With the introduction of the nationality tag, I think iCCup just fed my nationalities stereotype.
For instance, I ban all latinos who join my games. Ironically, I have never gotten along with them in sc despite me being one (I was born in Brazil). I try to think differently, tell myself I am wrong, but hardly find any evidence to convince me otherwise. Is it just me or are there other people who think the Latin community in Battle.net is extremely BM? Specially, Peruvians, Mexicans. Weird, because when I visited these countries, I had a completely different impression about them. Both Peruvians and Mexicans I met in person were so friendly, nice and very festive. In Starcraft though, I seem to always stumble in some asshole, who lags, accuses me of being the lagger, then proceeds to call me names ranging from "noob", "jajaja XD PUTO", things about my mom, and other things I would be ashamed to repeat here.
When a Russian joins, I dont expect any BM. Usually, they are very polite. But I do expect cheese. Seems like all Russians gathered in a secret meeting and agreed to go ling all-in vs me every game.
Americans, Canadians, Polish and Koreans dont seem to follow any pattern to me. I have met some really nice one, others not so nice. Though, when I see the [KR] tag I kind of get afraid, lol. 
Usually, I find the Europeans the most pleasant to play with, specially the Northern Countries like Sweden, Norway, and Finland. I had really good experience with Ukraine, Germany, France, and Hungary too. =)
Though, I had these impressions before, I think the new iccup thing really gave it a boost lol. Maybe not so good for some... T_T
Do the country tag affects you in any way?
PS: Just wanna stretch my opinions are to Starcraft only. There are good and bad people anywhere you go.
Hispanic Protosses - expect DT rush/drop of some sort.
All I know is that I should leave when I see [KR] XD
I find that the best games come from europeans
Peruvians like playing zerg and ling allining (and lagging) Polish like protoss and proxy gates and carriers China lag lol Russians just... being dumb imo lol Koreans being gosu obviously
Mexican and most South Americans piss me off, being Mexican I though it would be easy to get along with them, Russian and Ukrainians always seemed the nicest to me.
I'm starting to avoid people that have tags from South America because they usually lag. I havnt played enough games this season to come to any conclusions about bm though.
Ppl from Scandinavia is rarely BM. Norwegian ppl is btw super awesome
I HATE seeing jajajajajajajaja, no matter what game I play.
On December 24 2009 07:51 Pokebunny wrote: Peruvians like playing zerg and ling allining (and lagging) Polish like protoss and proxy gates and carriers China lag lol Russians just... being dumb imo lol Koreans being gosu obviously youve learned well from me young padawan you are ready to become a Jedi.
Though : russians mostly are terrans
peruvians type stupid shit like JAJAJA XDDDD and then lag and blame you for it.
And polish players like, DT drops too
i am a man. i dont dodge koreans
every peruvian player ive ever played has cheesed. period. especially the ones in scv-b.
On December 24 2009 07:49 Amnesia wrote: Hispanic Protosses - expect DT rush/drop of some sort.
Man... I also do some proxy gates = /.
To be honest i have never "BMed" anyone, is just a game so i see no reason to get mad, and i also can't recall being subject to BM in any game, although i really don't play much.
But i do remember this chilean guy that asked me from where i was and then just kept talking about all of his colombian friends, how they were all going to go to a party the next day and how colombians were all nice and friendly until i replied: "Well, not everyone of us is like that" and then he shut up and stopped causing to mess up my BO lol, so maybe that could be considered BM.
i never lag with people from american continent, an yes most players from southamerica are bms , me too sometimes...
On December 24 2009 08:04 stoned_rabbit wrote: every peruvian player ive ever played has cheesed. period. especially the ones in scv-b. lol i played one in A game on outsider and got proxy gated.
then on a smurf and he bulldogged me
Scv-b] = cheesers -_-
It is my firm believe that there is a dark templar on the peruvian flag (no one can tell though of course because it's invisible)
only thing ive ever noticed is play styles. As in, Canadians/Americans play a pretty standard foreign style, healthy mix of cheese and normal builds. Peruvian zergs- and really anyone from south america- tend to be all-insh and cheesy. Vietnamesse and Koreans play pretty standard but do everything they can to annoy you and bm if they lose. Harras your workers with theirs at the start of the games, building pylons at your nat when you 12 hatch, any kind of gay thing. Chinese are the same only a lot more aggressive and seem to have a lot of terrans.
also notice races based on country, obvious ones like Russia: Terran, Peru: Zerg, etc. I never really talk to the other person so its rare that I experience bm and actually remember it.
edit: Ive never faced a south american toss who didnt one base pvz.
Canada926 Posts
Quebecois are usually arrogant frenchmen who like to play 2v2 and germans are good at zvz
+1 for the Russian Terran will all-in stereotype/meme
Players from Peru usually lag... so I try to avoid them if possible