I never talk to the TL public about my personal life but I need a 3rd party opinion on the matter.
So let me get down to pretty much everything.
Moved out to Wyoming from Ohio, meet a chick we start dating. Seems alright for the most part very honest person, caring, Jesus lover(which i'm not) ect and she one of like a few people I can really trust
For the most part I do pretty much anything for this women, drove 7 hours to pick her up at an emergency room after she rolled her car 5 times, let her have a dog in my apartment and let her live free here and I pretty much gave up most of my social life and gaming for this bitch.
So this morning I was sleeping and I hear this sobbing sound, I awake and ask whats wrong. She pulls out my phone and shows me text messages. These messages are from my ex girl friend in Ohio. This isn't the first time i've had trouble trying to defuse the situation about my ex. Seems like every weekend we go out and drink it ends up with her crying and her saying "your gonna leave me for her". This is crazy my ex is like 5 states away.
But back to the phone, one of her friends told her to go through my phone and she if she can find or see a sign where I am cheating on her. She manage somehow to get into my facebook as well.
To me this is a duel problem, for one I still talk to my EX girlfriend which I don't think its a problem but I guess it can be if your on the other side of the relationship and the other is her going through my shit.
So the question I ask you TL nation to get ride of her or keep her
Tell her it's completely unacceptable for her to look through your phone and facebook, tell her if she can't deal with you talking to your ex who's 5 states away she should just leave now.
I would never put up with that shit, that's crazy.
What was in the text messages? Anything remotely suggestive?
Tell her she is crazy and has no right invading your privacy like that? She obviously is mentally unstable, lmao, I'd move on.
the real question is do you love her? if you do i would say to try and make it work. but base on your blog she seem to be more troubles then she is worth.
Damn that's rough, my ex did the same thing except in the end it was her who ended up cheating and not me. I think the best thing to do is just to have a heart to heart /w her; be honest, tell her that you don't want to leave her for your ex, etc. (as im sure you already have) and tell her it upsets you that she won't trust you, because trust is an 100% must have for any relationship to work.
If she can't trust you then its best to move on.
you are basically flipping a coin to decide about something like this.. crazy. Sorry that I cannot help ya
Well for one I'm a nice person, so my ex'es are stil friends. I was getting a bunch of people from high school and trying to put a trip to Hawaii together. Along with her
She fucking logged into your facebook acount and read all your messages...I would be incredibly mad if this happened to me (thank god I dont save any text messages and dont have facebook ^^)
Explain to her that you still talk to your ex, but she is, in fact, an ex. If she make a problem out of this, you will be having a miserable relationship
If you really like this girl, yell at her, tell her it's not how you treat each other in a relationship etc, but keep her. If you can't see yourself having a future with her, get rid off her.
High maintenance is high maintenance.
On August 23 2010 21:43 Dr.Kill-Joy wrote: Well for one I'm a nice person, so my ex'es are stil friends. I was getting a bunch of people from high school and trying to put a trip to Hawaii together. Along with her
So you should just honestly tell her that! If she does not believe you, there is likely a lack of trust in your relationship, and that usually won't end well.
Belgium6763 Posts
shit like that is not cool... not cool at all tell her this: the only reason you'll leave her is if she acts all paranoid and invades your privacy again
also, punch her friend in the face
Sounds good, thanks for the input now. This would be the 3rd time I would take her back. The first time she tried pushing her views on religion(she's a Mormon) 2nd time was a night where we got drunk so from what everyone is saying no go on 3.
fuck that shit man. the girl crossed the line by invading your privacy. i wish you could argue your side with a girl the same way as the judicial system--any info that was obtained by shady means like that without a warrant is thrown out. unfortunately...that will never be the case...i got fucked like that too : (
Psycho gf is psycho. Theres nothing to do if she doesn't really trust your words OR you. Unless you..
A) Kill your ex-gf to show how much you love her.
Or if that doesn't work or you can't do it,
B) Get rid of this gf of yours.
She says she had trouble Boy Friends in the past where they cheated on her and I guess one cheated on her with her sister. So I guess her best friend told her to go through my phone to make sure. Fucking nuts... I know my friends don't get involved in my relationshits...
Belgium6763 Posts
a guy cheated on her with HER SISTER? LOL WTF
She doesn't trust you. That's a problem that is hers to fix. If you want to keep going on with this relationship, you really don't want that burden. Confront her and perhaps she can tell you what would help to (re)gain trust or maybe she needs to realize the situation better / be more conscious about it, for things to improve.
If she can't deal with reading your personal stuff, she shouldn't be doing it. You don't owe any explanation to her. Be straight and clear and tell her the rules.