as well in addition to those. i am going through some rare replays, and was wondering what players people wanted to see the most of. please let me know, and i'll compile what i have into organized packs.
also i've found a huge pile of vods on a website that i found that seems to have about 90% of the missing vods on tlpd. so right now i am testing it with random missing vods and seeing exactly how many come up. i know there are a lot of double videos, but in total including doubles. there is about 5000 vods, at least thats from 2 of the 3 users that have uploaded vods (and no its not youtube). i'll edit this post tonight when the testing is done.
on other less exiciting new. i've finally had time to play bw in the last couple of weeks and have gone 2-0. 1-0 on the korean server and 1-0 on iccup. beat one cannon rush on iccup, and a 4 pool on the korean server.