USA: Don't be surprised if you get BM'ed. Peru: Expect a laggy game and play safe cause there's a high risk of getting cheesed. China: Expect a laggy game. Korea (during Korean hours): If it's PvP, be ready to fight off a 2 Gate cheese. In any event, you're facing a player of higher skill level than you will any other time of the day, so be ready to play your best.
This thread is hilarious. I am only saying that because OP did not say anything negative about Canada.
I don't really care about the country tag, but I don't play against [CN] for lag reasons.
Hispanic protosses have realized, the hard way, from events back in the time of European conquistadors, that discovering new land and declaring it for their own is an effective method of domination.
Mimicking the Europeans, who have now abandoned such primitive and provocative practices in favor of more standard negotiation, these hispanic protosses set forth on such a mission with their elusive proxy gateways and silent, fast dt's that cut through unprepared terrans like smallpox.
fucking cheesy tosses.
Im really curious to what people have to say against Canada. I mostly play Canadians/Americans so its hard for me to discern then from the majority, cause' they are just the average run of the mill. For someone not in my time zone though, it could be interesting to see if we are distinctive hmm.
many players got smurf accs from other countries so u can't be sure that your opponent is really Korean or Mexican for example..
I usually ban players from Peru and Chile.. I got nothing against them but i'm tired of PvT'ing vs a laggy peruvian ;;
if people from CN or PE or CL joins i will usually ban them like N3m0 said.
playing vs laggy faggots that will cheese you then balme you for the lag or if they win call you a newb isnt fun
Canadians lag like a mofo. Always. The Rest of the World never lags. Russian are also really nice
Scandinavia won the game xD I don't really notice the tag, but if I stumble unto someone from Scandinavia I usually say a sentence in norwegian just to throw the guy off if he didn't notice my tag.
Australians are mostly zergs, and the few that choose protoss end up being successful. Terrans become innactive.
US/CA - usually standard games. not much cheese here. Latinos - don't really find many terrans here. faced two latino zergs in a row that 5 and 6 pooled. RUS - finding a lot of russian terrans that do a lot of cute mech shit, but usually gets shut down. KR - not much cheese here either, but a lot of "cute" shit like Russians (esp. terrans). also, most smurfs i've played are from here. West/Mid Europe - pretty standard like US/CA CN/TW - i'm finding Chinese and Taiwanese players the hardest to play against for some reason (not because of lag). most of the ones i've played are solid mechanics-wise.
Well, players from [CR] are usually polite
America = BM / No gg if lose Russia = cant understand when they try talking english Peru = All in~ Mexico = All in~ South america = All in~ Macedonia = LOL ALL IN~ China = LAG Canada = Says "Eh" Alot Korea = Gives you the Loss screen tbh i could go on with the list but you get the idea ^_____^
On December 24 2009 08:48 Lz wrote: America = BM / No gg if lose Russia = cant understand when they try talking english Peru = All in~ Mexico = All in~ South america = All in~ Macedonia = LOL ALL IN~ China = LAG Canada = Says "Eh" Alot Korea = Gives you the Loss screen tbh i could go on with the list but you get the idea ^_____^
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Peru/Brazil/Chile : Expect BM/lag/cheese/zerg players - Srsly everytime I've had a clanwar vs one of these countries, I've seen them bm and lag very badly ;o Maybe they're pissed that htey always lag and take it out on other people. USA: Usually a mix between cool people and huge tools.. sorta like clan x17. They usually play pretty standard but there's a lot of unorthodox players there too. Poland : One of the nicest countries out there in my experience, though they do have their bm tards like everyone else. I guess they play pretty standard.. Macedonia : Expect all in ling and extreme bm if it fails.. Oh wait, that only applies if you're facing Octzerg, sorry.
"When a Russian joins, I dont expect any BM. Usually, they are very polite. But I do expect cheese. Seems like all Russians gathered in a secret meeting and agreed to go ling all-in vs me every game." Very true, i get this alot too, the sad part is i loose even though i expect it.
Jamaicans = play zerg like Chill Peruvians = play zerg like OctZerg
All peruvians all in ling every game. Nothing new.
i only seem to play against koreans so idk ..