, thou art a fine and noble man, to so admit the OP of thine own race. I shall reward thee with a feast.
Choya: Aye, I admit it, I am but a poor Protoss. I accept thine gift of food.
Dongraegu, Nestea, Jessica exit stage right.
Choya (aside): Indeed, I must admit that Immortals are prodigious strong. Protoss is formidable these days, but it still depends on who uses it. Inarguably impotent when I use it!