Um... sorta like that.
Luckily we were only going around 20 mph, so him and I land pretty decently. We're freaking out so much though, so we start walking away from the burning car (it had hit a tree). We start walking towards a nearby building when we realize... we're in fucking Greece!
Kinda like that, except with more people with pants on. And a giant casino.
The outside is protected by a giant fence, but luckily its only to keep the Turks out (don't question the Greeks) so my dad and I walk right in. I exchange my $20 for Greek money that felt strangely like jelly beans or the little fruits you get in thai iced tea, but no matter. I jumped into the chute to get into the hotel when I'm suddenly surrounded by...
Since pictures are worth a thousand words (and I can't be fucked to type a thousand of them)
Except less blue people. Greeks don't like blue people. I walked up to the nearest storekeeper who began to speak some indecipherable language so I ask him if he speaks English. In a deep British baritone (since all Greeks have a British accent when speaking English, of course), he tells me that I'd better buy something or get the fuck out of his store.
I start to buy something but think better and begin to munch on my cholpies (apparently that's what Greek money is called, and it has the exact same texture as gummi bears).
Delicious Greek capitalism!
However, I've started to get tired from all of the gummi bears and excitement and so I go and buy a room in a nearby hotel. I put my head down and...
I wake up. Right in my hotel room in Stanford where I've been living for the past two days. I begin to walk out when I notice that everything looks strangely like the Greek casino, just without any flashing lights or money that tastes like gummy bears. Dejectedly, I walk outside and open the gate around my hotel. But then...
so imagine that there is the earth the light, now imagine that light is reflecting off of the earth and exploding outwards in a million colors. now imagine that ur the earth and that the light is the light. bam, easy to understand now? -baller*
Thanks, baller. So yeah, I wake up again in my actual bed room at my house and my mind is totally blown. I go downstairs and start making some breakfast when...
I realize that this would be a great plot for an Inception sequel!
On second thought... lets just name it Jellyception
*Note: the real baller did not say this. This is simply an unfunny spoof of his posting.