GarlicPepper, A hero of sorts, Got out of bed, Not wearing shorts, And as he sat down, With a sigh and a frown, He noticed his inbox, and thought he might drown, He did not need a bigger penis, or a dressing gown, And what was he to do with a birthday clown?
After conquering mountains of spam, His eyes closed in on an e-mail from Blizzard, surely a scam! "What? Another key? For little old me? Damn!"
After due consideration, And a drink or seven, He decided on a give-away contest, To launch another Teamliquid member into heaven.
After reading all of the poems, And thinking hard, He decided to give it, To this lonely old bard.
GarlicPepper where art thou? Oh....GarlicPepper....where...art...thou? GarlicPepper....Garlic..Pepper.......Garlic.....Pepper.
GarlicPepper wouldnt that just be awesome?!
yo, yo, it's G to the arlicPepper, stayin' fresh to be cookin' proper.
FUCK YES trozz going LIMERICKS now
edit: wait...
Stopping by GarlicPepper's Woods on a Snowy Evening by Smills
Whose woods these are I think I know. GarlicPepper's house is in the village, though; GarlicPepper will not see me stopping here To watch GarlicPepper's woods fill up with snow. My little GarlicPepper must think it queer To stop without a GarlicPepper near Between the woods and frozen lake. The darkest evening of the year. GarlicPepper.
GarlicPepper gives GarlicPepper's harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. With GarlicPepper.
Copyright Smills 1922 - 2010
United States24580 Posts
GarlicPepper has a big cock GarlicPepper boy do you rock I touch myself and I think of you Just before my thing goes pew pew
GarlicPepper you are my hero GarlicPepper you're second to zero We all worship you, you sexy beast Have my chances of getting your key increased?
GarlicPepper You da awesome
Peoms are gay Writing them's worse you asked for this shit here's the next verse
You wanted a peom You homo gay fag or maybe a woman? atleast one in drag
A contest for beta that everyone wants forums fill up with rythemic debutants
Garlic and pepper what a gay name but for the reward let me give you my aim
Its time to kiss ass shove my nose in the brown this shit better work cause I aint no clown
Just this once and once only, I swear I'll beg and I'll plead I'll shave your ball hair
If thats what it takes I'll do it in style no homo, I'm straight so don't ask me to smile
For the name of SC2 I offer to Garlic if you give me the key I'LL SUCK YOUR DICK
Well it doesn't look like anyone else is gonna enter so I thought I should announce the winner now. Congratulations to TheMute! Well done, your poem got me all hot and bothered. Just send me your email and I'll send the key.
I know what garlicsalt is.
But wtf is garlicpepper?
This perplexes me.
Got the beta key and installing right now! Thanks a lot GarlicPepper! These contests are the best haha. SC2 Beta here i come!!