Last exam tomorrow, which will be my 4th in 4 days + 2 more that I had done before that; so fucking burnt. I had two exams from 7 to 10PM two days in a row (the second one was actually 2 exams too, 1 last exam worth 30% then an open book exam worth 10% that was on things we hadn't actually learned in class) then today one at 12PM... so yeah, basically I had 14 hours in between exams. I studied most of the night, and now I'm dead tired for my next one. Also super awesome when your neighbors have parties/are being a lot more noisy than usual during the weekend, I assume since it's around christmas time. Not like I still need to get up in the morning for exams/studying more or anything, assholes. It's also one of the reason I studied way too late.
I think my grades are going to end up being pretty average unfortunately this semester. I got A+ in my analytical chemistry lab (~93+ for A+ yay) but C+ in physical chemistry gah... I did like 60% on the last exam (and I deserved like 30%). I was so badly prepared because of my schedule (and it's a complete exam so 9 chapters of crap on it, didn't study enough at all; exam wasn't even that hard for someone prepare correctly which makes it even more pathetic). I had like 80% average in that class before, which is decent since I suck in it but that just owned me pretty badly.
Finished Metabolism, C++ Programmation (I think I did well on the exam today, I revised it like 4 times before handing it in --- I needed 50% to pass but I think I can do like 85%+ and maybe even 90% if I didn't make any stupid mistakes which means my grade in that class could vary from failure to A- pretty much) and a Biochemistry lab but I didn't get those results yet. I think my lab is going to be A or A+ (need 95% for A+, not sure if I got that on the exam but probably not) but metabolism is going to be in the Bs and C++ is a crap shoot for me. The final C++ exam is worth 50% and if you do better than the first exam ( worth 20%) he also replaces that grade so it's worth 70% pretty much. On the first exam I did 74%, and pretty much all my mistakes were stupid crap (I had 2 exams in a row and was really tired so I didn't revise) which is why I revised so much this time. I have like 11/15 on homework because I didn't really do the last one (more like couldn't, I'm terrible at this) and 9/15 on the second exam (again, terrible at this) so 20/30. If I can do very well on the last exam I can do up to 90 in that class, which would be awesome considering how much I hate it and how much trouble it gave me. Assuming a more reasonable 80% on the exam give me a B- though, which I'd take at this point sadly enough.
Last one tomorrow is analytical chemistry. 9 chapters; teacher gave us the value of each chapter and told us it's 35% theory 65% problem resolution so yeah, just trying to get my shit together and give it a last go before I drop dead tomorrow after my exam (thank god it's only at 3:30PM). I need 4/35 on the exam to pass, so that's not a problem; I just have to show up. It's also the same teacher as physical chemistry so I know the exam will be long but not insanely difficult (just slightly harder than things we do in class like usual I hope) + he's generous with points even when you have bad answers... but at the end of the day I still want to do well. Doing C+ in a class is depressing, I want to at least do B+ or A- in this.
And finally, tomorrow night = SLEEP! For as long as humanely possible. Then I need to do a bunch of crap on monday that I shoved aside the entire semester (like my student loan demand for next semester, oops; thank god I got way too much first semester) and finally I can go back to wasting all my days playing Skyrim (already got ~100 hours on it despite getting it 2 weeks after it came it) before going to see my family!
Also, typing all this didn't help motivate me at all like I thought it could. Oh well.
*edit : LOL at me saying I liked all 6 of my classes... more like liked 1/6 (biochem lab although chem lab was alright). Me and my stupid optimism.