When I think about it, despite my body not getting any action whatsoever, my mind is a complete slut. It's been going around with person to person just letting them do whatever they want. Heck I get sometimes from books, or even just from audio. Sometimes its even from people I don't even know, completely anonymous people that I've never met or after that one night/day/AM/PM whatever I probably never will! Basically what I'm trying to say is that, my mind has been blown and fucked so many times and I don't know if that's something to brag about or be ashamed of.
I don't think I'm the only one either! Honestly some people out there can't stand just receiving they want to give it too! They go and spread their seeds of knowledge to everyone, CERN recently just came out with a pretty big one and they weren't even confident in themselves!
Oh and then there's the children, all those young fresh minds that you just can't resist getting in on. You might start with something little like oh say, telling them there are people behind those sock puppets, or that "You've got their nose!" just fooling around its all harmless. The next thing you know you're telling them that Santa doesn't exist, that you can't explain EVERYTHING, that they're GOING TO DIE AND YOU CAN'T HELP THEM NO ONE WILL. You sick bastards enjoy it too!
I used to think of myself as a pretty nice guy, I mean I wouldn't go all the way with anything I'd get in their heads a bit, maybe mess around with them a few puns here and there, but now I just get this urge to just fuck with people all the time. I want to blow them so hard that they will just be amazed at hearing me talk. Am I the only one who has this absurd desire? Is it an addiction?
Let me know, do you like it when your mind is blown? Fucked? at the same time?
You've just fuck-blown my mind, bro.
I don't even understand what being mind blown or fucked is.
Don't think that has ever happened to me.
On October 05 2011 05:03 ChinaLifeXXL wrote: You've just fuck-blown my mind, bro.
I think Im gonna agree with him and leave now...
Did you just say you want to mentally molest children? By the way this has to be the least comprehensible blog I have ever read.
well that was ... unexpected
dunno man, whatever works for you as long as you dont hurt anybody
On October 05 2011 05:24 Sotamursu wrote: Did you just say you want to mentally molest children? By the way this has to be the least comprehensible blog I have ever read.
No I said "you" as in the reader who may or may not have the hobby of screwing with childrens minds.
My life will never be the same again...
I thought it was messing with kids minds to tell them that Santa *does* exist...I feel like I should be doing the opposite. Well, for those kids who are on the fence at least. Once the damage is done I suppose you have to let them down gently some how...probably best if they learn on their own
Also very interesting how you alluded to your mind being a slut in the sexual sense, but then completely "mind fucked" everybody by talking about how you meant it was unethical in a broader sense, and that you enjoyed screwing over children . Very entertaining read. I probably couldn't do it though...unless its one of those kids you really dislike, the bratty ones.
Either too abstract for me or has my mind been blown fucked too.
On October 05 2011 05:34 Spiffeh wrote: What did I just read?
Um... pretty much how I felt about it.. *awkward laughter* :x
So your mind likes having sex with strangers?
I had to read this twice. After the second time, my mind was fuck-blown.
LOL @ all these comments.
This blog makes it perfectly clear why some thoughts should remain thoughts, and some ideas should remain ideas.
I should have known opening this thread would be a mistake -____-
On October 05 2011 05:50 marttorn wrote: This blog makes it perfectly clear why some thoughts should remain thoughts, and some ideas should remain ideas.
ROFL. amen
United States22154 Posts
Don't worry, its all about the transposition of the positional alignment of the stars. As long as you keep in mind that Capricorn is in the seventh house, we will be able to help you. Now its obvious your humors are unaligned, which has led to an inflammation of the brain, this is easily cured through trepanation, so get a drill and get to it. If that proves ineffective I suggest leeches.
This curative method is in keeping with my understanding of your blog