On November 12 2011 23:36 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On November 12 2011 22:31 TheBJ wrote: This may sound elitist to you , but take it as a peace of advice from a 2.2k + player.
Elo hell doesn't exist.PERIOD ( or atleast the version everyone cries about ). I.e I am better than this rating and i should be highier. If u are any better you would be able to carry your games 60-80% of the time solo up to ~~1800++ , you wont be able to compensate for feeding lanes above , or well at least not most of the time.
I started playing LoL for fun with some friends who were already ~lvl 20 4months before s1 end. Took me a good month ++ some days to reach level 30. By the time i got level 30 i had like 70 wins in normals ( used exp boost ) and had pretty terrible heroes. I.e a friend told me veigar is like magina in dota so i bought him first etc , than i played alot of katarina and leblanc which are all great for pub stomping. Anyway i reached level 30 and bought 3-4 champions for 450 ip so i have 14 heroes for ranked ( lol ). Solo que-ed went 9-1. After 2-3 days there was this elo system bug with the beginning of the new month. Basicly i had to go through the placement matches again , 9-1 again. Took me 180 games in total to reach 2200. Bare in mind i have barely seen 1/2 of the heroes in play and simply got carried by my dota mechanics. You need to approach the games you play with the right attitude and you will find carrying solo in LoL is just as possible until u meat semi decent players. Oh , also i played my first games since 2 months ago and i placed 10-0 and am now 1900 +.
If u want to carry solo ur games after dominating ur lane here are some characters that excel very well at it.
lee sin , Cass , Brand , Anni ( to a lesser extent ) , Talon ( works top and mid ) , Sion , Ryze , ezrael , graves , kassadin ( if they have semi brain and u can pick away kills all the time )
I don't think you have witnessed how ReginaId was stuck ~1500 elo at the beginning of this season?
how is that relevant?
LoL is like poker. You can be good at poker but have bad luck. But if you play more hands(games) your luck evens out over time and you make profit(gain elo).
If you are good then play more and your elo goes up. If you play enough games and it doesn't then the problem is you aren't good enough.
On November 13 2011 05:05 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On November 12 2011 21:53 Kiett wrote: lol. To think that elo hell complaining threads would follow me out of LoL general into TL as well.
Look, it's tiring, it's frustrating, it sucks. Guess what? Too bad. Get over it, and just keep playing. Or go duo with a pro friend.
It took me about 400 games to get into 1700s last season. This season I got there a bit faster because I started out at 1350, but it still took about 100 games. I find playing support and jungler are the best ways to move up; support because even a retard can right click their way to victory with an AD carry when fed hard enough, so just babysit that shit, and jungle because the success of all the lanes can be directly influenced by you. If a lane is failing, then go help. Then you don't get to use the "oh boo hoo I owned my lane but the other lanes sucked" excuse. I've seen people go like 10-0 with ranged AD and not be able to carry Saying any retard can carry when fed is just absurd, esp at low ELO
If you're just mentioning a K/D on a ranged AD and thinking that's all it means to carry games, you probably deserve to be stuck in low ELO
Well it's not like I can tell others what to do in terms of winning their lane, I can make dragon and baron calls or when to engage and even then people don't listen. My team yelled at me for backing off in a 4v5 when my team is out of position and then blamed me for not fighting even though I pinged them to back. There are certain aspects out of my control in this game. Like honestly, if you played 100 games in starcraft you'll most likely be where you belong unless those 100 games are spread out over a long period or you're improving so you're on the verge of promotion. With this game though elo is just so much more volatile. If you lose 5 games in a row on starcraft, you'll probably have a winning streak sooner or later which normalizes anything. In this game even in lower ratings everything just feels like a toss up. I have no control how other people play their lanes because I doubt the majority of people would listen if I told them to just play passively or something. I mean elo hell exists in every elo bracket. Thats why I have friends who've gone from 1700 to 1500 elo even though they've already played 300+ games before that. This system is flawed regardless of what elo you're at. Thats why I like playing arranged 5v5's because thats what the game is really about. It's a team game but solo queue is clearly not a team game. Theres a reason why elementz has a solo queue and draft mode tier list. Why do I not play arranged 5's more? Well it's hard to get 5 people on, especially finding a person who is willing to play support.
edit: oo and heres another one, what am i supposed to do when people are too stubborn that they don't get their lane? Last pick: "OMG I DON'T GET VAYNE BOT QQ , *plays vayne anyways even though we need a jungler*. All I read about when playing solo queue is learn how to play all roles, win your lane if you're truly better , make calls and ward. I try to do all that and it just doesn't work. I mean it's not like I blame others every game, if I lose my lane or make a bad call I'll blame myself. Or in Starcraft I'm not gonna blame the opponent for all inning me because I should've scouted better. But its simply hard to convince yourself that you could've done more in laning phase other than winning it when the game was clearly lost at that point
if you really are good, then play more. you will end up at whatever rating you belong at.
reginald was stuck at 1500 for a while gz. he's now #4 2173
elo hell doesn't exist. you can get bad luck at any rating and just get a worse team than your opponents.
On November 12 2011 19:31 ChaosTriggeR wrote: So when I'm not playing sc2, I like to play LoL. League of legends uses an elo rating system to rate his players basically like how chess players are ranked. Theres a problem with that, chess is an individual game, League of Legends is five. The people on this game are generally brain dead apparently as well. I was 1500 elo last season and now I'm below 1250. Why? I don't know, I guess my ability to carry 4 other idiots on my team is terrible. I mean, how is it fair that I lose rating when I completely win my lane mid with significantly more creep score and at like 3 or 4 kills on the other mid. What annoys me more is that in these game, my team gets destroyed. The kill score would be like 6 to 18 with me accounting for all the kills or something. I win my solo lane more times than not and at the very least I stay even yet people just love to die and die and die. They're like that marine group who keeps running into a siege tank line. I don't know, maybe its late and I'm tired or something but I simply fail to see how anyone mid laner could account for top and bottom dieing twice in the first five minutes of the game or something. Oh and before someone tells me I should gank other lanes, I try, a lot more than I should tbh and it's pretty freakin hard to gank fed lanes.
edit: It's funny cause before this, I always believed people could carry themselves out of their elo but tbh I've won too many lanes just to have my team feed to believe that anymore. HE GETS IT nothing to see here
On November 13 2011 06:23 Seiuchi wrote:Show nested quote +On November 13 2011 05:05 arb wrote:On November 12 2011 21:53 Kiett wrote: lol. To think that elo hell complaining threads would follow me out of LoL general into TL as well.
Look, it's tiring, it's frustrating, it sucks. Guess what? Too bad. Get over it, and just keep playing. Or go duo with a pro friend.
It took me about 400 games to get into 1700s last season. This season I got there a bit faster because I started out at 1350, but it still took about 100 games. I find playing support and jungler are the best ways to move up; support because even a retard can right click their way to victory with an AD carry when fed hard enough, so just babysit that shit, and jungle because the success of all the lanes can be directly influenced by you. If a lane is failing, then go help. Then you don't get to use the "oh boo hoo I owned my lane but the other lanes sucked" excuse. I've seen people go like 10-0 with ranged AD and not be able to carry Saying any retard can carry when fed is just absurd, esp at low ELO If you're just mentioning a K/D on a ranged AD and thinking that's all it means to carry games, you probably deserve to be stuck in low ELO I could have factored in farm but i really didnt feel like it know why? At low ELO you get a bunch of kills and if you arent retarded then you can carry the game via good positioning wards knowing where to engage, not getting caught any of that shit.
Point being you cant expect a fed/farmed moron to carry you even with a ranged AD.
I know what it means to carry games, bro.
On November 13 2011 06:09 travis wrote:Show nested quote +On November 12 2011 23:36 spinesheath wrote:On November 12 2011 22:31 TheBJ wrote: This may sound elitist to you , but take it as a peace of advice from a 2.2k + player.
Elo hell doesn't exist.PERIOD ( or atleast the version everyone cries about ). I.e I am better than this rating and i should be highier. If u are any better you would be able to carry your games 60-80% of the time solo up to ~~1800++ , you wont be able to compensate for feeding lanes above , or well at least not most of the time.
I started playing LoL for fun with some friends who were already ~lvl 20 4months before s1 end. Took me a good month ++ some days to reach level 30. By the time i got level 30 i had like 70 wins in normals ( used exp boost ) and had pretty terrible heroes. I.e a friend told me veigar is like magina in dota so i bought him first etc , than i played alot of katarina and leblanc which are all great for pub stomping. Anyway i reached level 30 and bought 3-4 champions for 450 ip so i have 14 heroes for ranked ( lol ). Solo que-ed went 9-1. After 2-3 days there was this elo system bug with the beginning of the new month. Basicly i had to go through the placement matches again , 9-1 again. Took me 180 games in total to reach 2200. Bare in mind i have barely seen 1/2 of the heroes in play and simply got carried by my dota mechanics. You need to approach the games you play with the right attitude and you will find carrying solo in LoL is just as possible until u meat semi decent players. Oh , also i played my first games since 2 months ago and i placed 10-0 and am now 1900 +.
If u want to carry solo ur games after dominating ur lane here are some characters that excel very well at it.
lee sin , Cass , Brand , Anni ( to a lesser extent ) , Talon ( works top and mid ) , Sion , Ryze , ezrael , graves , kassadin ( if they have semi brain and u can pick away kills all the time )
I don't think you have witnessed how ReginaId was stuck ~1500 elo at the beginning of this season? how is that relevant? LoL is like poker. You can be good at poker but have bad luck. But if you play more hands(games) your luck evens out over time and you make profit(gain elo). If you are good then play more and your elo goes up. If you play enough games and it doesn't then the problem is you aren't good enough.
If you can't carry yourself out of the rating you're currently at over a period of time, not just a few days, then that's the rating that you're suppose to be at.
Like many others have said, you might have shitty luck and go on a losing streak with all feeders, but that doesn't continue for long.
Since the F2P system hit HoN, I've been constantly making smurfs and getting them to lvl 5 for coins to my main, and I always end up at 1700-1800 while I'm reading forum posts on HoN forums saying that it is impossible for them to get out of 1500s because they can't carry 4 bads every game.. At 1500 if you can't carry 4 bads then you're bad too.
8748 Posts
if you are at an elo lower than you belong, then it's you and 4 newbs against 5 newbs. if you play enough games, you'll go up. if you have a bad attitude, then you gonna play bad and now maybe you belong at newb elo ! =]
After the ladder reset all the pro players and streamers shot to the top of the ladder within a week. Two at most. If Elo hell existed then some of them would be stuck in it too.
I think one of the problem people have in LoL is that they only pay attention to losses. Statistically you've had just as many games that you won because someone on your team was laning against someone really bad as losses because someone on your team was feeding. Just the former you'll usually put to "oh, well, I'm just amazing at this game" whereas the latter you'll blame on feeders. I'm saying this cuz its a mentality I had for a bit too.